CTI: Tracer Talent Tree

Let’s get to the point. Overwatch isn’t doing talent trees. I’m doing their job for them! Here’s Tracer! 75 different talents, organized into three different skill trees. Each tree focuses on a playstyle. Two trees focus on simpler playstyles you would see in PvP. The other breaks open the potential of the character to do some crazy sh[oot]. You can select a specific tree to focus on and that gives it additional points to exchange as well as a perk exclusive to selecting that skill tree. Let’s make the devs say “Tracer gets to do what…?”

Additional info can be found here! shameless plug CTI: Winston Talent Tree

*Many ideas were used from u/cal_nomen_official (with their permission :D) and Heat Street PVE.

Tracer - Special changes. While Tracer had a lot of mobility options in PVE, her Blinks will always be the most reliable. However, if she uses all of her Blinks the cooldown will be reset and increased by 3 second before she can use them again. This drawback can actually be taken advantage of with a few of her talents.

  • Cadet - Increases Pulse Pistol damage by 20%
    • Row 1
      • Whap! - Increases Melee damage. 35 - 40 - 50
      • Think Fast! - Increases projectile speed of Pulse Bomb. +10% - 30% - 50%
      • Safety Goggles - Dealing enough damage to close targets blinds them temporarily. Blinded enemies may accidentally damage their own allies. Maximum range 2 meters. 3 - 5
      • Ready and Raring - Increases movement speed. 5% - 10% - 15%
    • Row 2
      • Full of Energy - Pressing interact will send Tracer in a sprint for a decent duration, greatly increasing speed. She can do a variety of moves to position herself, disorient enemies and deal damage, including a backflip, wall run, sharp evasive maneuver, and a 360° attack similar to Death Blossom as level increases with a variety of button combos.
      • Pulse Proficiency - Pulse Pistols ignore armor or any other damage reduction/prevention (except for immortality). Reduction negation 20% - 50% - 100%
      • Running Out Of Time - The last bit of ammo from Pulse Pistols does additional damage. +50% - +100% - +200%
      • Efficient with Time - Critical hits give increased Pulse Bomb charge. +5 points - +10 - +20
    • Row 3
      • Kickstart - Blinking into a sprint gives a temporary boost of even more speed. +10% - 20% - 30%
      • Stun Pad - Tracer can swap to a Stun Pad along with a Pulse Pistol. This gives the chance to stun after blinking. 10% - 25% - 33%
      • Pulse Rifles - Greatly increases falloff range and accuracy. Falloff starts 20 meters - 25 - 35. Spread decreased by 20% - 50% - Pinpoint
      • Power Pistols - Increases damage of Pulse Pistols. 15% - 30% - 50%
    • Row 4
      • Pulsing Pistols - You can shoot while blinking or recalling to have certain effects. Blinking while shooting combines several bullets into one damaging one. Shooting while Recalling causes bullets to remain motionless, but deal damage when enemies walk into them.
      • Time’s Up! - Increases damage of Pulse Bomb when stuck. 400 - 600 - 1000
      • Smashing! - Melee can now do critical damage. Multiplier 1.5X - 2X - 3X
      • Slip Stick - Can leave behind a snare that trips enemies for a long period of time after a blink. Can be moved and thrown around with the help of allies. Snare time: 1.5 seconds - 2.5 - 4.5
    • Row 5
      • Twice the Stun! - Tracer can carry two Stun Pads, guaranteeing stuns and doing additional damage between blinks. Blink damage +15 - +20 - +30
      • Speed Kills - Killing blows slightly decrease cooldowns. -.2 seconds - -.4 seconds - -.66 seconds
      • Can’t Catch Me! - Increases the amount of Blinks you can store at a time at the cost of a larger blink cooldown. +1 - +2 - +3
      • Too Fast For You - Blinking through an enemy causes them to be confused for a moment, causing them to fire without control and hit their own. .65 seconds - 1 - 2
    • Row 6
      • Party Crasher - Tracer can grab a grunt and use them as a human shield as they attack their allies. You can use this grunt as platform Yoshi-style. Leveling this up improves the accuracy of the human shield. Cone: 90 degrees - 45 degrees - 20 degrees
      • Chain Reaction - Secondary explosions occur to enemies effected by Pulse Bomb, albeit for less damage. Damage: 25% - 50% - 75%
      • Speedster - Gives Tracer a bike.
      • Time to Go! - Sticking a Pulse Bomb on an enemy that’s guaranteed to kill them causes them to panic and run around. Runs randomly - Runs towards allies - Runs towards allies at increased speed.
    • Row 7
      • Pulse Stockpile - Increases the amount of charges Pulse Bomb can carry. +1 - +2 - +3

