How Competitive Matchmaking and Ranking Works in Overwatch 2

You entire request is obsolete though…

If you are good at the game you climb… What good is a mess of computer programming (());;>> going to do? It’s an FPS game my dude. Kill more die less = rank up lol.


I wouldn’t be so sure I lost somewhere between 16-18 before I won 7 and I went up in rank.

Hey mate, I just want to say I appreciate the work you did to reverse engineer the competitive system in OW1. Your posts were a blessing to the community, and helped us understand the competitive system a lot more.

Just wanted to also let you know that there is a way to view your SR in Overwatch 2. It just takes a few days to process the data. See here:

What this does prove is that SR has not been removed, it has just been hidden.

Chances are, the new system is very similar to the old system, and a lot of the anomalies that have been reported can actually be explained by the things you’ve pointed out in your previous “How Competitive Matchmaking and Ranking Works” posts.

I believe what happened when OW2 was launched was that player’s OW1 ranks were maintained, but their SRs were dropped by about 1000-1500 SR. This would explain how some players were able to jump multiple ranks in one update, and while some players were stuck in Bronze 5 for a long time. It doesn’t explain everything, but from what I’ve seen it looks like the devs have just taken the lazy approach and just hid SR instead of developing a new ranking and matchmaking system.

This also means that they actually can show your SR at any time, they just choose not to. Maybe if we all voiced out our preference to see our SRs, then they might bring it back in the future.

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Wow this is 900iq, getting your data from blizzard. I wonder what requesting it to be deleted would do as well? Reset? Only downside is if you really want to figure out how rank system works you have to do this for each game. If you get your data wiped first it should be easier as you won’t have to download a huge file, but still might be able to learn something from recording your w/l and checking changes in bulk once in a while.

at this point ya they should just make mmr the visible rank and sr the invisible rank

in 6v6, most people didn’t even know about MMR so it was easier to get away with
Now it’s on full display how much MMR affects lobbies across all ranks.

At this point the easiest thing would be to show everyone their mmr and have that be their rank.
Keeping it invisible now is just intentional and cowardly

There never was any difference between MMR and SR before. They were the same thing. The only instance they would diverge during would be decay. Aside from decay it was always the same value. I have never seen any proof of the opposite and instead plenty of proof it worked that way.

I recommend watching this video by Tesla after one-tricking Moira from bronze 5 to GM. Very interesting how his ranking adjusted, even with losses.

This is not true.
Ever since S2(we are on S36)
there was an MMR and an SR
This was admitted by Jeff, and multiple other blizz and ow staff
This is what i mean when I literally said that
/most people didn’t even know about mmr and it was easier to hide/
MMR and SR went like this
MMR is hidden, and SR was the number that players saw.
Now SR is only visible to its individual and can be viewed on open profiles, but SR is also not your current sr but the sr you were at after your rank adjustment game

how is the game handling, in my case a 5% provable loosed games because of “new” players leave midgame, even the game was equal, ore not even second round?

How much will affect a loose ratio, in my case of 5% my “MMR” and Loose weight in general?

How much does this affect, the weight in the enemie team?

There is also a number i do not now, thats game i had - and forgot to screenshot. They were there. We all are not top tier players, what actually is only a view percentage of the game. like, 1-5%? what is with the rest of the “normal” skilled players, how heavy is affecting 5-10% of loosing games because someone leaves mid game? (heavingly new players what i could report. but private profile makes it hard. replays, make it clear also.)

If its ok, ill post my “story” here.

289 Games played comp - 55 Games provenly sabotaged - Competitive Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

What jeff back then stated and one of the ow devs is what I’ve explained earlier. MMR and SR only diverge during decay, this wasn’t stated clearly and spawned a bunch of conspiracy theories.

Yes they diverge during decay but they also diverge during wins and losses
MMR updates FASTER than SR.
They will always be close to each other but mmr will always update first and then the mmr will be used to determine what lobby you’ll be in.
MMR will ALWAYS try to get your SR as close to the MMR as possible by giving you lower ranked opponents when your mmr is higher than your sr and higher ranked opponents when your mmr is lower than your sr

Any idea on when this system will be released? Currently matchmaking is punishing players with higher ssr and giving us players with incredibly low ssr who are in the same rank to balance matches, all it does it ruin matchmaking for both players involved. We want balance in matchmaking not a punishment.

