How do I kill Genji as zen?

Yes I am probably just bad at aiming but I honestly find it very difficult to kill him as zen and not even because of his movement, if I had enough time he would probably be a 50/50 match up but they always manage to kill me in 1/2 shots+ slash. What in the world do I do against that?


Your not supposed to fight genji. Your dps are supposed to do it for you… but I guess if I have to give a tip. Bait out his deflect and then charge your balls while he’s deflecting and lay them into his skull.


So I guess if he dives me I should just let him kill me then


You ask McCree to stop killing everything over where he is and come kill everything over where you are. Then you hope he arrives in time.


This is like asking how to kill roadhog as a mercy. I mean you can try, but you aren’t meant to.

As a zen, you’re supposed to be with your team and not alone. If genji is getting you in 1v1 situations, that’s poor positioning or lack of communication.


Aim at his head 4head


This is why Brigitte was invented. Unless you’re Jjonak or the Genji player is bad, there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s the same as playing Pharah against a really good Widow. You either try to kill him when he’s not focusing you or pray for your team to help you. He can easily 2 shot you up close.


Swap to Brig or Moira


If he dashes into you without back up you should be able to kill him most of the time. If he gets the first shot all the time it means you should work on your positioning more.

You can force deflect by charging a secondary and cancelling it.

You can put up a reasonable fight against Genji by gitting gud at landing headshots and knowing how and when to bait his deflect. (As a sometime DPS Zen, there is nothing more delightful than antagonizing the Genji trying to Cirque du Soleil you to death in the backline. Ok, I lied, there is one thing, and it’s critting a Tracer.)

That said, you will always be outplayed by a Genji at or greater than your skill level. As others have said: You are not meant to be fighting a Genji. In an ideal situation, your DPS should be peeling for you. Of course, an ideal situation presumes a lot of things that don’t often happen in reality. :confused:

  • Watch for when he does his second jump. His trajectory is predictable at this point
  • Just kidding he had his deflect
  • Charge balls while he is deflecting
  • Just kidding he had his dash
  • Wait for his second jump again (hope you’re still alive!)
  • Oops, a teammate he hit with a shuriken a few seconds ago died. He has his dash again

Snark aside, it’s a fun duel. Although he is at a disadvantage, Zen wins if he lands four shots (headshots and healing might skew that)

  1. Discord him
  2. Open Voice chat.
  3. say “Genji is on me!”
  4. Hope your Teamates aren’t morons.
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Discord him,
Press ESC,
Click Exit to desktop,
Lie down,
Try not to cry,
Cry a lot.

This is the quick guide

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Have far superior aim and mechanics than the Genji or swap to Moira.

Not even joking

Go Mercy to avoid him maybe.

The only other thing I can think of is have teammates that really peel for you


you started with the point you need to improve your aim.

The fight is heavily weighted in Genji’s favor, but that’s working as intended. Your teammates should be helping you, but if you’re caught alone, discord him, be very mindful of deflect and do not shoot into it, know that Genji will dash on you as soon as deflect is over, so try to strafe out of it if you at all can (not likely, but a better option than just sitting there and tanking it), and be ready to 180 and start shooting him in the face after his dash is done.

Zenyatta is super vulnerable to flankers by design; if your team isn’t peeling for you, you may need to switch to a more self-reliant healer.

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Either have another healer like brig/lucio peel for you, or swap to a different healer.

Charge up right click when he uses deflect. Move unpredictably, if he’s double jumping around you then use that to your advantage and lead your shots. If you play him enough, you should have his projectile speed internalized, and double jumping Genjis will be a lot easier to hit than AD strafing ones.

Playing around health pack. Trigger reflect by charging the balls in close range, cancel by melee. Do ZERO damage. Take health pack (full health genj can’t do this by dash) and charge another balls. After this your chance to win will close to 30-40% what is high enough for solo fight