How can I become a better tank player?

I keep trying to play tank but I just can’t get it. I can’t juggle as Winston and I keep failing to help my supports. I was so strong in Overwatch 1 but now tanking feels impossible and I get blamed a ton for being bad and that’s just quick play. Sometimes I just want to curl up in a ball and cry.


stop making mistakes. i know that sounds silly but as a tank you can do 14 things wrong and 1 thing right. this varies per character of course but as a tank you have the most impact that also means you are kept to the highest standard of the entire team. a support can miss a few abilities, dps can miss their shots. but the moment you charge in and get cced to the next dimension teamfight is over. their kaiju monster just runs you over. so try to extend your life as long as possible.

The only one that should be looking out for the support is the second support and MAYBE a DPS. Protecting your supports as a tank was only a thing during the 6v6 days, when you could spare the second tank, now it’s all about making space, bullying enemy squishies, holding corners, etc.


I guess thats just what im used to. In 6v6 i coild usually fall back to protect supports and the other tank could hold the load

Yeah, while I don’t hold an opinion on this 5v5 vs 6v6 debate, that was one of my favourite parts about 6v6, it felt awesome to scare off or bully flankers pestering the supports.

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Don’t read any of the comments above me.

Most have not tanked or are learning to tank.

As a tank, you have 1 job - that is to tank. How you tank, that is your call. You want to charge in shatter, you want to dive it monkey into bastion reaper. That is your decision.

Just tank, if you fall down get up and tank again.

Also learn the bread and butter tanking first. Winston is flavour of the month he can easily be countered.

Learn :

And once you get this done, try to get them to level 30.

Then learn Mauga and ram.

Now you have enough skill set to stop dive and deathball comps.

Good luck and as a tank you don’t owe anyone an apology. They need you to finish them game. It’s not the other way around. Ok ?

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It’s kind of hard to determine what to work on without seeing you play unfortunately. So if you’re comfortable feel free to leave a replay code and then maybe we can help. But don’t feel like you have to. I know I wouldn’t want the forums judging my gameplay.

Practice dying less, without relying on healing. Just existing longer even if you’re not killing things will get a lot of value. Learning how to not die without being healed is a very good skill to have.

And watch your own replays back, from the other team’s POV. Mistakes you make in game will be painfully obvious to you if you watch from the other team’s point of view.

1 create space for team, communicate with ‘group up’ voice line

2 go from cover to cover, unless using your abilities

3 pressure squishies, go for the tank only when you can secure the kill

4 rinse and repeat

BTW in case you want to care. these are the folks who are blaming.

They will be lowest ind damage and loudest in voice !

h ttps://

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With Winston ult just pick a target and bully them(DPS). But beware support comes to their aid.

by playing other games that have the role.

not even a joke, dead serious.

all other games, except mmo’s that have tanks (paladins, moba’s) require a huge amount of brains and skill from you. you dont just get buffed to get rewarded for being brainless.

them when you come back you have a new skillset, that takes direct advantage of OW2’s tanking

Inject yourself with more testosterone.

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To be a better tank player, you must first lose ALL your sanity, because only insane people willingly play tank.

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Bronze to sometimes plat tanks will often do these two things in QP:

-Standing close to an objective but not actually touching it.
-Hiding around a corner during overtime even though healers and dps are throwing their bodies at the objective instead of healing/dpsing.

Basically don’t do this and you will automatically get out of bronze. Just get the basics down like never stand behind Ana, and you will already be doing enough for diamond and beyond.

are you climbing though, or did you derank?
if you’re still climbing, it just means that it just feels bad to lose games now as tank
but you’re still winning >50% of your games therefore still improving/climbing, it just feels worse now to lose games as a tank because it feels out of your control
…unless if you somehow actually gotten worse as a tank player in OW2 (compared to OW1) which I’m not sure how that can happen

At least for me, I’m still climbing as a tank in OW2, but it feels like I’m not improving as a tank player, even though I am, primarily because a lot of games feels like it’s out of my control.

If you’re playing Winston, here’s a pro-Primal Rage tip!

Because Primal Rage gives you almost instantaneous cooldown time for Jump Pack, it is best used for its mobility.

To use it most effectively:

  1. Press Q/Y/whatever
  2. Turn around.
  3. Go back to spawn and swap to (Insert meta tank here)

Orisa is garbage this season though

Ngl Reinhardt is actually decent now as a tank


Okay maybe swap