🕊 How about 80hps on Mercy

If a teammate hasn’t take damage in the last 5sec. Otherwise it would just be 50hps.

Would make some of those out-of-combat Tank heals be less tedious.

I.e. 11.9sec to heal a Dva Mech from 5hp to full
Versus this change, which could do it in 7.43sec


Some kind of reverse Sym beam would be good. Like 80/65/50.

I don’t know how they could balance it. I like the idea of making her beam into a straight beam if you pressed reload which meant more aim bit with the reward of more heals. Not tied to the first thing though.


Why not 55? It’s in-between 60 and 50, at least.


Id rather have mercy beam behaviour changed to have a heal bonus based on missing hp, say when healing someone under 25%hp heal does 80 hp/sec, when under 50%hp heal 60 hp sec , under 70% heal does 50 hp/sec, and at 80%hp or higher heal does 40 hp/sec.

Maybe they could also change the beam to add a “when ally life reaches 0 and beam is attached his hp turns to 10 instead, effect can only happen once every 30 seconds”, Mercy beam Could make its target glow to indicate this effect is at play


Just give her another ability so she’s more interactive to play. She just feels so low impact and one-dimensional.

I don’t know. Moria is 80 hps but on a resource.

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That’s a lot of hps.

55-60 is a better suggestion.

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This is kinda counter productive to how her beam works though. I think if it scales it should scale up. Her beam is already able to switch targets quickly, you wouldn’t want it to start at full power on a new target cause you can just hop targets around.

If it were to scale it should scale up. That puts a downside to swapping targets, or swapping to damage boost. And honestly that would be a good change. Part of Mercy’s playstyle is choosing your target and whether you need to heal or damage boost, and rapidly changing it. Adding in an upward scale to healing, and maybe also damage boost, the longer you stay on one target gives her a buff but requires decision making.

It also makes her stronger at pocketing 1 person which IMO is kind of what Mercy is supposed to specialize in. Yeh she’s always been seen as the ‘generic healer’ but her kit lends herself to supporting 1 or 2 people at a time.

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Pharmacy is the reason why is made the heals decrease.

I feel like nobody read the top post :confused:

This is only for “after 5 sec of your teammate not taking damage”.

It would otherwise be 50hps.

It just gets rid of boring heals, rather than giving an advantage in a teamfight.


Okay. So an out of combat QoL. I like it.

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Or they could just copy the Medic design where the longer you’re out of combat the faster you get healed

So say the last time you took damage was 5 seconds ago, it boosts her healing up to whatever number; but once they take damage again it drops down to 50 in combat or right after taking damage


Yup, that’s pretty much the idea.



So basically give her sort of a 2nd rez?

I mean can’t you just hide behind your 2 shields and have infinite Moira heals?

I think you’ve been here long enough to know that this will usually be the case.

I was actually assuming that the title was intentionally misleading for click-bait.

how about no mercy is balanced


Did you read the post, or just the title?

Both. We don’t need more healing in this game.


Punctuation is important.

Does this mean:

  1. How? About no Mercy is balanced.
  2. How about no Mercy is balanced.
  3. How about no. Mercy is balanced.