How can I climb out of bronze?

Hey, dont lose motivation. Doesnt matter how deep in bronze you are. You still can go up and if you play well, system will reward you with more sr. Can you record your games and upload them? I can help you to get better at game and climb. If you are interested, let me know and i will tell you my discord.

1st off, same for me when I started went from 1800 to bronze and got as low as 1100 then went from 1200 to gold in 1 season. OK so medals and sr, f__k them. Ignore them. If you want to get better you need an improvement mindset and improvement is seen through what you are doing in game. An improvement mindset player doesn’t ever blame their team, even when everyone else would, because they are too busy trying to advocate that time to something they can actually change, themselves. If you died that fight, yeah you can blame a teammate but there is much more you could have done, otherwise you wouldn’t be bronze.

It is your fault, don’t look at your teammates shortcomings, why help them get better and climb out when you could be spending that time critiquing YOURSELF to get better and climb out. Dude you can do anything to get out of bronze, you have more freedom and it is one of the most fun climbs. Right now I can’t even play ranked as Lucio normally because of orisa hog meta, but in the lower ranks I got out by running around on Lucio and FRAGGING. Set a goal, for me it was killing better, faster, aiming well, clicking heads consistantly on Lucio, getting better movement, all things that I could get instant feedback on. For example: When I went to kill HANZO on highground, how low did I get him, was it a bad position because his healers could reach him, did I miss all my shots, was my movement predictable, should I have backed off when he started storm arrow, should I have gone over his head so I could hit headshot better and he would have a hard time tracking. Ask all these questions. Aim, work on it but don’t tunnel vision on it. Many people give aim too much value but your brain is much more important. Tunnel visioning on 1 target in game is just as bad as tunnel visioning on aim when movement and positioning and strategy are just as important. If you need tips on aim, I got some but I’m going to get breakfast now so remind me

Well thats point, duh.

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That’s still one of the dumbest suggestions I’ve ever heard.
No matter how much you “think before you press it” you WILL inevitably screw up and close the game by mistake.

Not to mention that sometimes the decision to charge is often one that is done in a split second and by stopping to contort your fingers into the appropriate positions, you’re either dead or have missed the charge opportunity. Then again in Bronze you can likely stand still for 3 whole seconds trying to figure out what keys to press to make you charge and not get hit, so whatever

Also it seems like 99,9% of rein charges below master are suicides. So its better to think about it before pressing it. Binding charge to alt+F3 saves you more games so you dont feed all the time, than when you accidentally close the game now and then.

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Cause each player starts at 2350, ist normally to fall down deep into Bronze as beginners. Don‘t care about ranking, it will bring You to a level when matches will be easy winable. Solo u get lower than in a Team of 2-3 cause its a teamoriented game with combos between mates.

Wait, really? Wow, that’s new.

There is no confirmation but the data shows that every new account starts from “somewhere around mid gold” when you do your placements for the very first time.

Even when its not visible before the 5 ranking games, you can tryna by teaming with Range 1000+/-

Wooow. That’s really news for me.
Not that it gives me anything anyway, but still. Cool.

Yeah its like this only 18 season :wink:

Okay, then, still not so useful info, unless one is hungry for massive sr and the top 500 position.

Its actualy pretty bad to be honest as placement is not really skill dependant. Then you can see players like op droping to low bronze because therey were overplaced big time.


Maybe. Maybe.

Again, for someone who has been in Bronze for around 8 months plus recent Role Queue placements and now has a view that you have winessed across multiple posts, all I can really say is “meh”.

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Work on Aim in custom games. Try this workshop: p3pzc
Figure out the sensitivity that works for you. For aim reliant heroes try gradually turning it down.
Check out this video on positioning: Positioning | ioStux’s Complete “Bronze to OWL” Guide (Season 1 Episode 1) - YouTube

Pay attention to the hours you play and the results.
I’ve noticed if I play on the weekends when the queues are flooded, it is way more likely that no one in the match is light years ahead of everyone else… Ex. Most players on both teams have bronze borders with 2 stars instead of one team having silver/gold border players.
You have a better chance of making an impact when the average player is about even with experience and skill.

Getting out of bronze is easy tbh, its just like silver. If you can carry you will get out the best way to do this is find your strongest hero on certain maps. Adapt to each game. If you see you arent doing that well on sigma. Maybe dont go sigma try to be versatile. I dont have much advice for tanks because i dont play tank anymore. I played it pre-role que at 1700 SR but after hitting 1900 it wasnt cutting it. Orisa is a strong pick for any match up her damage output and tankiness is decent. Sigma is very high damage so if you are good at him play him and get out of bronze fast. Idk how much longer sigma will be this OP

Become so good that you can 1v6 and carry your way out of it. Expecting anything from your team at bronze is throwing itself.
If you play dps use your feeding tanks as meat shields and kill everyone. If you play tank well make sure you play something that gets value. Sometimes Winston works and sometimes he just feeds without heal. Sigma, Zarya and Hog work most of the time tho. As support don’t go for kills unless you have to just be the best Healer in that game and keep your team alive. Keeping people alive > healing them.

I would give you the same advice I gave someone else about climbing out of bronze: