How a 1Shield Lock is inevitable

This would be the only option since Blizzard refuse to rework Sigma or heavily change his abilities.

But Sigma isn’t really a main tank
He’s not played as one since he’s just better as an off-tank.
Orisa isn’t played for her shield, she is played for the halt, and the fact that people still don’t understand this blows my mind.

I think we all do.

We know that their shields are tissue paper. But they are STILL a dominant meta. Therefore just rework their other abilities to be COUNTERED more easily.

It would be possible, IF they pushed super hard the pri part.

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I’ve been saying this for a long time now…
Overwatch will never be balanced until Jeff and his team implements sub-roles because a game like this requires structure, but this community hates it for whatever reason. They think the current state of Overwatch is great, but that is dead wrong.

then fix that. nobody likes their cc anyways.

the only reason people worried about sub roles is that it was a voluntary system with randomness involved that could degrade the experience but if it’s automated, there the randomness is actually harnessed to have a pool of players to expend whenever you want in a centrally planned way. this also has the advantage of teaching onetricks like myself to loosen up and find my main in each role or subrole, if they want to go that far. like offtank, maintank, offense and defense they once mentioned, but the more you have the more complexity you introduce so i’m in favour of 2-2-2

It isnt though, your statement is the one that is false.
Mostly because you are speaking about GM and during Double Barrier meta. Outside ANY of those circumstances, she was underwhelming.

People would just Press W on her and GGs. Literally in ANY other composition outside double shield and in ANY other rank outside GM and with a bit of luck, Masters.

Debunking point by point:

  • Sigma’s shield is still bigger than Orisa’s. And its MOBILE vs Static (let that sink in).
  • Kinetic has WAY LESS CD than on launch and provides MORE shields (IDK why you brough it up lol)
  • Accrettion was nerfed long ago because it deleted squishies with just a bit of distance.
  • His DPS was literally nerfed by 10 … and on splash damage. What?

The only significant nerf he got was the Shield nerf, which was GLOBAL (to all shield heroes) so yeah, my statement stays, proven true:
The main issue is that he leaves with slaps in the wrist while the brutal nerfs fall on Orisa/others.

Just gives us more tanks.

It’s a starved role with limited viable combinations. It’s not like Winston Roadhog is gonna be uber meta on every map for example.

At least if we had like Junkerqueen, Mauga etc it adds more possible combinations to build on and counteract. Who knows maybe we’ll have a Scrap meta or a Space Jam meta. I’m coining that one if Wrecking Ball, Winston takes off.

My point is no new heroes stagnates the game and we are then at the mercy of balance changes.

Either have that or have it act like Symmetra’s old photon barrier and it just floats off into the horizon after it’s casted.

Alternatively shorten his primary fires range to 18m and increase his self inflicted damage.

I’d like if Sigma wasn’t dumpstered unnecessarily or the tank role getting further unbearable. Because when something’s gone, we’d might end up hating the thing that replaces it.

Can confirm.

I could lock him in every game no matter how long I waited :joy:

Heck I barely saw any on the enemy team so I had limited combat experience fighting against one, because guess what. I would be the only one playing him :rofl:

Sigma was created in mind to act as a third anchor tanks thats why he had a 1.5k HP Shield on release , no CD on his shield and higher damage to feel lethal just like any other anchor tank.

The Blizzard playtesters just simply didnt think of the interactions he and Orisa would have.

People were using Orisa for her Shield like she was designed to be. AN ANCHOR TANK. It just sucks how all Anchor tanks now have to suffer because the Dev Team rather nerf every hero instead of limiting how many Shields a team can run. Double Shield has been a problem since role q and im tired

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It’s dumb to limit 1 thing from 1 role. Fair would be to roll out these restrictions across the board. Only 1 mobile tank at a time. Only 1 splash damage dps at a time, and ect.

why? 1 splash dps doesnt hardcore enable a meta unlike 2shield tanks with far ranged attacks , shields etc.

did any DPS enable a comp for over a year? (talking about 2-2-2 lock system)

Game needs less restrictions…not more…been saying this since the whole RQ debate began…

People keep trying to handcuff the game: role restrictions, hero pools/bans, map pools/bans, hell I’ve even seen people asking for restrictions on which language should be required to play comp

OW is OW…at some point you have to learn to play the game and accept it for what it is…and that means that sometimes you’re going to have multiple barriers (especially when they’re meta heroes)

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Orisa didn’t find success on release, only very late into open queue she found success in multi DPS comps, because she was buffed to be good in multidps comps, when 222 rolled around she was by far the best tank in the game and was run with hog, and later DVA. Sigma was then released and the first double barrier came along, both heroes were rightfully nerfed, at one point around this time last year for about 3 weeks the meta was rein orisa showing that orisa was still a very good hero not just being kept alive by sigma, then rein dva then back to double shield. Orisa wasn’t nerfed just because she was good with sigma, she was very strong in 222 as goats couldn’t be ran to do anything against it. Double shield itself isn’t necessarily bad but how strong it was and honestly still is is an issue

Bap was existing majority through goats, not really a surprise he wasn’t played with brig like she was

I’m all for splitting the Tanks into separate queues. Then we no longer need to hear people whining about double barrier or double off-tank. Also the Tanks can get a bunch of buffs/reverts so they’re all on par with each other.

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It could be a lot more brutal than that, within the tank queue if someone selects Rein before you then Orisa and Sigma are ALSO locked out the same instance that Rein is locked out.

They’re just going to balance the game/introduce a hero or two in OW2 that makes double shield not the best comp. Limiting 1 barrier per team isn’t a good idea

Honestly, I see a 132 role queue more probable than 1122.

If they do 132, they can even split the DPS queue into one mobile DPS (Genji, Reaper, Doomfist, Tracer, Pharah, Echo), one long range DPS (McCree, Widowmaker, Ashe, Soldier, Hanzo, Bastion), one utility DPS (Torbjorn, Symmetra, Sombra, Mei, Junkrat). To keep each “role” somewhat around the same size.

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yes that is most likely gonna happen even tho they never seem to learn that releasing hardcounters to metas is the worst thing they could do.

blizzard is allergic to experimenting with stuff and those “baindaid fixes” will never solve the problem. it will only make it worse

btw to some extend i believe echo was designed to counter double shield since her beam cracks every shield thats half HP but instead of having her hardcounter the meta us the players rarely use it on shields and instead to finish of low HP targets. Another failure for Blizzard. They never learn

Honestly they could do with just getting rid of his shield and maybe giving him something else in return?