Hot Take: I don't want them to give up on PvE

That would took another few YEARS to compete. Nah, good its gone.

The team made it bad intentionally and asked money for it so they can gaslight people into that they can’t provide and people don’t want PvE missions.

It can be made, focus on a select few playable characters for pve, expand as time goes on and the story dictates it.

Outsource as needed.


You are thinking so small, so lamely, my friend.

If you don’t set your sights higher, then that’s where they’ll remain.

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Let’s be honest here. Overwatch 1, all things considered, was a very complete game. 32 heroes is as good of a stopping point as any, and the game was already pretty damn balanced. Even if the game stopped getting updates, you’d still have a dedicated fanbase.

If it took a good 10 years to drop a damn good game with a damn good co-op experience, then so be it. I’d wait.


Yeah, honestly it would need 4 characters max and no locked weapons. Then we have the start of something. But some of the most popular characters are too tricky to put in early (Mercy, Dva, Genji, Bastion etc)

Eh, I’m someone who likes to delve into lore, play DnD and a lot of RPGs, but since OW2 I’m glad that the whole thing has been put on hold. The lore needs a thorough renovation, a kind of loremaster and the PvE Stroy itself doesn’t fit overwatch.
The characters are just heroes, not superheroes. Everything is operating virtually illegally. The whole story shouldn’t be an Avengers Invinity War but rather a James Bond or Mission Impossible.
The existence of the new default skins also gives me a feeling of relief that the PvE has been canceled.
I’m also not a fan of how Widow was further developed.

What I would like:

  • Delete the 2 from OW2.
  • Remove the OW2 default skins from Canon and no longer use them for anything.
  • Completely revise the lore (with a fixed timeline)
    Then you could consider starting PvE again.

I would rather a spin-off title using the Overwatch I:P instead of having them try to force lackluster gameplay into an engine that wasn’t designed for it.

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I’d always envisioned spin-offs as stand alone games rather than like dlc or something.

I think dlc could work but I’ve always thought other games was the better route.

To be honest, Blizzard should had teamed up with CDProjektRed and collab’d to make the best Cyberpunk-futuristic PvE game ever.

Imagine Tracer upgrading to a sandevistan. Time reversal + time manipulation. Oh sweet mama, it’s beautiful.

Oh boy, do I have something you’d like to see~ CTI: Tracer Talent Tree

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If they could actually finish up the entire campaign and sell the rest of it is one piece then I might be for that, but I’m not even sure if that strategy could work anymore because the business model for the first 3 missions left such a bad taste in everyone’s mouth that a lot of people who would’ve bought PvE as a box game no longer would. And also I don’t even know if they could finish the campaign within 5 years at this point. It seems like every year the devs spend on the PvE results in around 20-30 minutes of gameplay, which just doesn’t seem sustainable

Don’t worry, people that are happy for PVE to be scrapped, wrongfully thinking it will make PVP better with more content and stuff, will soon realize they’ve been “played” by Blizzard when they realize less heroes are on the way :sweat_smile:

Can’t wait to see if they’ll stick to the “one new hero every two season” after Season 12.

The 2025 roadmap might be disappointing.

Edit : wouldn’t be surprised if they announced a new Overwatch game in the works.


Shills incoming
“Get used to whatever Blizzard dearly walked! They tried their best!”

Very kind of you to overestimate the complexity of their brains’ wiring


Are they releasing the 2025 roadmap this year?

lore reader here, I want to answer every point honestly. :slightly_smiling_face:

absolutely yes. :+1: With the slowdown/silence on PVE, the game has lost any meaning of being called “2” on the title, other than implementing a gaslighting principle on what led to improving the game as PVP. I find that the game like PVP has improved a lot… but because it is doing its duty as a live service game, which was also the duty of OW1 from the beginning. a well-updated game is not called “2”, just as we have not called “WoW 2” an MMORPG that has profoundly changed over the years to produce a “classic”.

Kaplan’s intentions were honest: he wanted us not to feel divided as a community, and he had fairly honest intentions regarding the preservation of collectible features (emoting, skins, voicelines, etc.). But it is also true that perhaps Kaplan overestimated too much the “replayability” work that a narrative that worked had to have… precisely because it was limited time and people played it as long as they could.

I love Starcraft lore, but I don’t replay story mode endlessly, only when I want to re-appreciate it a few months / years later. It would probably be honest now to convert the project into a single player with the option of being able to invite someone, and not make it a 100% necessary requirement on high difficulties.

I personally am already seeing it with the PVP side, and it is right that the revolution of the principles of this franchise begins from there.

This is not a very “obvious” factor. Let’s take Leauge of Legends as an example, which played its game very well through lore (and Arcane: recently its studio dedicated to exclusively lore-based video games closed. The reason? Little profitability of the projects to cover expenses and little diffusion of the project inside the main game (lol same)

Perhaps OW2 could have had this type of opportunity with the announcement of OW2 as a separate game dedicated exclusively to single player lore and many missions instead of as a too small episode, without coming soon of the next chapters and with far too many doubts about its replayability . Now, unfortunately… those who were interested in the lore have left because they felt betrayed by blizzard and its marketing. and new players struggle a lot to recover the pieces of lore unless they read the game’s publishing (extremely not globalized, it has almost zero diffusion in foreign localization compared to the game).

