Hot Take: I don't want them to give up on PvE

  • PvE was part of OW’s identity, it helped make it unique, they have a great universe and characters and it attracted players.

  • PvE can be outsourced. The biggest issue with PvE was it took time away from PvP which is an issue. But they can hopefully outsource these projects internally in Blizzard or out of Blizzard or both.

  • Activision and the CEO of Activision were the issue behind many things that plagued OW, huge projects being personally requested by the CEO and then cancelled after months of work from the same CEO being but 1 example. Now with them gone they can have an easier and more focused development.

  • It’s good for us. The players. It’s basically like this. PvE attracts players > more money for devs > more content for players. It’s a win win for everyone.

  • It would bring old players back and help them love OW again. A lot of players felt burned by how the transition between OW1 and 2 was handled and of course the cancellation of PvE. With a refocus into new PvE content these fans can feel welcomed back and enjoy the characters/games they once loved.

i dont think anyone does, it was the entire reason for the cash shop and the “2”

but they dont care, they pulled the bait and switch off already. they got the cash shop in, and now they have no reason to keep the promise.

they lied to the community to get a cash shop in.


I know it’s easy to feel this way because of how badly it was handled.

But I don’t think the current team is like this.

The current leaders stepped in when OW was a complete sh*t show and ever since they’ve shown nothing but passion and have tried their best to make OW2 the best game it can be.

I truly believe Activision and Bobby Kotic’s greed, the CEO of Activision at the time was the main leading force behind these things.

Not the current leadership like Aaron Keller.

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i understand that, but like the dev team knew that pve was canned before ow2 was launched.

why wouldnt they tell the community? because then the community would push back against the cash shop and be against the “sequel”

the developers may be different, but the people leading the teams and calling the shots arent.


Activision isn’t around anymore, the old leadership is gone.

And the current leadership has shown how much better they are about monetization.

They’ve taken heroes out of bp’s which has been long requested.

I just don’t think you can compare who’s leading the ship now to when Activision was still involved.

If the released version of PvE had been more improved, I’d say the same thing. However, I feel they failed the launch state of the game by not allowing it to have some of the most bare minimum requirements of co-op gaming.

  1. No all-heroes type of custom game lobby by ‘host’
  2. No backfill.
  3. No open queue search by world or other filters.
  4. No options to possibly skip story dialogue.
  5. More randomization between encounters. There are seemingly too many fixed spawns one can predict.

THere have been improvements from archives such as someone dying not failing the whole party with an unmovable player.

Old leadership being gone doesnt mean the current leadership isnt also here to dig through your wallets.

It is my opinion that if they really wanted to make better monetization theyd throw away the battle pass and move to something else

They removed the heros from the battlepass because Mauga was literally pay to win and they knew it. Had the Mauga issues not happened they would have left it as is in my opinion.

Theyve only made moves, again in my opinion, because the game did so bad that they didnt get their bonuses.

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I would be happy if there was atleast tv series.

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They have enough on their plate. PVE was never all that good.

Maintaining resources into PVP just makes more sense.


Addressed this in my post.

I don’t think PvE is cancelled and I believe they’re still working on it.

The only word we’ve gotten that it is comes from third party sources, mainly ex-devs who fear it’s been cancelled (but won’t know because they’re ex-devs) and a single journalist who editorializes their work quite a bit and shouldn’t be trusted as far as he can be thrown.

Until Aaron Keller or someone else on the Overwatch team officially steps up and says “PvE is cancelled, sorry guys.” then as far as I am concerned it’s still in the works. Official word or nothing.

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Ooohohohohooooo. That is not true.

If people actually cared for the co-op, they would’ve shown any semblance of interest in it before it got axed.

Jeff wanted this to be something as big, if not bigger than PvP. But players didn’t seem to talk about it other than the fact it was a thing.

You wanna know why they should work on co-op? Because it would be awesome, that’s why!

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I understand that. But it still takes resources. Outsourcing is still taking up resources even it’s not directly tied to their team working on it.

Everything takes resources.

But as I said in my post.

The PvE missions they offered up to us where so mediocre and lackluster compared to other co-op games that I understand why they cancelled.

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I understand. I still think resources would be better spent focusing on the core aspect of the game. PVP.

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PvE was the reason, why they stopped working on OW1, why they took forever to do something, why the story was not moving on and multiple other things.

The end of PvE is one of the BEST things they could have announced. It was not THAT good that I would like to see more missions. In terms of the lore its sad that they need to find another way to tell it, but on the other hand, we have no name characters like Illari, who have NOTHING to do with the story or any of the characters.

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maybe they would’ve in the FRIGGIN CAMPAIGN


It has always been rubbish though. All the PvE stuff was stilted and boring, whether that was Archives, Junkenstein’s Revenge or whatever.

I’m happy they’ve ditched PvE, because they were really bad at it.


The Overwatch IP is good and there was lots of potential. However there were two glaring issues:

  • it was a looter shooter with no loot, at a time when an AAA looter shooter just flopped horrendously

  • there are WAY too many characters to make talent trees for

Resolve those to have a route to go forward.