How can you hate moira? XD

Just look at that face xD


That’s the face of someone who just enjoyed brutally murdering someone for scientific gain.

Jokes aside, I do love her.


Because: nO sKILL!!!
NeRF hER!!!
(I love her)


People hate piss wizard!?!
How dare they


Moira is the best, no one can hate her.
Just Moira.

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Moira is so awesome, scary, evil, cool looking, and fantatsic😂

And she is Mercys rival… count me in👍


Cuz people can’t fathom a HeALeRr that AtTAKKK?!?! IMPOSSIBLE!!


Best image ever.


Moira speaks my tired Support main soul in game.

The disappointment she can express before failure, the sass but all in pure class through her voice lines. Positive 24/7 healers feel unrealistic to me after playing this game since launch although I do love them still. It’s just, Moira is just what I needed.

p.s: 5 months and still bitter that she has no new interactions, especially with Mercy. Mention me when she will finally get some so my soul shall finally rest –


Moira is my spirit animal - she basically says everything I wish I could tell people, and says it with a great amount of sass.


But she tortures bunnies!

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Try to play against more than one Moira in FFA
They keep stealing your kills with their Orbs

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The bunny is alive and kicking ! Mostly, ’ kicking ’ , probably -

doesn’t mean it wasn’t tortured

There is nothing about her that I don’t absolutely love. Her personality, her lore, her looks, her mobility, her skins, her sprays, her lines, her voice… She is so great in this event, it is so awesome to hear her sassing literally everybody and to learn that she likes art and wearing costumes too. I love how she is weird and creepy and still elegant and classy at the same time. She is fantastic.

And it is kinda interesting how common this sort of thread is. People love to just gush over her.


By that aspect, Winston was also ‘tortured’ in Horizon Lunar Colony since the gorillas there took the whole place down. Dr. Harold Winston doesn’t look like that guy who would torture anyone though even if he worked there, Moira doesn’t look like that to me either. She has 3 sprays with various animals that look perfectly healthy for me to believe that Blizzard would actually show or create a person who is into animal torture. Experiments, yes, but they don’t have to be painful. That’s just me though.

Ignoring the annoying Play of the Game name there (it’s not mine), how can you hate someone with a look like that?

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Can I add some salt to your popcorns?

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Because we can I mean there is no law stating we can’t

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