How do you play echo?

How do I falnk without being killed?

wait for flight to recharge then attack

bombs + beam and then fly away

I think like Zenyatta you make no sound when moving, only when hovering or activating abilities. So she can be a good flanker.

Wait for them to be distracted, then sticky a support quick finish with death beam and use flight for vertcal escape.

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not anymore. shes so loud now




  • Audio volume and distance have been reduced for an enemy Echo’s passive hover sound
  • Audio directionality improvements have been made for an enemy Echo’s hover and tri-shot weapon fire sounds

she’s a combination between Genji & Pharah.
assassin like Genji with pharah’s movement.
You jump on a target out of no where, and if it didn’t react at time you put everything you have against it, start with bombs, then move to primary and when below 50% use your finishing move.

She’s very effective against big targets with low mobility and not a lot of range.

I didn’t include reaper & Mei here since they can mess her combo with their cryofreeze & wrath form.

Take in mind Echo has a really high damage output with all of her abilities so she’s a better option than pharah against things like shields that require a lot of focus.

Dude what? No way man, no way…

You are a flying toolbox, i’m not gonna call her Moira level but you don’t need extreme higher thinking capabilities in most fields of play to fly in, bombs 15 clip primary 200dps laser, fly out. I don’t know man.

Have you actaully played her in a real match?

I’ve played her in real matches and FFA. She is easy to get value out of. I don’t think Echo is a bad hero, I just think your a bad Echo.

Unless you’re playing against a team who can kill 200hp squish at zaryas range without any def skills.

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She’s a tank busting Flanker.

Focus on tanks. All tanks have exploitable aspect of their kits. Echo also is a good shield breaker so you can pressure enemy tanks before trying to make a move.

Once you win team fights use your silent floating to assassinate the earliers kills to force a stagger.

When you have your Ult use them on the best tank your enemy has. The best use of the ability is to use it at the beginning of the fight and force the enemy tanks to 2v3 you for space. Be aggressive. You can’t die anyway.

Swap if you are getting sniped by hyper aware hit scan players

She’s kinda bad, slightly bit better than Mei & Sombra which are throw picks, but way less powerful than Pharah & Genji are

You do realize you can not get elims every second and still provide value to your team even as a dps right?

I love how everyone was complaining about her a few months ago and now people are saying she’s one of the worst heroes lmao :joy:

She is loud when walking? I thought she was still silent because she is floating, like Zen

I fell into bronze learning her on console. I don’t kno about PC but on console you have to rebind your buttons so the abilities are easier to use.

At first I thought she was fun to play but too difficult to get value from. However now after 26hrs I’ve got the hang of the basics and she is really good. She is incredibly versatile both in playstyle and in terms of her ultimate and fits into all team comps.

You can either hover around, poke the enemy from distance and help people on your team finish off enemies that are out of position or you can flank and assassinate enemy supports on your own. Her movement is so good that you can get back to your team a bit like Doomfist if things go wrong. Also her burst damage is incredibly powerful and one of the best in the game. I now output more damage with her than with Torb which is insane considering his turret and molten core.

There is no other hero like her and I think that is why she is not very popular. Also learning her can be difficult due to the hitscan. Personally, I’m not a DPS player (other than Torb and Sym in the old days before role queue) so I didn’t mind learning Echo from scratch. It also helps that I don’t have a better hero to switch to as it has forced me to learn more and adapt. In contrast people that are already proficient with the other flankers and hitscan will have little incentive to learn her other than out of curiosity but this does not mean she is bad. She is actually very good.

Flanking is hard with her when her hover is so dmn loud

Echo isn’t the worst hero in the game.

Reaper and Bastion are 100% worse. Sombra and Symmetra maybe. She’s definitely in the top 5 worst heroes though.

there are 2 things to keep in mind.
when it comes to projectiles they are easier to hit the closer you are to a target (to a degree) the range of her laser is a good indication of how far away you want to be generally to go for kills.

and just because you can fly and float doesn’t mean you have to do it constantly, use it more like an escape or to use it as a way to reach flank paths if you’re getting shot out of the sky constantly.

in summary, be closer if you wish to kill, don’t over use your escape ability.
give it a shot and see if it makes more sense to you now.

i’m just basing this off of guesses just looking at her kit as i’ve played next to no hours on her.