How do I kill Genji as zen?

  1. Discord and click his head. Or body shot a few times. He dies anyways. Don’t shoot a full barrage before baiting deflect though unless you want to die. But seriously, discord him 24/7, it feels like getting marked by a death sentence sign.
  2. Scream, shout, screech in voice chat that genji is on you
  3. Farm the enemy tanks like a lunatic so you always have trans to flex on the weeb when he pulls his truck sized hitbox sword
  4. Switch to lucio when you’ve had enough of the weeb harassing you and harass his poor ninja butt instead.

You’re welcome.

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just click on the head

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ok bud

discord him and start spamming primary

either he has a gunfight with you in which case you might win or he deflects and lets you charge secondary. Dont miss.

he is designed to kill you and Ana, so dont sweat it too much. like tracer, he is the responsibility of your offtank or sniper, you are not supposed to be dueling genjis.

Always be aware of flankers, try to see them before they’re on you gives you a big advantage.

Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance, especially from your fellow support, if you’re decent at aiming being pocketed makes genji immediately lose unless ulting/being pocketed himself.

Bait deflect

Always be ready to 180 due to swift strike especially while deflect is happening and if you’re charging right click

work on tracking and never stand still

always discord the target diving you unless your team absolutely needs another target discorded (like bastion)

This tip depends on a bunch of variables and may not always be the right option, but if you’re low with trance and certain you’ll die, don’t be afraid to trance but make sure your team are aware of genji and that he most likely has ult. I say this because genji usually likes to kill zen before ulting, if you die with trans he’s going to ult and your trans meant nothing, if you survive he can’t ult and may be able to be delt with or his ult may have less impact due to your team being aware, now this depends on if trans may have better uses or if a fight is already lost don’t waste trans but just be aware sometimes saving yourself is the best option.

Genji diving by himself I personally find not a huge deal unless they’re very good, in which case they usually won’t be diving alone anyway, the scary thing is coordinated dives and if that’s the case your team should be supporting you however still work on positioning so you make it as hard as possible to dive you and work on your personal fragging so that when they do you can score some elems and even the odds if you die or even better turn the odds in your favor if you live/frag out like jjonak.

Hope this helps.

  • positioning
  • headshots
  • discord
  • aim
  • pray to the Iris
  • ???
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Most people are saying you just don’t, but there’s some pretty good advice out there about how to deal with it when you have to:

  1. Let your team know he’s attacking you, the sooner the better
  2. Discord him
  3. Charge up right click and wait for him to deflect, then either keep charging until his deflect has expired and hit him, or melee to stop charging (Note: Melee while firing volley if you’re up close for extra damage)
  4. Aim your shots, don’t hold the button down, try to get his head twice as that will kill him; a headshot, a bodyshot, and a melee works as well
  5. Avoid using transcendence unless you think it will benefit a current team fight

The third point is most important because even if you die, it’ll take him longer to do so and leave him deep in your team without an essential cooldown.

I’m not wrong. Both are able to deal with Genji easily, Moira especially.

If you truly feel the need to fend off Genji by yourself, hug the corners, the pole, something that you can easily break Los. When Genji comes, put orbs on him. You can tell where he s at while he can’t, you have no footsteps. Nuking him till he s weak then comes out and kick him

You can practise this in ffa. If you don’t let him get the drop on you and don’t take deflect damage you win. At his effective range you kill him extremely fast.

Also you should be used to calling for assistance and being in positions where he can’t fight you alone safely.

By either swapping to Moira or being a better player in every way than the Genji, those are your only option really. To outplay him you have to bait the deflect, position so that dashing through you puts him in a worse position, and land more shots than him.

Genji is one of the best counters for zen, so you shouldnt be 1v1ing them regardless,

the best tip i have is when they jump on you first discord, then oneshot so they deflect, then start charging your balls and wish you hit atleast 2.

Aim and shoot for hie head (Not while he’s deflecting). There’s nothing more to it, gotta outplay him and bait out his CD. Easier said than done, it’s gonna take practice but fighting him is doable.

Also be very aware of your surroundings. If he gets the drop on you first, you will most likely lose a 1v1.

Short answer: you don’t

Long answer: Unless you’re forced to fight him, you should avoid fighting him. He’s one of Zenyatta’s strongest counters. If you do find yourself in a situation where you need to 1v1 him, basically discord the Genji and backpedal towards your team while using your Primary to hurt him. If you use Secondary, good chance Genji will Deflect (or cancel out of Deflect before you’re ready). Also, if he’s super jumpy, you can learn to predict his arc pretty well. Your focus should be on pressuring him and getting yourself out of the 1v1, not necessarily killing him.

Just be good 4Head :slight_smile:

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