  • Ace - Increases jump height and speed by 20%
    • Row 1
      • Didn’t See That One Coming! - Increases damage if shot from behind. +8% - +15% - +25%
      • Go Long! - Decreases projectile gravity of Pulse Bomb. Maxing out the level lets the Pulse Bomb fly in a straight line. -25% - -50% - Straight Line
      • Boom! - Increases splash radius of Pulse Bomb. +25% - +50% - +100%
      • Light Feet - If Tracer lands on an enemy, it will do decent damage and stun them very briefly. This also launches Tracer in the air afterwards. Also increases increases jump height. +10% Jump Height - +20% - +35%
    • Row 2
      • Kick Flip - Tracer can kick off of a wall, launching her into the air and makes her do a cool flip. Has a cooldown of 8 seconds. Cooldown decreased by .5 - 2 seconds.
      • Going Down! - Holding the crouch button as Tracer is falling increases speed and does additional damage to enemies. Damage: 30 - 40 - 50
      • Coming In Fast! - Tracer can hold down Blink to use her blinks in rapid succession. Charge Time: 6 - 3.5 - 1.75
      • Hello Gents! - If you Blink into enemies without being initially spotted, they’ll be stunned for a moment before they shoot. .5 seconds - 1 - 1.5
    • Row 3
      • Personal Stash - Blinking through a Health Pack, Armor Pack, Ultimate Charger, or any additional item allows Tracer to carry a spawner for additional use later. These can continue to be picked up and replaced. Leveling up this will allow Tracer to carry additional items. +1 - +2 - +3
      • Blink Pistols - Pulse Pistols completely ignore barriers and do additional damage to shields. Can slightly penetrate walls. Leveling up the talent increase the distance the Pistols can penetrate. (shut up) +2 meters - 5 - 8
      • Time Loop - Decreases the cooldown of Recall. -.5 seconds - 1 - 2
      • High Priority Target - Pinged enemies take additional damage from Pulse Pistols. Tracer’s own pings do not count. +5% - 10% - 15%
    • Row 4
      • Sky’s The Limit - Can now Blink vertically and diagonally, albeit for less distance. 50% of normal distance. 65% - 80%
      • Woohoo! - Tracer can do a triple jump giving her respectable height. Also increases speed whilst jumping. Jump speed +10% - +15% - +25%
      • Present For Ya! - Tracer can drop a time bomb as she descends. Max Damage: 50 - 90 - 140
      • Get Stuffed! - Tracer can kick enemies away which both stuns them and knocks them back. 30 Damage - 35 - 50
    • Row 5
      • Health Stash -Tracer always has a Health Pack in her stash by default. Increasing the level increases the effectiveness of the Health Pack. 75 - 250 - 400 +Overhealth
      • Grip Gloves - Tracer can grab a ceiling and attack with her legs and small time bombs. She can then blink down and then launch herself upwards. Launch Height: 5m - 10 - 18
      • Parting Gift - Blinks and Recalls leave a Proximity Mine in their place. Damage: 60 - 80 - 120
      • Anomaly - Tracer can blink through thin walls. Leveling this up increases the distance she can blink through. 1 meter - 4 - 7
    • Row 6
      • Pulsar - Successfully hitting all of your clip decreases Pulse Bomb cooldown dramatically. Reward increases as clip size increases. +5% Ult Charge - 10% - 18%
      • Speed Overkills - Increases the sheer size of Pulse Bomb and tightens splash falloff damage. Splash Falloff -50% - 25% - Consistent damage.
      • Adaptive Reload - Pulse Pistols reload after Blinking or Recalling, albeit for less ammo. 25% Ammo - 50% - 100%
      • Going Up! - Looking directly up into the air while meleeing will cause Tracer to throw her pistols in the air, stunning any airborne enemies and sending them to the ground. She’s then dash up to her pistols and shoot from above, motionless. Critical damage multiplier increases whilst doing so. Crit +10% - 40% - 75%
    • Row 7
      • Magnetic Pulse Bomb - Pulse Bomb pulls enemies towards it as it’s being thrown. Attract range: 5 meters - 10 - 20

