How can I become a better tank player?

on the contrary i am farming clips vs Reinhardt this is spart theme

i will post links soon when i am done editing

Reinhardts only play with their GF ana mains

I am not going to lie, it’s only because this playerbase is unbelievably inept. Not that I am complaining. He would genuinely be unplayable if people had an IQ above the room temperature.

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Yeah, I made a brand new account and just played rein only, these players love hugging me when I am rein it’s kinda funny how these are people

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First rule of tanking: Understand that your teammates are morons.

It is honestly a surprise that they have managed to get as far as logging into the game and playing it. It must have taken them hours to remember that pushing the power button turns the computer on. As a result, realize that they’ll yell at you for doing your job, they’ll yell at you when they die 400 miles in the opposite direction of the objective, they’ll yell at you for failing to carry them. They wont word it all like that, but that’s what the complaint are.

I see, is Paladins good?

This would be an issue, my voice is already deep and people have a hard time understanding me as is.

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its not great, i used to love it. its a bit clunky, but the entire role structure is better, there is offtank and that isnt like assistant tank, its hold off angles and Point tank, which are tanks spec’ed to stand in to open good (on point, but you abilities are to cleanse caut so you can be healed)

but what this does is teach you to rotate your abilities and more intellegent use from them, so when you come back, you’ll be a better tank

(yes i believe paladins has a way higher skill threshold than OW)

just be warned that each hero has 3 talents and decks + item build to know… so there is a learning curve

i suggest ‘frost fang’ videos cause he shows you builds and why, for what playstyle so it helps.

EDIT; i would also suggest apex, for pacing on rotations and learning to close a fight out fast. (cause otherwise people show up and 3rd party)

After the tank buffs the game is different. I only have some tips from before that, which were:

  1. always watch where your supports are and stay close to them
  2. understand that you mustn’t go solo (e.g. flank) under any circumstance
  3. don’t pick fights with a clear disadvantage like by number or available abilities
  4. Don’t tilt if your dps ate glue (in your opinion), try to win in every round

So 1. and 2. are not completely true anymore with all the changes. You can better survive with just one support or on health packs or the passive, and e.g. Junker Queen or Doom can even go solo for some time.

It’s still advisable to look what your team is doing. They are often not ready. As a tank you’re usually less afraid and always ready but ignoring your team can quickly cause 3.

3 and 4 are still true. Both are more emotional things.

abuse meta tanks in low elos, zarya absolutely cooks everyone in low elo bc no one knows how to play against her properly, after that just abuse sigma to the top bc hes still bloated

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Monitor your health and retreat/regroup as needed, stay near your supports and try to attack as a team and not solo.

The problem with that is… It is not really up to me, you know?

far less margin for error here in this game since your co tank cant trade aggro with you. the best advice is to know your role and know your limits. dont frontline with winston dva ball. don stand at choke forever with orisa, sig, rein. they all have abilities to get you where you need to be, just know when to use them. pick your targets and ping them so hopefully your team follows up

depends on the elo
if its super low you unfortunately just play tank like a kaiju role because chances are your team and the other team is probably disorganised

If its not up to the Tank, then whos doing all the attacking? :thinking: