Houston Outlaws vs. Shanghai Dragons - FINAL

I’m just so used to clutch DF on defense. Attack DF is…a nice change.

I reviewed all of the map scores from both seasons, the previous round was the FIRST EVER double full hold in Overwatch League history.


wow! great play by Muma on hamster!

I feel like Shanghai have earned the right to be viewed as Chengdu’s big brother. They’re just as flexible, and they’ve beaten Chengdu 4-0 and 3-1

Dragons spread out a little too much at the end there…

It seems Shanghai has no clue how to play against an enemy Sombra…if Houston picks that the rest of the way, Shanghai will take the loss…

Houston really need to stop playing GOATS


This is like watching a team of top 500 streamers vs a random 6 stack of randoms all in diamond…


DDING with that insane spinning at the end. What’s his sensitivity at?

Not even a tick for Outlaws!
Dragons went in hard this map!

I believe Shanghai are currently the only team to suffer a Quad bagel, against London last season.

Houston currently have a Triple bagel, with a double 100-0 on Control and no ticks given up on Assault or Hybrid

Is that what we’re calling full holds now? Bagels? Because I’m okay with this.

Aaaaand…Houston Outlaws are hereby declared trash…

Let’s at least PRAY that the Outlaws run the pirate ship, the bunker comp, literally ANYTHING but GOATS on Junkertown…

Inb4 Houston GOATS on Junkertown.

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They need them DPS players

The meta forcing has to stop for teams who aren’t built for it. Outlaws are great at what they do but what they do isn’t meta.


In other words, Houston belongs in the Quick Play lobby.

Like I’ve said, GOATS is “Safe” for most teams.
Some try to go outside it.
Some fear to go outside it.
Outlaws, even if shown to be good with DPS against GOATS on a map…they stick to GOATS too much.

…That’s what I feel anyway.

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I said it before, i’ll say it again

Outlaws do not know how to DPS anymore, they can only Goats, and because of this they are just going to lose to people who ‘do’ dps and will lose to teams that are masters of Goats.

Titans demonstrated this, they lost map 1 when outlaws used dps, but the second they went Goats the Titans just pimp slapped them outa the way.

This time, the Dragons run DPS, and the outlaws try to answer it, but they get slapped away, fighting with goats yielded nothing, they just got slapped

They need to throw out their old book and pick some weird comps, play ‘their’ game not the opponent’s game. Take out Reaper, run offense Torb, Sym, double sniper, ‘anything’ besides goats and take the enemy off guard!


I’m basing it on tennis. In tennis a bagel is the term given to a 6-0 set. A Triple Bagel is winning a best of 5 6-0, 6-0, 6-0