5% + games provenly sabotaged in comp. Reported

The matchmaking is cleary not working. I play on two different overwatch accounts and my skill is the same on both accounts because I am the same person and I don’t have such huge inconsistencies.

What I can tell is that I have games with litteraly AFK DVA tank and games with as Sigma that goes into melee range to a roadhog and then even ragequits. I am support main falling down with 150 wins 65% winrate and now stuck.

The matchmaking is filling me sometimes with high diamond and even T500 and now with clearly bronze like skill range. It is so infuriating when I have more eliminations than both my DPS combined and still most healing in game and lowest deaths of all. There is a type of skilled players I cannot carry. And I am not willing to carry that. I am tired of this since season 1. The matchmaking is filling me in 20s into utter trash.
I am diamond on the one account and gold on the other and the same happens on both accounts it is INSANE.

Edit; I have enough from this. I wait a matchmaking patch until I touch suppor role again.

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Nah, you don’t have to agree with the OP (I don’t) but you shouldn’t go after someone’s ability to type/speak. Whatever the reason for the typo, the fact is you did know what they meant so don’t be an ableist [word that would get me censored].

Bele (the OP) is at least trying to engage the community with a thought-out topic that they’re clearly passionate about - and clearly passionate about their gameplay. Stick to pragmatic feedback and stop attacking the person behind the post.
That type of passion and investment is the kind of thing the game needs, even if it’s misguided. Bele (in other posts) has proven to be willing to take feedback from other players in this forum. That willingness will dwindle if people continue to be pricks to them.


lie. not true.

You have prove, that you did not read my post full, ore you did not understand it because of my language skills.

I am talking about brand new players.

I did not take it in percentage - because i do not now it exactly. As i said, i did not screenshoot every game it happen. The unreported games are there. So if you want take clear we might have to take this factor in. Wich is realistic, in any case.

So the ammount is might arround 10% of the games people leave mid game without any reason.

And you want to belittle with it?

No dude, i am sorry. 10% of LOSS is still affecting. Anyway - 5% of games thinking it is a real loss will affect your elo/mmr. Espacally if you arent one of those top tier players. What i understand, only 5% are that. So what is with the rest of the 95% of playerbase - does 5% loosing games does not affect their weight in this ranked system?

cmon man be real.

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Fair enough, I have to admit it is funny :laughing: I’m just saying it may not be their first language but it’s still an amusing post to be fair but not because of the language, if you can read it it shouldn’t be a factor

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my heart is warm. Thank you for that! I have a Business in real life, i take things might different. Espacally if i want to have a hobby - wich could turn out it´s not worth it.

in my opinion, thats the only way to go - otherwise i would feel crazy. feedback is everywhere needed. if its good and provable, touchable.

i had english in scool, long time ago. since 3 years my skills went even lower, because of the fact the economy went down. In my country english isn´t common if you arent a student ore business worker who need it for external context.

but why would i post it in my language, the playerbase is might arround 5-10% there.
but i see, because of the chance i can choose the language, it will not happen alot that a moron like me trying to do a serios post and sounds like my daughter wrote it… haha

update i allready got the joke with “proofen”. holy…

im positive at the moment, ill try my best mates xD

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You are so high on virtue signaling you get triggered by me quoting the OP’s own misspelling that perfectly fits the context. Go back to twitter/instagram pls, thanks.

Haha sure thing.

You can’t know if they are brand new players, as profiles are broken. They could be playing a chracter they’ve never played before, such as zarya, because she is meta even though they never played her before and played 1000 hours of rein a few months ago. Profiles are also broken so you can’t see previous seasons. Can also be an alt of someone learning a new character, etc.

None of this, including the 5% leaver rate makes any impact on your rank since those issues affect both teams, yours and the enemies. How many times did enemy team have a leaver? How many times they had an underperformer? All of those cancel out over a sufficient sample and only your skill remains, which is the weak link.

Listen, i do add them. If someone has on his profile endorse 1 and only 25 hours played zarya + watching the replay he is a new player in my eyes. Ofc, he could be a pro player doing some undercover stuff… yea maybe.

I would not post it, ore do the work - if would be not sure it was a new player/account + the fact he had no clue what to do because it seems like, i did the work and watched my games replay.

Just stop it.

so you think the avg. playerbase has allready played 289 games yet?

