How can you hate moira? XD

not exactly, Winston was experimented on yes but it appears to be more learning based by the looks of his room as a child, the program appears to be hormonal changes to increase intelligence which’d only require monitoring. Moira has no care for ethics and having the ‘mostly, ‘kicking’ probably’ implies that the bunny was worse for wear. You just have to look at Moira’s left arm to see the negative side of her scientific curiosities

Also her bunny spray shows the rabbit nervously sweating, if it was not at risk of danger or pain why would it be so nervous around Moira?

Because people think getting killed by her is cheap.
You know, “No aim, no skill” etc. lol

Yeah, everyone is right, having good tracking is no skill. Because I can reliably track the Genjis flipping and dashing all over the place, while they try to climb every wall in sight, I have no skill and should be ashamed. :cry:

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The very fact that some sort of ‘rebellion’ happened up there and people were /actually killed/ only gives me the impression that they weren’t simply monitoring those animals. You cannot actually make an animal start talking by monitoring it and not doing any genetic changes, that alone is crazy to even think of. In fact, ‘baby Winston’ wasn’t even uttering a single word back then in the animated short and Mercy is having the voice line ‘is everything alright with your genetic therapy?’ to adult Winston.

As for the bunnies, they are literally prey animals. As a person whose friends had bunnies as pets of their own, I saw myself that they can get scared quite easily, unfortunately, to the point of having one dead out of pure fright alone from heart attack. The bunny in the spray is scared, but in the origins it is perfectly calm while being literally on the operating table. So what I see is all theories or how we perceive things. We all have of our own.

“Because I’m a Genji Main and I can’t deflect her ridiculously overpowered 50 DPS Beam!”

(I respect Moira players a lot!)

Moira is fun, good at what she does and balanced.
(The damage orb does feel a bit cheap to die to though, which is what most folks are annoyed by I think).

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She shares “balls” with zenyatta :wink:

Her character design is flawless imo, and her voice actress did an outstanding job bringing her to life.

I just hate everything else about her.


definition of moira:
a 50 year old weeaboo that runs like naruto

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She run like naruto

Also, she kill me all time >:v

Luckily, I have solutions on how 2 fix issue (this is from personal experience. I seem to die a lot with these chars against her) :

  1. Ana: lol
  2. Lucio: dont wallride near Moira
  3. McCree: Flashbang, Moira will probably use Fade. Then, use left click headshot. Given my 30% weapon accuracy on McCree, this is hard to do for me ; - ;
  4. Genji: Deflect the orb. If that doesn’t work, 180 then swift strike. if that doesn’t work, press H.
  5. Doomfist: lol

Alternatively, I could just pick a tank. But Dva is usually instalocked, and the other tanks suck in QP.

I love Moira, I really do, but very few things annoy me more than a Moira who uses fade to engage, forgets what left clicking is, and spams the damage orb whenever it goes off cooldown.

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I know you just wanted an excuse to post the image, but

  1. That pic is just another thing to hate.
  2. Between orb and aim assist, her damage feels too guaranteed. Also range makes it impossible to escape most of the time. I’m just waiting to die if she gets on me. (Not fun argument, not a too OP argument)
  3. No good ways for tanks to stop orb. Only and Genji can.
  4. Just not a fan of the androgynous look.
  5. I would have preferred a more standard evil, mad scientist.
  6. Feels like she was just fan service. People asked for a Talon healer with lifesteal, they gave us a Talon healer with lifesteal.
  7. Way too many DPS Moira’s.
  8. I don’t like the way she is a integrated into the fighting. Supports had a feeling of being outside of the game and manipulating it by buffing allies and nerfing enemies, even if they were killing stuff. Having more combat based supports like Moira and Brigitte feels weird when it goes so far against what they had been previously.
  9. People act like defending Moira is the same as defending the whole support class, similar to Mercy a few months ago.
  10. I hate farming in games, and it still feels terrible on Moira.
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I have no authority on any of the other points, but I don’t think I could disagree more with number 5. The evil mad scientist archetype has been done to death in almost all media. And Moira’s more subtle, sinister, mislaid moral compass, scientist type gives her far more potential for personality and character (which she already has a lot of by the way) than the bland mad scientist does. Besides, we already have Junkrat to be insane, and if you slap the Junkenstein skin on him, voila, there’s your average over the top mad scientist.

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