Hot Take (ig?) Ana is fine!

Except i have games without ana, and they still manage to die.

Is ana strong agaist them? Yes, but they arnt balanced just because of her.

How many times? A Mauga or Hog dying two times in a game only works to prove my point.

A good Mauga/Hog won’t die without Ana, assuming that they have good Supports.

I dont know? I dont keep track of how many times i kill people.

I just know games where we dont have ana, because im playing support and my duo is also support and both of us dont play ana.

And our team manages to kill mauga

You should know if they’re dying consistently or not. I have never seen a Mauga or Hog die consistently without Ana, even when HEAVILY outskilled by the enemy team

They die enough to where we win a ok chunk of our games.

Any number i would give is 100% guessing

And also 100% indicative of your perspective, so just bear with me.

Another number as well. How often do they die when not completely and totally outskilled by your team?

Unsure as i dont profile snoop accounts to check skill/rank.

Sometimes it feels like we are underskilled, sometimes overskilled, sometimes if feels balanced.

Any number i would give is 100% guessing and would mean nothing.

Im just saying from my personal experience, mauga and hog are not balanced soly around anti being in the game, becuase a decent chunk of the games i play dont have anti in it (at least on our team)

Don’t need to. Rank isn’t indicative of skill.

And again, 100% indicative of your perspective. Knowing the actual number is genuinely less important to me than knowing what you believe to be the closest thing.

If you want a number i would say maybe 40% of my games are “equal skill” with 30% in my favor and 30% in the enmey favor.

As for how many times a mauga dies? IDK the average amount? I dont really see them with extremely high or low deaths, usally they are average from my experience.

But that is 100% guess work from weeks of playing and not really paying much attention

Interesting. So if a Mauga is dying an “average” amount of times when your team is better AND when your team is worse, doesn’t that seem to be a bit of a problem? That his deaths are less dependent on what your team is doing and more dependent on who he’s playing?

Not really?

If my team is doing better, he has more deaths, buts its average for his team, and vise versa.

Im not saying he death stay average overall, but average for the game he is in. and that varries, which is why its 100% guessing

Hmmm, also pretty interesting. While I’ll acknowledge your viewpoint here, as this is all anecdotal, you’re the first person I’ve seen so far that has seen Mauga/Hog die consistently without an Ana.

Like i said, its because one of my friends who i play with also does alot of support, so a decent chunk of are games (like 40%) are both of us on support, and neither of us enjoy ana much.

So games without ana (on are team) are quite frequent for me.

Your words. Not mine. You said use cover. Not me.

Using cover isn’t a push. It’s giving ground and mitigation.

I said roll around cover, As in dip out and back into the fight using shout to reposition.

As in one motion you pop out of LOS and pop back in say next to the enemy ana.

I’m not saying hide in a corner now till the effect wares off.

You can capitalize on the fact ana now burned her one self heal tool.

So anti is needed for excess healing ok, but ana has an abundance of healing as well so …

Which once again is non-advice. Because that is what you do as a tank naturally. You use cover to preserve and make the most of the resources you expend to get in the combat with as much as that resource intact as possible.

Every tank has a resource built to enable this. We all know this. The complaint isn’t that there is NOTHING you can do against it.

The complaint is that there is only so much a tank can do because of how powerful and oppressive being purpled can be.

You may be right that JQ fairs better because of speed and overhealth. But it doesn’t mean she does WELL against it.

You are obfuscating the issue by telling everyone what we already know.

Your missing a key factor here, your not preserving anything.

Your smacking head long into the enemy team from a flank throwing knifes to combo off into an axe swing. Captilalizing on the fact ana just burn her one self heal.

I’m not being passive, I’m saying screw with the enemy by using your tools to go even more aggro.

Were not waiting it off, were not recharging resources. Were getting a new angle away from the enemy team push. second from it hitting you. And chopping heads when they least expect it. From a place your taking less aggro from. While you have a speed boost an extra health to play around.

Your going for the kill through the nade.

Once again, I am aware of what you are saying. You are saying do tank thing to perform tank role of agressing into the enemy team.

Which for the third time now is NON-advice. You are trying to nerdsplain something we already all know instead of addressing the underlying concern.

That concern being that being purpled is one of the greatest barriers to doing the job you are describing. The fact that you can overcome it with a HUGE amount of prerequisites doesn’t negate the issue.

Because you know what happens when you are purpled? Ana isn’t the only one who is about to expend all their resources. The entire enemy team smells blood and uses all of their’s. Making your overhealth and speed pretty moot most of the time.

No your specifcally mentioning aspects that are not in play here. Resulting in completely different situations and scenarios that are playing out.

You are very much presenting a more passive wait it out scenario. That say something rien playing a corner would do. Or a cycling out of the fight in a safe spot behind her team.

it’s not It’s never been really.

As long as you get your kill, and force the enemy team to have to rotate back around. You in fact did your job.

As you opened up the enemy to getting shot into the side / back. Pulled attention away from the rest of team. And limited the amount of resources that they can put into single hero. Creating a domino effect down the line.

From that point on as long as it leads to even one more kill prior to your death. You effectively won that fight.

That very thing got me to diamond on tank. As a support main. In both role and open que.

Prior to her really big buffs she got.