How can you practice in comp if QP is so trash

I was playing with some friends, and our group leader (who barley plays just qp and arcade) decided to be a troll and go to comp.

Of course we got completely owned for 3 games stright.

I also have a complaint about all new people seemingly being started in Plat but that’s for another thread.

How can you practice playing in comp without pressure if QP is so utterly trash in comparison. Comp and qp are like two different games.

Do you just have to lose in comp until you get the hang of it? That doesn’t sound like a fun experience to me. I would like to get back into comp with some confidence, but can’t find anywhere I can replicate the comp experience.

So, do you just keep losing until your placements are done?


In most FPS and MOBA games when we start playing, it puts us in games against the AI ​​until you have certain experience in the game.

In my opinion, the system should be:

  • Training - Learn Heroes kits
  • Vs AI - Practice the Heroes kits in-game
  • Quick Play - Spend time + Practice to play Competitive (not compatible)
  • Competitive - Perfect the domain over your best Heroes

Because in Overwatch there is no control over the hours played in each hero. Nothing prevents players from choosing a “new” hero for them in competitive games.

It would not cost anything to add a new Quick Play (Competitive Rules) game mode. Another great addition could be a few minimum minutes in each hero to access the Competitive games. Not only would it help make sure that we are minimally capable of using every hero in the game competitively, but we will also punish the “smurf” accounts a bit. This last addition could be compatible with the new game mode.

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One thing people have suggested is for them to add a third, middle-ground mode.

Quick Play (for sub-casuals; people who are currently high/drunk/accustomed to failing)
Unranked (for standard casual play and pre-comp practice/warm-up)
Competitive (for ranked play)

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More like:

  1. Quickplay
  2. Quickplay with RoleQueue
  3. Competitive
  4. Competitive with RoleQueue

That second option would basically be what this guy is asking for.

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Honestly, the best way to learn comp, is to play comp.

You can use QP and the arcade modes to polish your mechanics on your favorite heroes, but you’re not going to get the experience of playing with a coordinated team, against a coordinated team, except by going to comp.

Which means you may very well get smoked for a while, but that’s part of how you learn and improve.

SR is not the be-all and end-all. It’s fun to climb in it, but at the end of the day, its job is to match you with people more or less in line with your current skill and to give you a fair match. So don’t sweat it if you lose for a while; you’re not being punished, you’re just finding your baseline.

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Buying another account and use that new account to practice. Quick-play is a TOTAL-WASTE of time pay another 50 USD and get quality hours of practice

Something tells me this is a huge increase in segmentation, ergo large increase in match queueing time.

That’s why you make it so you can queue for multiple queues at the same time.
Also normal Comp/Quickplay players get matched up against RoleQueue players.

The pressure is a mental thing, it can’t be solved by a different type of queue. Just practice in comp and remind yourself that your sr only means as much as you want it to mean. You simply can’t practice certain things outside of ladder or scrims, mechanics being one of the very few exceptions. If what you’re truly after is a way to practice in comp, and not have it alter your sr… a smurf may be what you want.

The fact the qp and comp are so far away from each other in how their played really makes overwatch that much more furstaing