Hot take. You deserve your rank

It’s literally no different from ow 1, they just exanged sr with 5-1 now, that’s it

In OW1 you could see your SR at least moving up or down. You could tell when your getting favorable matchmaking on the loading screen. Now everything is hidden and it’s rubbish.


Yeah, you just can’t see the sr, exactly, that’s why people are mad for some reason, nothing else is really different, other than removing being able to see ranks displayed in game, that was for a good cause, but didn’t do very well

They did it so you cannot see the broken matchmaker designed for speed instead of ranking.

Plenty of evidence that the spread of teams is massive with GM’s seeing Golds in their game.


When did that happen?


Correct, that is how a ranking system works.

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Can a system separate people into tiers and also be dysfunctional and poorly designed?


For ranks Diamond and below there is a “performanced-based ranking” system in place where, depending on a number of different statistics, you can gain/lose more rating per win/loss. (If you play exceedingly well, you will gain vastly more rating per win and lose far less per loss). This isn’t even necessary because good players can, with a fair degree of consistency, carry low-ranked games.

There are plenty of players, including myself, who only play solo and rank up. I actually prefer it and find it easier than stacking.

The idea that you are not able to climb out of low ranks even if you are an incredibly skilled player is absurd. There are no GMs in the metal ranks. There are players (as shown on youtube and twitch) who consistently, on multiple accounts, climb to the highest ranks solo.

Of course. Please give me more than a yes/no to respond to because I must type a message longer than 20 characters every response and forums won’t let me respond to multiple people without more chats.


If you’re stuck in bronze or silver then yes.

I feel like people are more complaining about matchmaking.

There are few people posting about their ranks not changing after 7 wins but they usually dont post any evidence that they shall rank up.

I regret the feeling of not understanding what to do or what’s going on between my 7 wins screens. recently, the game deranked me from S3 to B3 and I have legit no idea why…
And thats what bother me the most ; I feel like I have no clue what I’ve done wrong or good.


“probably”, “maybe”, “could”. man this guy really likes to use qualifiers when talking about something that should be straightforward. (±25, unless Blizzard DID add PBSR to high ranks and just forgot to tell anyone.)

Bronze 5 is working as intended. It has never been bugged.

Someone has to be the top rated player on any given team. If you have better skill then you’ll win more games. Supports can’t be passive in OW2; they just have a lot to juggle.

smurfs aside, all the Masters+ players got boosted out of super low ranks by the system during week 2. lol

Overwatch has never been good at giving the player feedback on how they are doing. We’ve always had to look at outside sources, like platwatch or overbuff, or through coaching… and it’s only gotten worse with OW2. :disappointed:

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Given how little official information we get, it is more appropriate to use qualifiers than it is to thump our chests and claim to know that which we cannot, no?

While it could very likely be a bug in the ranking system as long as they are above diamond it should be a straight ±25 no matter what and be easy to calculate their rank. There is a post on the website that said “Each division represents approximately a 100 SR range”.

I understand the rank distributions being mostly 100 apart, because it’s essentially the same as the old ranks in the big picture.

You lose me with the plus/minus 25 SR, though. How are you getting that figure?

Edit: To clarify, I’m not questioning performance modifiers being absent above diamond like the old system. I’m questioning the idea of a static figure applied to each W/L, because that was never how the system worked before.

this would be the case if 90% of the playerbase wasn’t placed in bronze 5. that rank is a mess, if you should be silver then you have to compete against plats. you really cant even try to argue that that is a good idea.


I was under the impression that winning or losing a game in Diamond+ above gave static adjustments without PBSR, in OW1. I’m fairly confident about this.

[edit:] I asked a few friends and they either 1) don’t remember or 2) said “yeah that sounds right”.

My friends aren’t very helpful.

It wasn’t a static amount before, but it didn’t have the PBSR modifier on it.

If your team was expected to win, you may get 18 SR on win or lose 22 on loss. That kinda thing. Still a thing that juggled multiple factors we couldn’t make perfect sense of, but was slightly less volatile than pre-diamond gains/losses.

I hard agree but I think we can all agree that the matchmaking is janky at best!


Atrocious take, i am currently plat, when i play by day the average rank is somewhere between gold and silver (not a simple feeling, i’m asking people’s rank) and when i play by night, games are mostly diamond/master+ (while obviously having longer queue time by night ?!), i can just feel it as the voice chat is actually populated and people are willing to communicate and team up. I also have a better winrate by night.

If as a plat player i have to play with the whole spectrum of rank (i had multiple games with bronzes and diamonds in the same team), where literally is the point of ranking? if my rank doesn’t make sense, no other does, and in this case i don’t deserve any of that ranking as much as anybody else