How did everyone's placements go?

Not true. If everything was working as it should, if we had balance, good will and communication from devs - people would acted differently. Loss would feel less painful if MM was working. Losing steaks shouldn’t be as common as they are.
SR vs MMR thing is punishing a player for mistakes of others… Etc.

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I disagree. Rainbows and lollypops won’t make a smurf, cheater or troll suddenly become a nicer person. It’s an inherent personality fault.


I’m not talking about trolls although I could, because the devs have the tools to deal with them but refuse to use them properly.
Trolls existed and always will be but how the game is handled made them grow in numbers.
The game is more fun for them than it is for a normal player.

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I’m flagging your posts because you contribute nothing and everyone knows I’ve been trying to get up to silver since 2017. Going around calling me a ‘known troll’ with no real evidence is pretty direct ToS/forums violation.

Why would anyone throw when they’re already bottom 500? It’s absolutely miserable here and just once I’d like to taste real overwatch which I’m told begins at like 900sr. It would be nice to get a few non-rigged, certifiably lowest-of the-low-skill matches in the mix because labels do matter sometimes.

You treat someone like a bum, expect bum-like performance. Don’t label someone <500sr and expect any kind of demonstrable game sense or mechanical ability. It’s not like my 2000 hours of Overwatch can just prey on brand new naive first-time FPS/OW players. They’re sheltered 2000sr above me, with nice gold pixels and gold rewards, making the entire a ladder a joke. If the ladder is a joke, all bets are off are they not?

only played 3 so far

1st game, we steamroll the first round, leaver on the other team, continue to steamroll
2nd game, one sided stomp in our favor
3rd game, hard thrower on our team, lucio wall riding in spawn the entire match, shooting the walls, and jumping off the map, friendlying

They weren’t too bad. I’ve only placed on my main account so far (not this one), and placed 3050, which is 40 below my last season’s.

I half expected it though because I lost 4/5. The games were pretty funny though. Met some cool people. Only two wins away from my last season high though!

4th game, had a combination of 2 throwing dps players one tricking (torb and sombra), our main tank left after the first round, the dva was feeding and getting demeched in seconds every team fight, and we had a moria dpsing in the backlines the whole time
Of course no coms what so ever, nobody was even in voice, not even text chat, people what just doing what they wanted
And to top it off the entire other team was being extremely toxic, bragging about how good they were, calling us trash over and over again, cursing us out

This is by far one of the worst comp games I ever had, never seen such a horrible game.

5th game, yet again 2 low level throwing dps, mei and sombra, both level 25 while the other team has gold and plat boarder dps running reaper and widow. dva and wrecking ball as tanks :roll_eyes:
2 elms was gold.

Starting to get tired of reporting players.

Rofl idk i played like 10x more wow and only managed to get it once while im already at 4k in OW.

Started in silver btw

500 SR overwatch is literally the worst players of the game. It’s not that hard to get out lmao.

So is game rigged because you didnt win anything in placement?

I thought you have GM coaches, like are you listening them at all? Are they even gm?

My offer still stands, i can help you with reviewIng your games if you are interested so you can actualy climb from that horrible elo.

i’ve been close to there, and yeah everyone down there just isn’t understanding how the game is meant to work at a fundamental level. for instance after i realised i was playing overwatch and not rocket arena 3, i shot up out of there.

Terrible so far.

Low Gold for Support (Won 2 Lost 3, latter 3 I had 4 golds as Moira each game) and Mid-Gold for DPS (Won 3 lost 2).

Lost 1st post-placement match as Support and 4 post-placement matches as DPS.

Haven’t even bothered with Tank and don’t know if I even will.

Incredibly difficult games all around. Feels bad whenever I see one star or lower bronze portraits in diamond games on either team. IF they’re on my team, they’re usually one trick accounts. Kinda same when they’re on the enemy team, except they begin to tryhard if you humble them as baptiste.

I got diamond, again, so now I do not care. I can just chill and let the ocean take me wherever it wants to go.