I don’t blame them at all that they will proceed very slowly in resuming the project… but they need to start again in something that REALLY informs the community effectively, without creating very ridiculous situations like Kiriko’s age and her “magic” in a Shi-fi world.

I… don’t want a PVE anymore. Rather I want a real playable narrative, which is different. Starcraft has its own single player narrative, sold huge expansion packs and made it a fantastic franchise, why Overwatch cannot simply GIVE UP the stubbornness of having 4 players play on maximum difficulty in a year or 10 years… when instead it only gets servers voids and really bad teammate AI? so let’s invest in good AI… let me play alone when I want when I want to know the lore. and not just three miserable missions, a REAL mission package with a story to tell up to a final point, worthy enough to call itself a “chapter”.

Play with someone? leave it to me as an option, not an obligation. Cuphead allows you to play as a duo with friends and that’s where there’s an automatic way of making the AI more severe. I can’t do anything with empty servers and a few playable missions in “ridiculous” mode and it doesn’t give me the narrative.

And…No, even with a talent tree like the one seen at blizzconline the pve would not have been infinitely replayable at all. This was demonstrated by the gauntlet mode which has many variations on the battlefield but was abandoned after two weeks after activation. Developing the talent tree is of NO use if the servers, instead of being abandoned after a month, are abandoned after 3 months: this is not the “replayability” that is needed. think about it, would you play the same bioshock chapter for the entire story campaign 10-15-30 times consecutively just because it has so many powers to exert on the same AI of the game? NO, but it remains a great game for the narrative that you enjoyed and that you are ready to play again… when you want to start playing it again, not waiting for 3 other people on the server in a year or 10 years on legendary difficulty.


I knew so many people that played OW1 from bronze to top 500, so many people that were interested in OW1 but weren’t fps players, that were interested in OW2 having a major pve component.

I was always pvp first kind of person and I was excited for it. The canceling of pve is such a massive waste of what could’ve been.


I don’t think I said it was obvious? but I think it still stands.

I’ve played league since S3 so I’m very familiar with it.

What you’re talking about did happen but they’re still making the fighting game, they still have Arcane which is award winning and they’re still getting the mmo even if it was delayed.

I think the venture into other projects has more than paid off. And you should remember that when they cancelled the whole indie studio thing, they also laid off hundreds of employees, so it’s clear for whatever reason they wanted to size down in general.

Yeah they need to do stand alone full length games or dlc’s or something like that, that starts from the beginning, that could be the omnic war or just after it.

I agree, I’ve always felt this was the way to go for them and what would be best if they decide to pursue it in the future.

I also agree about the skill trees, I’m not sure why they wanted to focus on that so much. Maybe they were inspired by Diablo?

Or maybe they wanted to call back to OW’s mmo origins?

I’m not sure, but it wouldn’t result in mass replayability.

I don’t think skill trees are a bad idea though, in a stand alone game/dlc they could be a lot of fun.

Or even if the game includes a horde mode for it as well.

I really hope they do pursue something outside of the pvp for OW though.

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yes at a certain point I think they seriously wanted to do a kind of Diablo mode… only to then realize that hack & slash gets boring very quickly in terms of replayability, unless you’re REALLY a Diablo clone where the fun is in the get your own skill and gear builds (oops, not overwatch, a co-op fps without weapon customization and invertoy with objects in an edventure :neutral_face:).

they were right to recycle it all in a diablo homage event… but it can’t be a viable PVE in terms of “the servers will be full for the whole year or in 10 years”, especially if you expect to do it with a narrative which accomplishes nothing.

but in reality the talent tree seen in 2019 was fine with its only 3 slots: small, simple, direct, without developing too many contemporary technologies. Probably they have developed so many that now they have quite a few to recycle on the new future heroes of the game with different variations of blazes, healing, etc. which is fine… but it ended up being “it was for PVE, but it looks like we’ll never develop one :person_shrugging: :sweat_smile:”.

I repeat: for me Overwatch 2 is improving A LOT as a PVP… but it is doing its job as a live service game of OW1, and there is no “5v5” or “2gb extra” or “f2p, crossplay” that will make me forget that “2” on the title was supposed to be the continuation of a story, not the beginning of a demo abandoned in silence and HUGe gaslightting on PVE features for justify the “2”. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Only new stuff we get in PvP is heroes, maps and some balance changes. The rest is just skins and cosmetics. Then compare that to content we wouid get if they maintained the original vision.

PvE content/focus
New cinematics, new enemy factions with different units for each one, new PvE unit mechanics we haven’t seen in previous OW PvE, every single hero having multiple playstyles based on what you like, expansions of PvP maps and completely unique PvE only maps like the Toronto mission, more additions to the overall lore through story missions, interactions, that Winston PC you can navigate in menu etc. PvPvE modes kind of like that Orisa beast one.


PvP content/focus
New heroes every 2 seasons, new maps every 2 seasons, new PvP modes, balance changes or reworks…

Wow. So much to look forward to with a PvP focus and it DEFINITELY requires the whole team to focus on it completely to get the same level and depth of content for PvP right?