Houston Outlaws vs. Shanghai Dragons - FINAL

We shouldn’t be surprised. That entire match sums up the Outlaws this season.

Finaly some Ashe Action! Nice to see, even if I missed Bob somehow. ^^" Roadhog was also pretty good here, nice catches.

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A double full hold has probably happen in some game that featured Vancouver or New York or San Fran.

I feel the hook on the Ana in the last minute saved the day.

Diya has a 0% Loss rate in S2. He also has a 0% Win rate in S2

But he has just about ALL the Ashe usage in season 2 so I’m happy :sweat_smile:


Dragons play a whole mess of different heroes. I approve.

Especially when one of those is Ashe.

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Outlaws need to bring out LiNkzr


I need to see what the hero pickrate in this match is, now that Ashe is in there

We might have more Ashe than Reaper this stage thanks to this map! :joy:

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Woot just got my 7th 100 token drop…where them all star skins at?!?

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Currently I count:

  1. Ashe
  2. Doom
  3. Genji
  4. Junk
  5. Soldier
  6. Pharah
  7. Sombra
  8. Winston
  9. Rein
  10. Ham
  11. Orisa
  12. Zarya
  13. Dva
  14. Hog
  15. Lucio
  16. Zen
  17. Ana
  18. Mercy
  19. Brig

Might have missed Widow on Oasis as well, but not sure on that

Outlaws will be better once they go DPS…whenever that is.

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Shanghai are probably better at the weird Hammond DPS comps too.


Not this match. Probably for the best, since doing GOATS better is going to be their win condition in the second half.

Ironically, since it’s typically the inverse.

Second half predictions…

Houston wins both maps on the back of strong bunker comps on Blizzard World, and a strong pirate ship offense on Junkertown…

There’s Baptiste and Tracer. 21


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Doomfist Too?! What is this, Chengu Hunters?! :wink:

oh Youngjin’s always running Doom, I think he likes Doom more than Hydration does

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