This is false and was spawned entirely from a poorly worded and explained post of one of the devs that does programming and doesn’t talk to people much. For someone who has never decayed, there never was any difference between SR and “mmr”. It was always the same value solely used for matchmaking and games where nobody was decayed to any degree were within less than 50SR average for both teams. Had mmr been used instead, average SR for both teams would vary wildly, yet it never did.

The assumption that there was anything other than SR used for matchmaking stems from that confusing dev post and the fact that due to decay there would be people with much lower SR put in games that were the exact SR they were at before.

Reading both your posts I think you are not connecting the dots.

MMR pulled SR up or down and did move more freely. Not just decay, but leaving a game as an example or new season with soft resets. WIth that, a high mmr player with a lower than expected SR would match up against other equal SR players. This can lead to games that feel a bit off since MMR could be different.

Your statement of, “Had mmr been used instead, average SR for both teams would vary wildly, yet never did”. That’s true since it used SR to compare the teams. But if SR doesn’t directly match a players skill, it doesn’t mean the two teams are equal, though over a long enough period, it would (giving time for MMR and SR to match). However, you can’t confirm MMR wasn’t off wildly because it’s not shown.

At the end of the day, we can’t know if MMR is more accurate to a players skill or SR. We do know in OW2 they want SR (your rank) to be artifically lower than your true rank to give a player a “feeling” of improving.

Pretty sure leaving was a straight loss of 50sr/mmr, it was different from fake visual decay.

It didn’t use SR to “compare” anything. It used SR to match people and make teams of equal SR fight each other. That’s it. Nothing else besides that makes any sense. There was no magical mystery algorithm that would make teams have equal SR by matching them solely based on sr (otherwise teams wouldn’t have equal SR) then somehow some people were actually more or less skilled their sr because there is some other fictional metric that wouldn’t get used anyway as that would cause uneven SR between teams…
Idk how else to explain it, but there was never any evidence anything except for SR was used to make teams and put teams against each other. Ever. It all goes back to the confusing dev post about decay.

No we don’t, thats a speculation and that would accomplish nothing, if everyone is “lower” all games would play out the same and eventually everyone would get to their true rank anyway.

Thanks for the link and the compliment. The link confirms what I believed, that SR still exists, but is hidden. My model is that the rank icons are wrapped around hidden SR which is wrapped around hidden MMR, and that hidden MMR is the only thing that matters for matchmaking. Unfortunately, the file doesn’t seem to show hidden MMR (at least, I couldn’t find it).

Probably. However, there are instances of undocumented changes being made, and these accumulate until old posts become useless. I also can’t really prove much without fairly hard numbers. So if I was to make a new post, it would be either full of speculation or just a summary of the most current information we have from the developers. Either would probably have some value. But as Blizzard keeps making my volunteer job harder, I don’t have a lot of motivation to continue.

The downside is that all of your Blizzard accounts would be completely gone. This “delete my data” is a legal requirement, not a feature that active players would want to use.


I don’t think it ever existed at all, it was a modifier applied to visual SR displayed on profile only in case of decay. If you only consider undecayed SR as the sole factor for matchmaking it would work just like it did before without the need for any hidden mmr. Having both teams be very closely matched in average SR most games confirms that (when there were no decayed players), as well as blizzard not having any hidden mmr tied to anyones account at all. If it existed they’d be obligated to have it be somewhere in that data. I could be wrong but I doubt it.

Oh I see, thanks for the info.

So then you are contradicting that quote then. Either MMR was used or SR was used. A high MMR game would bring in other high MMR people, while being similar in SR for team average. MMR slingshots SR / amplifies it the bigger the gap is. That is why a top 500 after decay, even when losing, doesn’t just derank. That is why Telsa’s test in OW2 when he had a higher loss rating, didn’t derank him, but actually increased his rank.

I’ve never seen proof of this. And I spent a lot of time trying to figure out if SR or MMR moved faster.

The game doesn’t try to push you to a particular rank by manipulating your teammates. This would be horrific design, and is obvious as horrific design to the most casual designer. If the games thinks you are rank X, it will match you at rank X. No need for manipulation. Poor match quality, with people that obviously don’t belong at that rank, occurs because it is a hard problem and Blizzard hasn’t solved it.

And, as a reminder, MMR is the only thing that matters: Seagull & Jeff Kaplan: NEW Hero Confirmed! - YouTube


Read up on the ‘features’ of Engagement Optimised Match Making and see if you recognise any of those features.