How do you feel about magic being retconned the lore of OW?

Trance was also pretty clearly magical in nature.

I don’t think we’ve seen Trance used in canon, but either way it still could have been easily explained through science.

It is the Iris flowing though him. It is obviously spiritual. Hell he even says it is when he uses it.

Then by that logic, Blizzard wrote a child character who’s apparently a psychotic killer. Is that really the alternative that you want to go with?

They were already beaten when Kiriko had the old man and child chasing them. Also, just imagine being in that girl’s shoes where she likely despises violence (as shown by the fact that she screams upon seeing her grandfather shot) and essentially being coerced by someone else into taking (or at least attempting to) another human being’s life. That is absolutely insane, and the fact that you even consider Kiriko influencing them like this as adorable just leaves me flabbergasted.

I am not discussing whether this was funny or not. I am telling you what I saw, and to apply that same logic that you’re using here:

As of now, it is very much a case of Kiriko turning normal people into psychotic killers, because everything that the cinematic has shown strongly implicates that the two bystanders would never go out of their way to cause harm to others without her influence.

its because its funny

That… is not at all what I was referring to.

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Would it still be funny if she actually killed someone?

It would be a very different cinematic that is for sure. You would have to rely on some pretty special comic timing I feel to keep it funny in that case.

I am not saying it couldn’t be done, but I think it would require some amazing writing to do so.

If they went out of their way to show that the girl intentionally missed, that would certainly make it a lot easier to accept and laugh at.

I don’t know, I think it was plenty funny as it was. The humor was the small girl and the old man being so terrifying that they ran.

I quite liked it.

Well, to each their own then.

You’re making an assumption that the Iris is spiritual (in a magical sense, not a religious one). We don’t know what the Iris is yet.

Before we had no reason to believe it was magical. Kiriko being magical definitely opens up the possibilities now though.

100%, magic is only magical to those who witness it. You’re right, sure Susan.

You are making the assumption that the fox spirits are not AI given form, and that the paper isn’t made by them imbedded with the same goop which is in Ana’s gun.

Kiriko can be spiritual, but the papers and equipment she is using doesn’t have to be.

I’m not coming to the conclusion that she’s magical based on what her abilities look like lol. We’ve gleaned it through the stuff in her official lore.

Her abilities and connection to the “fox spirit” is knowledge that has been passed down for generations. Overwatch only takes place 50 or so years in the future. So unless this technology is just ancient, then it must be magic.

That doesn’t mean her abilities come from an actual fox spirit. No one is saying that her ancestors had these powers.

If you are going to take an extreme skeptic stance to Dragons, and Trance, then the same level of skeptism can be applied to Kiriko.

We didn’t have reason to believe the dragons were magical before. However we do have reason to believe Kiriko’s abilities are magical. Like, she literally heals a cut on her face with her bare fingers in the short.

And again, Trance hasn’t been seen in canon yet.

Edit: In fact there was a (now deleted) interview with Michael Chu where he confirmed that the dragons weren’t magic, so :man_shrugging:

I can’t understand the big deal here.

Are you really getting your knickers in a knot over the idea of a child that kills people? Yet you haven’t flipped your lid over the obvious constant killing that happens in every single Overwatch match? Oh but a child did it NOW it’s a line too far … ugh, get out of here.

This would be no different than if Stephen King wrote about it. In fact I think he did a few times.

That she very likely almost killed against her will? Yes, that is a huge effing deal, and I don’t understand why you don’t see the issue with that.

No, and you know why? Because besides that one cinematic, I’ve never seen a child try to kill in cold blood.

If you’re actually this tone deaf as to not understand the difference between grown adult heroes fighting each other and a quote-unquote “hero” who uses her powers to make an innocent girl try to kill a man who is fleeing for his life, then I honestly don’t know was us to tell you other than that your sense of morality is totally f*****. Good God.

Waitwaitwaitwait, you really want to compare Overwatch to Steven King??? The same guy who wrote that infamous scene at the end of the children arc in IT? Are you serious right now? Is that really the comparison you want to make? If you’re talking about where things like that can happen in Overwatch, then… sure? But do you honestly see a company like Blizzard even considering to making that kind of story?

Jesus Christ, don’t even try to defend this position. Heck, even better; just stop talking to avoid even more embarrassment.

Retconned? “Lore” in overwatch comes in as heavy of quotation marks as you can manage.