How can I climb out of bronze?

heres how I climbed out of bronze last season:

  1. pick Rein
  2. run to point/pay load
  3. hold right click when bad guys are long distance, or hide behind walls/or payload if no teammates are around.
  4. when bad guys get on point, release right click and hold left click

firestrike bad guy tanks when they are running towards point
when you get good enough practice, start doing charge

this is literally how i managed to climb last season.

Also, if you keep winning, dont stop playing, if you lose, give it a few minutes and requeue. after the 2nd lose, come back 20 30 min later.

Focus on playing the strongest tanks right now. Orissa and sigma are both really strong and do really go damage. You can easily secure kills for your team and change the pace of the game with them. Additionally, learn to play very aggressive. Most tanks at your sr play very scared and sit in the choke ect… Do not be afraid to push in and fight. If you die, so be it. Come back and do it again, but for the love of god do not sit in the choke and play passive. It’s a huge waste of time.

It takes time to get better at the game. The more you play and enjoy yourself the faster you will get better.

Which you arguably can no longer do in the DPS role. ‘The more you play’ is idealistic when its 17 minutes between games and you get no real in-mode gains per hour.

You can do irl stuff during those 17 minute queue times. If you do your homework and clean your room while your in queue, you don’t have to do it later and can still get just as many games in.

I will admit though the DPS queue does suck for those who only have an hour or 2 to play every day. Try to find a sup or tank friend so your queues are faster.

Imagine a game kicking people off, telling them to go outside and do IRL stuff instead of buying loot boxes. Trying to be ethically responsible, and/or encourage people back into their day to day lives is frankly not in their mandate and quite invasive.

And waiting around is still just horrible for ‘staying warm’. I’m not going to get dressed for the game, shoot a few hoops, leave the court to trade some stocks, come back in 17 mins to shoot a couple more hoops, leave again to wash my car, etc.

Play more conservatively.
In turn, that will lead to you feeding less.

The more of the game you’re actually alive for, the more impact you’re going to have.

So ignore the medals and ignore the stats.
Except one, your deaths.
If you can keep it to 2 or 3 a round. You’ll be on the climb.

I would say bind charge to alt+F3 so you have to think before you press it. When you get to masters or above consider binding it back to a more practical key. When you drop back to diamond bind it to alt+F3 and repeat untill you stay steady in masters with charge button on shift or w/e.

in the span of seasons 3 to 16 i went from silver to platinum with little use of comms. You need to have better gamesense on your own, you need not to take unreasonable amount of damage (can’t heal dead), sometimes even as tank you have to know where the closest healthpack is.
Do not get angry if your dps are not showing up on killfeed on killing spree, do not get angry if you have gold damage, You are a tank, that means your spam damage potential and survivability to destroy damage and support characters is huge. Diva, Hog and Orisa are especially great as suppressive fire.

help your flanking damage, when you are diva, chances that two of your can make a quick pick and have enough time and space to get to safety is big, if you do make that pick together.

  1. Focus on learning one or two heroes.

  2. Recognize your mistakes and try to correct them.

  3. Play. The. Game. Often.

If you do these three things, you will climb out of bronze. Worry about more complicated stuff the further you climb.

Also, you’re still fairly recent to the game. Don’t worry too much, you’ll learn more as you rank up.

Believe me, just be positive, learn from your mistakes, and get good at a couple of heroes you like, and you’ll make it out.

Tanks can carry better than support, I tell you that much.

well carrying 5 teammates is probably not gonna stop happening till you get to diamond, so have fun! also try not to feel too bad about this, but if you are 800 rank bronze, you have no idea how to aim, where to position, how to use ultimates, etc. Focus on improving your gameplay and don’t worry about anyone in bronze.

If they get reliable heals.
We’re talking about bronze here…

This shouldn’t be the reason you have lost your matches because there is negligible communication and teamwork at many of the ranks. It has to be something else.

Nothing wrong with playing Hog to go up a few ranks. He don’t need no heals.

are you kidding?
Who would do that?
in case you didn’t realize (but something tells me you did) that is dangerously close to doing an ALT+F4, which will close the game without warning.

Not something you’d like to do in a comp match

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Sorry but this is nonsense , group of bronze players wont make better player from you.

I am just reading some responses in here and oh god, its almost every time like this. Low ranked player show up ask for help and will get back bunch of nonsense… Not from everyone sure, but some tips are very questionable.

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Otherwise it’s a typical “git gut” response, heeeh But yeah, happens a lot.

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