Please. Just stop it. Ok?

on the top, not included things. just happend today. my dps mate in a gold 1 match - was in silver1. He is on 33% winrate on soldier for 56 minits. 1.2kd and highist kills ever 12. 6 games played, 2 won (this loss excluded). he 1 elim the whole game. What i have to say, because it is the trueth, he got placed in support with mercy/moira in Master 4 - played arround 30 hours and dropped down now to diamond 1.

I dont know who this mate is, but he had no clue about dps and no clue about soldier - what his stat shows in the game, and his profile. This dude was in a PLAT lobby. so basecally i was as dps - alone. Loss, cant outcarry that vs 2 Plat DPS old overwatch vets.

he had a full game - 1 elim. Screenshotted. Open Profile.

the other 2 dps were a duo, french one. really friendly played with one them duo then. They are stable Plat/Gold. Both. (on the screenshot) He playd a bad a… widow, like he was really good, tough he had to be plat and he actually was.

Good bye.

I wouldn’t say you’re a moron my friend :slightly_smiling_face:you speak your mother language far better than I could haha, I can speak a very basic amount of German and Spanish and it’s only enough to order food, certainly not enough to write a post :slightly_smiling_face:good job

Can confirm, I have had multiple players rage quit mid game on a winnable game, mercy mains constantly getting under 1k healing in a round, dps mains getting under 1k damage in a round. These people are de-rankers or in a game that’s way too high of a skill level for them, either way it needs to stop it’s not balance it’s a punishment.

There is a point in that, so if the current percentage of games affected by players who are not where they belong (yet) is such a big issue to you, play next season when there is less true rank variance. Not that it matters anyway, you will still be the same rank as those games that get new players that don’t belong in plat are offset about enemy teams having the same issue, this works both ways too when someone places plat yet they belong higher. Some new players can carry straight through diamond on aim alone never have player the game before. In other words for every game you lose due to random factors like leavers and misplaced players you win one (given a large enough sample size, which in your case with 289 games should mostly even out).

Wait until people drop or go up to their true rank. You will never eliminate this problem from any game involving humans however, as people don’t always play at their best. Sometimes people play at their worst too. Rank is only an average of their skill, not an indicator of performance in a particular individual single game.

to 90% of the playerbase, mate.

you are taking apples and pines, whiskey and shotguns.

Having a bad day, isn´t a issue why a zarya with 25hours exp can´t compete in a plat game mate vs a tank with 800+ hours and no new player in team. mate, wake up! link “Hey-wake-up!!”

I dont know, why you defend the situation with irrational context.

I believe the real issue here is stacking high elo players with low elo players who are in the same rank to create “balance”, but it backfires horribly by creating lopsided matches. The game should accept our high elo and not put us in a low rank to begin with.

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Gent bent, homie. OP speaks more than one language to the extent they can communicate fluidly in their 2nd language. Can you say the same? If not, sit your judgmental [word for bottom] on the floor, in a dark corner somewhere, and contemplate the fact that OP knows literally thousands of words more than you do.

Call it virtue signaling if you want, I call it calling out d!ckheads so they know what they are.

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English is my third language.

I can also be bothered to use a spellcheck addon, which respects the time and eyes of those who read what I write. Not that any of that mattered in this case, you were only here to show us how woke you are by attacking a funny reference, nobody even cared if OP could write or use a spellchecker.

stop it, awnser constructive the points, even we had and come back to topic.

You project a very pompous perversion of intelligence. If you’re as smart as you project yourself to be, then you ought to be able to overlook simple typos.

Hard-up on tossing the word “woke” like it’s a bad thing. Another perversion. You perceive empathy as weakness and brand it “woke” to shore-up your inability to let people be themselves.

Your type, sloshing your over-inflated ego onto everything wherever you go, are the scourge of modern society. Evolution of civility will see you gone in a generation or two, but not soon enough.

A few whiners on the forum blaming their lack of skill on their teammates doesn’t constitute 90% and those who have such complaints are solely found in metal ranks, nowhere else.

I can stomp a plat game with a character I’ve never played before, easily. So can anyone else who’s generally good at games. Thats why new players get placed in plat since 1/3 of the go up, 1/3 stay in plat and 1/3 go down.

If that bothers you play a different game that doesn’t have humans, aka single player games. That way there will never be any variability inherent to any multiplayer game even with best possible matchmaking.

It was you who has put an extreme emphasis on a “typo”, none of my comments were about a typo or his grasp on English. You made it all up in your head to appear all “woke” and cool, signaling your non-existent virtues and derailing the topic.

Literally the first thing you typed was an attack on a typo. “Oh, I didn’t say ‘typo’ huehuehue”. You’re not witty.