How did everyone's placements go?

Mine went great. Nothing was rigged.


Never stop on a loss.

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I’m gonna throw every single placement and land with the same SR… so mine will be great too.

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Yeah but I tryharded. No reason to ever throw when your back is against the wall and you’re already at rock bottom. And the more I tried the harder the matches.

At 500sr, shouldn’t I be experiencing the easiest possible overwatch ever?

4 games so far, 2 first games were decent, even had ChipSa in my team, the following two were pure garbage, masters torb otp in a GM game then the next one Masters OTP ball and a Masters Hog in a GM game, both throwing the game.

New season but same trolls.

Depends how good you are yourself. Dark Souls can be the hardest game on the planet or super easy if you speedrunned it for the 1000th time.


Was wayyyy easier than 500sr overwatch. Battletoads was wayyyy easier. Getting rank1/gladiator multiple season in WoW was wayyyy easier than 500sr overwatch. Being Cali in CS1.6 was easier. Getting Masters in SC2 was wayyyy easier than 500sr overwatch. Diamond in LoL back in the day was wayy easier. Come to think of it, in my entire gaming history, every single esports ladder has been wayyyy easier than 500sr overwatch.

I won’t uninstall until it’s easy or I’m Silver.

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Yea played 2 games, won 1 and lost 1 but tank ranges are so wildly different in sr. The game we lost we had 2 silver tanks and the enemy had 2 plat tanks, not much fun to be had there, the game we won was the opposite.

Both ridiculously fast steamrolls one way or the other.

I recommend, choosing one character and sticking with it every game. Brig and Baptiste are the most versatile healers. Zen is good for carrying low matches.

This game is amazing lol


+1 for the “can do” and “never say die” attitude, ȐĔƆƐĨPŦŜ.

Wish you all the best for this season.


Well, yes. Unless you are deliberately there. Then you deserve all the crap games.

Dont praise him. Hes clearly a deranker and should have his account closed. The troll

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I have been following his threads and he seems to be quite genuine.
IDK, Nightwing, i take things on face value here on the forums.
IRL, i tend to give people the benefit of doubt.

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Don’t take anyone on here at face value. Do your research.

He’s a known troll.

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The only one i have flagged as a troll is that Eythernet guy.

Everyone else, i just take it at face value until i discern a pattern over a few months.
However, that said, i probably would just be going away from both this forum and the game pretty soon. So trolls or not, in game and out of, it would not and does not matter to me.

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I notice a trend of this forum…

People blame balance, lack of updates, no communication for “killing” the game and making it no longer fun…

That is just utter BS.

The only thing that makes this game unfun is the people playing it. Contantly throwing, cheating, abusing others, moaning about things they have no control or say over.

It is a damn video game. Just enjoy it while it exists.

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So the adage goes, “When you point a finger, there are three pointing back at you”.

That said, there are good people on the forum but like many, they have all gone into “lurker” mode probably because they are tired of the general trend of tone this forum possesses.


[quote=“Nightwing-22662, post:17, topic:442583”]
People blame balance, [/quote]
And they are right

Which is true and unacceptable

Of course. MM tries to create a fair match. It’s clearly doing it’s job properly if one is losing 10 in a row…
It’s all fine and working, you say otherwise, you’re a troll.


Again. Only the players make this game unfun.

You losing lots of games is not the fault of the game. That is either your skill or scum bags in the game. Nothing more.