  • Time Jumper - Decreases cooldown of Recall by 1 second.
    • Row 1
      • Flash - Blink damages enemies. 10 - 20 - 30
      • Hindsight - Damages enemies that were previously damaged within the time of Recall. 10% of dealt damage - 30% -50%
      • Out of Time - Decreases cooldown of Recall after all Blinks have been used. -.25 seconds - .5 - 1
      • Back and Ready For More - Healing from Recall gives ult charge. Gains extra ult charge if health is critical. +25% additional ult charge - 50% - 100%
    • Row 2
      • Excellent Timing - Recall can now be cancelled. Recall unleashes a burst of energy that damages and knocks back enemies. Health that would’ve been regained after a full recall is regained regardless. Knockback - 2.5 meters - 4 - 8
      • Just in Time - Recall grants brief invulnerability after use. .5 seconds - 1 - 2
      • Desperate Times - Damage increases if you’re out of Blink charges. Damage increases the amount of max blink charges you have. +15% - +30% - +50% (*1+ (number of extra blinks/3)
      • Time Heals All Wounds - Recall gives small amount of additional health as well as what you’ve recalled. 10 - 15 - 25
    • Row 3
      • Daylight Savings - Decreases the cooldown of Blink by .25 seconds for every level.
      • Too Slow! - If Tracer recalls right as an enemy attacks her, they will be snared and be susceptible to damage from every direction. Snare Time: 1 - 2 - 3
      • I’ve Got Time! - Increases the range of Recall. 4 - 5 - 6 seconds.
      • 88 Kilometers Per Hour! - Blinking through enemies does additional damage and lights them on fire. Time on fire: 2 - 4 - 6
    • Row 4
      • Slipstream - New Ultimate: Tracer’s Chronal Accelerator charges up and warps her into a pocket dimension where all time has stopped for a brief moment of time. This gives her the opportunity to wail on enemies without the chance of them escaping. Allies are not effected by this during the ultimate and Tracer will have appeared to disappear. ~ Pulse Bomb has been mapped to Secondary Fire and is given a 90 second cooldown. However, the cooldown can be decreased as you deal damage. Leveling this up decreases the passive cooldown for Pulse Bomb. Slipstream is the longest charging ultimate in the game. Pulse Bomb timer: 90 - 75 - 60
      • Time Dilation - Enemies hit by Pulse Bomb have their speed reduced significantly. -25% - 40% - 60%
      • Time Paradox - Can slow down Recall while in the middle of using it, Recall will leave behind a anomalous tunnel that players and enemies can use. Will disappear once Recall is used again. Slow down speed: 80% - 60% - 30%
      • Vortex - Enemies near the origin of Recall will be caught and snared. Snare time: .6 - 1 - 1.8
    • Row 5
      • Speed of Light - Enemies that are killed during Slipstream explode in a ball of light, damaging enemies around them. Radius: 2 - 4 - 6
      • Special Deliveries - Tracer can throw out time bombs mid-Recall. Leveling this up increases the amount of bombs you can throw. 1 - 3 - 5
      • In The (Time) Zone - Decreases the cooldown of Blink whilst using Slipstream. -.25 seconds - .5 seconds - .75
      • Group Recall - Recalling also restores the health of allies over the period of the ability albeit for less. 30% - 60% - 100%
    • Row 6
      • Time to Kill - If idol, Tracer will pull out a set of headphones and listen to some classic rock. While she is in the groove, she cannot miss and will shoot her pistols in different directions. However, she won’t be able to blink and her movement speed is severely slowed. She can still recall, and this can be cancelled at any time. Think the opening of Guardians of the Galaxy. :slight_smile: Speed reduction: -50% - 30% - 10%
      • Boom! Whap! - Successful melee hits cause a small explosion that can damage enemies in its radius. Radius: 1 - 3 - 6
      • Recaller - Holding down Pulse Bomb will send any enemy that it sticks back in time. Holding down the Bomb dictates the amount of time they’ll be sent back. Time range: 2 - 3 - 5
      • …Who? - Any enemies in Tracer’s vicinity during Slipstream will be incredibly confused and will slow down outside of her pocket dimension. -40% - 70% - Complete stop.
    • Row 7
      • Lost in Time (You, Not Me) - Kills extend Slipstream. Any time remaining, if Slipstream is cancelled, will be reverted back to ult charge. +.5 seconds - 1 - 1.5

And that’s it! Thoughts? Any ideas you had in mind for Tracer talents? Would love to hear them! Otherwise, this is CurvedMedusa signing off! And going to bed.
