How can we make Mercy take skill?

the dmg boost is oppressive, in the way that it requires no cooldown and no consumption and some dps even got nerfed just because of how strong it is on them(when dmg boost itself was the problem), NOT mercy herself is oppressive
she requires some sort of skill but its very little mechanical stuff and she should require more skill for the current value she offers

Literally. Also if we’re talking all projectile sizes Mercy is in joint 5th with


Not that I think Mercy is too strong, but I do sort of like the idea of a split resource between damage boosting and healing. It’s an idea to toy with, but isn’t by any means me saying it needs done

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I am sure if “FragsByTheFoot” can get to mid gold with his damned feet, other disabilities pale in comparison. (guy is amazing btw)

If you baby people they become accustomed to it, it’s like wheelchair ramps, can people access the place? yes? but you don’t hold it for them as they pee or they expect it every time, no that is on them to figure out.

Like what disability requires Mercy? Stupid argument for people with no real point.

Okay let’s break down your post, I’ll try to word it so that you can understand.

Data shows that it’s the 2nd smallest projectile in the game.

20 damage and I can probably order something from KFC driveway and receive it before she can swap to her weapon and actually use it.

Your teammates’ positioning has to be good so you have to decide what teammate is the safest to fly to.

The only hero people complain about with damage boost is ashe, and she’s better now without a mercy pocket by the way.



If you looking for suggestion I got some:

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except that she is very strong in higher ranks because of the strength of heroes she synergizes with and she doesnt need to develop a skill that is massively important in this game that is also required in the survival in her direct peers which allows for her players to divert a lot of her attention else where, heroes that can do this without having a hard counter often thrive in higher ranks. i for one dont think shes a problematic hero whatsoever but watching her beam clip through walls or while she hides around the corner while healing or damage boosting someone and being able to fly 40 meters every 2 seconds does not make her easy to punish. the only heroes that are strong against her are hitscan who are the same heroes that get the most benefit from her. hence why shes been in a really good spot for the last year.

Data showing its 2nd smallest projectile where exactly? That same post where vids are showing 2 Rein barriers next to each other and arrows going in their gap?
Sorry, but that’s not how actual arrow hitboxes and head hitboxes work. the arrow can be 3m away from your head and it will still hit you just so it’s in his favor

Do you have any proof to back that up? Cause I have proof to back up my claim.


It was a good post, and true then, it is still a good post and true now.

Some things are actually timeless.


You probably can’t.

She will always be less punished for bad positioning than people like Bap, Ana, and Zen even without the consideration of superjump because of GA allowing her to escape so easily. It’s not on the level of Moira fade but it’s probably the second best.

She doesn’t require the aim to heal like Ana, and she can’t heal while damaging like Zen so her pistol isn’t even in the equation 99% of the time.

If she fails to keep someone alive she is allowed to bring them back from death (albeit on a fairly long cooldown) which will always be a major reason to pick her over other supports.

She’d need lots of changes to make her a more difficult hero, and I don’t think she was ever meant to be.

Valk could take it to the face, and give that power to some other part of her kit.
That would increase her skill level without gutting the hero.

Mercy definitely takes skill. Seriously, watch Niandra explain ANYTHING about mercy. She basically built a whole channel on explaining how to get better with Mercy. Mercy is a low skill floor, high skill ceiling: you’ve probably only seen the floor, and just never seen what the best Mercy’s are capable of.


I can literally say the same about every hero, really.
Ana: just spam shots on your tanks.
Bap: just look at the ground and shot heal grenade.
Zen: just spam your orbs at the chokepoint.

Is it optimal that way? No, same goes on how you play Mercy. If you really wants to have some fun as Mercy, then you monitor your teammates CD and boost them when used (Moira’s Orb, Ashe’s dynamite, Firestrike, Nade, etc) and you use her GA and Valk to bait enemy’s CD.

Believe me, nothing is more fun than seeing a nano-blade try to desperately reach you.


Aren’t you one of those players that says Valking Mercy don’t need to juggle?


she takes skill like any other hero would, shes not a simple healbot that can fly.

Well, you could make her pistol hitscan and then give it less damage

If you don’t like her, don’t play her.

Why make a troll topic if you don’t want to pla… oh, never mind.


or make it do 500k dmg and fires at 200 meters per second and have infinite ammo :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Wouldn’t making Mercy a hitscan make her less skillful? Projectiles are harder to use than hitscan.