Hot take. You deserve your rank

The game is heavily skewed towards individual performance.

Teammates notwithstanding, plenty of people are ranking upwards even with negative win rates.

Wouldnt have said it before OW2 but yeah. The coding is broken. Something under the hood of this matchmaking system is NOT working correctly. Dont know whats wrong with it but its 100% not working as intended and if it is scrap it and start over cause its trash.

I’ve had my individual performance reviewed during the last 3 ranking cycles by support players in M/GM, to which they’ve given fair feedback that I can implement, but have said I’m playing at a high-Platinum/low-Diamond level.

If your comment were strictly the case, ranking would be placed appropriately. This is not the case. Supports cannot make up for a lack of bad game sense, low damage, feeding, and low performance of the others on the team.

The recurring feedback I’ve heard with the higher performing support players is that I need a dps to queue with to better play the algorithm, a theme common in the support community.

The notion to focus on my individual performance does not equate a rank appropriate if my teammates are recurrently costing the match for four consecutive matches.

Not if you play support in the below gold tiers it isn’t. I can play Kiriko, have no more than 1 death, do 16k healing and still it isn’t enough to make up for my teams either splitting up and getting slaughtered, or standing in the middle of a shooting gallery and getting slaughtered.

Sounds like you’re playing the wrong hero for the situation then

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I can heal them fine, but all the healing in the world doesn’t stop your tank getting team shot and burning through all the healing power two healers can give. EDIT. I dare say that in the case of my games, it isn’t the support that needs to pick up its game.

Elaborate then. What hero would be more beneficial in that scenario?

Idk…. Provide a replay code.

It’s adorable how consumed low Elo players are with stats.

Stats don’t win you games.

Yeah, sure…. Stats provide a window into how much value you consistently provide but it really doesn’t matter if you’re not making plays that enable your team.

You ARE aware that you’re playing against other human being who are also skilled (relatively) and trying to win just as much as you are right?

Who says I’m talking about healing?

  • The role is called “support.” Not healer.

You can’t heal stupid. Nor do I expect you to.

But you ARE expected to determine the most appropriate way to enable/carry your team.

All 3 roles have carry potential. The higher you climb in rank, the more carry potential support has (it’s actually the most powerful role since there’s only 1 tank).

Let’s assume I give you benefit of doubt for a second.

We all get inexperienced teammates, trolls, and straight up unlucky games (people who D/C).

  • And not all games are “Individually” winnable/carry-able.
  • But the consistency of which you perform at is what shoots you up the ladder (eventually).

But all these issues considered doesn’t change the fact that high Elo support players can jump onto your account and eventually climb to their correct rank.

I’m not saying the system is perfect and infallible. But I’d say you should really consider reviewing your own games and deciding if there’s something else you can do (there always is).


Idk man, with that logic one can’t really make a definitive statement like “switch a hero”, without first knowing the context of the match, like you suggest in this opposing statement.

Stats aren’t everything, agreed, but your tone makes you sound condescending and elitist. I don’t care what rank you are, you have no right to sound as pompous as you are and use your experience and rank as an excuse to belittle others.

Agreed, cannot emphasize this enough. Each hero has a unique aspect to add to the match, and I cannot emphasize how often I correct dps that just expect a healbot.

So by the logic, the lower rank you are, the lower carry potential support has. Which confirms my thoughts and previous statements. There are absolutely some games where I don’t need to heal as a Mercy, and opt to either go Moira (as the heals aren’t needed), or funnel damage amp on our killer dps, and getting some absolutely insane numbers. These matches are few and far between, however.

If you take away the high rank players group of support (ie., strictly solo queueing, as most of the players presumable are), I would imagine it would be quicker, but at a slower rate than you’re thinking.

That’d actually be an interesting video if some GM, top 500 support player would try it. Strictly solo queuing, incognito, etc.

Uh…. Yeah….


Didn’t ask, tbh

Being straightforward and belittling are not synonymous.

You would think that. The problem with your logic is….

The heroes themselves don’t change. Only the person using them.

There are 8 different supports who all do different things. The less coordinated and skillful other players are, the more opportunity there is to make game changing plays based on heroes with respect to how the enemy is playing.

It’s almost as if each hero has specific uses depending on what the enemy is doing.

Low ranked DPS are extremely guilty of this mentally (tanks as well).

But the higher you go, the more capable supports become at awareness and prioritizing who needs to be kept up and why.

Overwatch is a game where win condition is vastly more important than being top fragger or having the highest (insert stat value here).

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im gonna say plat avg to below avg. i still see ppl doing the same mistakes that bronze players do

Then why give advice period then ? :slight_smile:

Because if you’re putting up high numbers but not progressing, it’s pretty clear that something isn’t happening (I.E. player not making good decisions).

Stats weigh less than decisions

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But you don’t know the context so…?

So what?

so without knowing anything about the game you played one cannot say what could have been the logical answer. hence, the ask for replay code…which is a free VOD review. you can provide code and get feedback, or dont, its up to you, perhaps though maybe listening to higher ranked player(s) when they provide FREE feedback could be worth your time instead of arguing…although wtf do i know…i just crunch numbers all day.


How charitable that someone, who doesn’t know my chosen spec, nor do I know their rank and chosen spec, critique my gameplay. Definitely not going to bother doing research and reaching out to notable players in the community who I can definitively know align with the type of player I want to be when I can just get FREE advice here.

How ungrateful of me, honestly.

I’m sure your attitude will improve as you mature as a gamer.

That said, the above player EXPLICITLY annotates

  • Gold (and lower rank)
  • Plays Kiri
  • Dies once
  • 16k+ heals

That’s more than enough “inductive” context to determine the player isn’t getting the “correct” value out of their choice.

While reviewing that specific game may allow opportunities to provide feedback or instruction as to how one might better approach “loss condition/s.”

If the player is unable or unwilling to provide greater insight as to what happened, examining the situation on their own and realizing that there are other heroes who will remedy the “loss condition/s” more effectively while requiring less mechanical aptitude (which over time draws out mental fatigue) while providing equal or greater value output, is a more than reasonable expectation.

God forbid we put the onus on individual players to play better than other human beings.

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Didn’t ask tbh,

My comment was referring to myself receiving the feedback, not the other player. I’m not speaking on their behalf.

You assume a lot of things in your response. Don’t do that.

Then your entire argument and response above was absolutely meaningless as you interjected to what was being directed at another user.

You should take a step back and review commentary before responding to something that doesn’t apply to you.

  • Like your gameplay though, this would take self-accountability which you’re clearly not a proponent of
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