How a 1Shield Lock is inevitable

its absolutely gonna happen, then will be 1 hitscan 1 projectile/ hero that plays themselves pick (torb, sombra, symm) lock, then 1 main 1 off heal lock, its a mess due to these heroes they refuse to rework.

People showed they cannot be trusted with more options.

I got bad news for you. You think theyre going to be the only tanks with shields/damage negating abilities added to this game when ow2 is released? This game already has alot of restrictions and you guys want more. You also want to remove heroes from an already small hero pool.

So someone picks orisa so then what you can’t pick rein, winston, and sigma. And what if you don’t play ball, dva, zarya, or hog? You just throw or don’t play tank I guess. Thats what you want?


I don’t see why or how this would help, when Orisa is still behind Hammond and Roadhog in GM


Winston is a dive tank/main tank. Most of the Blizz devs are either low SR or only play with each other during internal testing. They said Winston is more comfortable behind enemy lines?? I mean I guess but not really. Winston’s biggest playstyle is to coordinate and callout with your off-tank or dps when your going in. He has a shield and can create space with it thus making him a MT. You don’t have to necessarily use your leap to go in all the time. If you’re flanking on high ground you can just drop down on the backline then use leap to jump out.

This seems like a change that only comp would like.

I don’t know why people want even more restrictions on who you can and can’t pick in overwatch, but at this point your concept is so confusing I can’t even understand it.

In the role with some of the least heroes, you’d further restrict it and then add Mei as a tank. Why not just plonk Sym back into supports why you’re at it?

Plus, what does “reinhardt tier” even mean? What happens when people decide characters with Reinhardt’s shield on a relatively quick cooldown is a bad thing? Tanks will just get nerfed again, right?

In the end, we all know it’ll be the same complains, but with NEW restrictions on tanks and Mei jammed into the tank role. I certainly won’t be playing that game.

Edit: Also "matchmaker grabs two of these if can’t find a barrier tank? What does that mean? Would you be able to pick an “anchor tank” after the fact if you didn’t queue for one?

We know that Anchor tanks can switch to Bruiser tanks, and Mei, but can Bruiser tanks, and mei, switch to Anchor tanks?

If not, you’re hard locking two of my favorite tanks behind a LONG queue (because we all know which tanks everyone would queue for first), but if I get lucky and no one queued for Rein somehow, I still can’t pick them.

No hyperbole here: I DEFINITELY wouldn’t play Overwatch in that case.


I think a better idea is role queue with just 1 tank. of course they would have to rework them and probably move some to damage

This would be a lot of work for Blizzard but it could also help solve several problems, like queue times, double shield and tanks that don’t tank

how is that healthy? This is where it starts. Then its 1 aoe healer, then 1 hitscan, ect.

More restrictions is not the answer


Overwatch was clearly made with freedom of character choice in mind.

The pros would make elite comps, the casuals would 6 stack healers and laugh. It was a grand time for all.

Now, this is just embarrassing.

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There would be a role queue, it’s not embarrassing though your lack of reading comprehension is

OW2’s launch should include two additional tanks and a third one added 3 months from launch if they want to do lock it down to one shield tank per game.

Or you just rework Sigma, because all this has started because of him

What? I’m refering to how Overwatch was back in the day; what I said there was a fact.

What are you talking about?

Reworking him won’t matter unless they literally make him garbage so that people won’t worry about him.

If sigma is even a LITTLE bit good, people will complain.

I’m talking about the post you just made. A role queue with one tank, 3 damage and 2 heals would be fine with some work

I don’t see why you are confused about that

No, his problem is the mechanic of his barrier.

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Could it possibly be that, not only did I bring not up that idea or reference it, I was only sharing my opinion of how overwatch should be?

Here’s my comment:

Without a doubt, I simply disagreed. You say “A role queue with one tank”, and I said “role queue is the problem”.


The game was awful without role queue. It’s here to stay, but they can rework the roles


And, according to others:

His damage

His DM

His rock

His RANGE (if you can believe it).

I promise, the complaints won’t end if they weaken his shield. I doubt they’d end if they remove his shield altogether.

I disagree that it was awful without it.

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I agree he doesn’t need nerf. I think he is quite balanced. He needs a change more than a nerf becausehis kit is just too good together with Orisa.