How a 1Shield Lock is inevitable

Hell you could probably throw in some of the tanks into the DPS category as well…

It’s funny because I often wonder what the meta-situation might look like over the past two years if comps other than 222 were still allowed

Goats would have eventually fallen with adjustments and in fact I think it already was waning near the time that RQ got implemented

Like who knows maybe we could’ve had a 132 meta or maybe even a 141 meta… but I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that part of the reason why we have had a double barrier meta for so long (or so persistent) is because we are limited with regards to what we can run in RQ…Variation is extremely hindered in that enclosed environment


Guess we’ll never know what we would have gotten.

Role Queue definitely had it’s advantages and disadvantages. But it does stifle that creativity in creating new comps because of what you’re limited to.

The problem with double shield is that when it first came into prominence…it just lasted for ages. And people were already sick of GOATS that lasted forever too. And double shield is well…boring to play.

I honestly think they made a mistake with introducing Sigma. With his shield anyway. It’s just the way it works that enables the double shield meta. Like before all this you never had a massive problem with Orisa/Rein being played. It never seemed to be a major issue. Yes there were 2 shields. But with Rein, you can’t do any of the stuff Sigma can do if you’re holding shield. You have to drop it to do it. Whereas Sigma’s shield is highly flexible, you can reposition it quickly, do high poke damage through it etc etc etc.

They should get rid of Sigma’s shield honestly. That would just solve the issue entirely. At least now with any future tanks they have some hindsight into what could happen if they implement another shield tank. Of course if you got rid of it…you’d either have to replace his shield with a new ability…or shift his power into one of his other abilities maybe?

People say this, and its true more in theory than in practice. People pushed more often than not, and to this day do in OQ for 2-2-2. The idea didn’t come out of nowhere.

I know people hate the idea, but I would love to at least try a single-shield setup and see. It would be easy to do since off-tanks are more popular than shield tanks.


It could be tried…but I think people fear that it will destroy the tank role and hinder it further than it kinda already is.

Tank seems to be the least played role out of all of them. It doesn’t help that there’s so few tanks to play. So if you split that queue further and limit it more…there’s a chance you could kinda destroy that role.

At least that’s the fear that some have with trying this.

Maybe it would work though? Who knows.

Hopefully with OW2 they release a good few tanks that would hopefully make it better to play.

But why? I mean less than half the players on tank play shield anyhow… I really cannot see why people get this attitude?

20% of the players identify as “tank mains” - and its obvious in play that less than half do shields if given the choice…

I mean considering Blizz is not necessarily done with the concept of 1-3-2… I still personally believe it is going to come back (and I was no fan of it) since Papa Jeff likes it so much and it does help with queue times to an extent.


I don’t know…honestly I don’t really play tank myself.

It’s definitely a tough one though

I hate role queue as much as you, but I always find baffling when people suggest to make it more restrictive always in one of the two roles that have the least amount of characters available to pick.

That’s why I decided to argue on the other direction. Split the DPS queue, because if double shield is problematic, so is double sniper or double flanker, and everyone also hate when both your DPS pick utility heroes. So dividing it seems like the logic step.


Before role queue, the usual response to a multi shield bunker team was to pick a DPS heavy team to overwhelm or bypass the shields. With only two DPS allowed per team, it’s harder to get enough damage to break both shields while still having a decent opening gap to finish the team fight.

Goats was a very specific synergy problem that was only a problem within the pro players because they were coordinated enough to make it work like a clock. Even at GM you simply can’t ensure that level of coordination on a regular basis.

Ok, I really like this idea.

i dont hate role queue…you can go back through my post history…my gripe was always with the fact that they made it so you could ONLY do RQ (until earlier this year)

but i can still look at it objectively and cite issues that it has…not the least of which is its restrictive nature which i think applies in this case

Double shield will always be used if possible.

out of all the meta it comes around like clockwork.

OP is correct in that Limiting barrier tanks is the only healthy fix to the issue that is double shield.

will ppl be happy? not everyone but thats life.
2-2-2 wasnt liekd by all and limiting tanks will be same…ppl will deal with it.

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222 being the baseline is fine.

222 being the literal only thing you can play is a while different issue.

While I agree that they should make it so you can sign up for shield tank or off tank. I don’t agree it should happen now. There isn’t enough heroes to do it. There are only three tanks that use a shield.

As I said, exactly like me. :rofl: Heck, I even defend 2-2-2 within pro play itself because I’m fine with the competitive portion of the game diminishing variables to make individual skill shine.

My biggest complaint back on the release of role queue was the fact that QPC is locked inside Arcade, and you not being able to earn achievements in QPC. They fixed the latter, but I still want to see Open Queue Quick Play in the main screen just like Open Queue Competitive is.

Not sure why you brought up the offense/damage roles from long ago. The sub-roles that Jeff and his team need to implement are a lot more defined than the ones you were referring to.

Main Tank: Orisa, Reinhardt, Sigma, Winston
Off Tank: D.Va, Roadhog, Zarya

Damage: Ashe, Bastion, Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, McCree, Mei, Pharah, Soldier: 76, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Widowmaker
Flanker: Doomfist, Echo, Reaper, Sombra, Tracer

Main Support: Ana, Baptiste, Mercy, Moira
Off Support: Brigitte, Lucio, Zenyatta

Damage class still needs a little work, but this is the thing that Overwatch needs. Its just sad that this community and Jeff just don’t want to admit.

This. Everyone keeps dancing around it for some reason, trying to keep Sigma the same while nerfing everyone around him, or adding ridiculous restrictions to the tank queue, like that is a better solution.

Just stop. SIGMA is the issue here. He does way too much. All these suggestions are overcomplicated bandaids and don’t address the real issue. We don’t need to restrict teams to one barrier tank, or wildly overbuff dive, or keep nerfing every support that works well in bunker/DS comps. THERE’S ONLY ONE CHARACTER CAUSING THIS PROBLEM. FIX HIM.


We can argue dive lasted way too long and was enabled by tracer and genji. But you guys are so blinded by your bias. You refuse to see the danger of limiting Character choices like this. Soon blizzard might as well just choose 6 heroes for us to play before each match.

tracer and genji did not force a comp we still had dive , triple tank and people even slowly realized tank heavy comps are much better than dive. none of these were FORCED by dps it was always the power of tanks that force certain metas. same for dive not only tracer and genji(both were replaced a lot by soldier, doom and window) but dva and winston just if not played a bigger role in dive. without ur tanks you basically cant do anything

DPS never forced metas , always tanks

Lol. Yeah dude whatever, obviously you are biased. I am not gonna argue personal opinion on preferred comps. I am saying we shouldn’t be asking blizzard for more limitations.

how am i biased? I play this game a ton I play every role since 2017. I was there with Dive I was playing goats 4-5hrs a day almost and now double shield since a whole year.

If we dont limit shields we will keep seeing pointless nerfs over nerfs. Tell me who finds that fun??

cant wait for my 40 minute dps que lol

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