Hopefully 222 role queue uses individual hero SR

No 10 different placement matches for each hero.
But not every season, just once.

Players can only select heroes they have in about the same hero rank then the hero they queued with. So each player has his own hero pool he can only play during a match. (unranked heroes are level 0, so bronze)
So a diamond mercy with a silver widow can not swap to widow when he queues on his mercy.
Players can even deselect heroes they don’t want to play even if they at the same rank as the main selected hero. This means those players will not be available switch heroes and dont get into the hero pool)
The matchmaker could then make balanced game. Each team would have the same heroes players queued with and each team has about the same hero pool players can switch to. (so 6 one tricks will not be matched against 6 players who can all play 3 heroes on that level, and both team will have access to the same heroes) This makes even a 6 dps vs 6 dps a balanced game. If you still have a 2-2-2 game vs 6 dps only means the 6 dps chose to not play like a 2-2-2 since they have the heroes available in the hero pools. And didnt deselect them before queueing.

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I like rein more… so it is just a taste.
Problem with playing heroes like rein is that you need a team. So if a few players chose to go flanking or run in alone , your space created will have no value.
So the problem is most players don’t know how to play as a team and even a lot have never seen team fights. (except in owl)
If new players and lower ranks players would teach/force players to play more as a team with real team fights, playing tanks and healers would become more fun. Making more players main those roles.

I don’t like the idea of putting Sr on specific roles. It sounded appealing at first but I strongly dislike the ideas of restricting roles to their own sr and the role queue in general.

If I play certain DPS heroes, my SR for say my Pharah / junkrat might be 1000 points higher than my tracer / genji. So how do they balance that? I would be throwing by playing a dps hero that i’m not particularly good at in my own DPS SR. it would have to be hero specific and the depth it would take for a system like this is just ugh.

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I haven’t quit on this game yet. BUT if they lock comp to 2-2-2 I’m actually done. Last thing this game needs is more players thinking even less creatively. People are to afraid to try new comps and synergize. People are very one track minded so…please for the love of god no

it is difficult because individual heros is a lot
but type is subjective

I like individual hero SR but… how does role que classifly things like “main tank” “different dps” “main healer”

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They dont need to.
If each hero has their own SR and you queue with the hero you want to play. The matchup system will just match you against players selecting the same heroes.
With the same total heroes pool available to them(heroes around the same SR as the hero you have selected)

So for example:
I select pharah (winston, mccree are on the same level)
player 2 selects Ashe (one trick on that level)
player 3 selects genji (one trick on that level)
player 4 select merci (ana on the same level)
player 5 select moirra ( dva, zarya on the same level )
player 6 select Hammond ( rein, winston on the same level but rein is disabled -> player dont want to play rein this match)

The team they will be matched against:
player 1 selected pharah (with ana he can swap to(same level))
player 2 selected Ashe (with mccree he can swap to(same level))
player 3 selected genji (with dva he can swap to(same level))
player 4 selected merci (one trick)
player 5 selected moirra ( winston, zarya he can swap to(same level) )
player 6 selected Hammond (one trick)

Making the game balanced. Without anyone needing to fill onto a hero they suck at or don’t want to play. And they both can create (almost)mirrored setups.

And if the matchup system create 2 teams with only one tricks you have a 100% mirrored match. And so will be balanced. Even if it 6 dps vs 6 other dps.

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what they could do is have you select which heroes you might like to play for that match. you can select 1 hero or all 30

then when it matches you, it just makes sure that there’s an even amount of heroes on each role.

I’m in a hurry so we can talk more later. This role queue thing is complicated lol

I hope it will be more a hero queue thing then a role queue.
Since for having a working role queue you first need to make players make to switch to main a tank or a healer instead of staying main dps.
And that would be really challenging. And would take some time.

Yes like that. A flex player would select all of them.
But with a restriction:
You can only select heroes in a certain range (like 1000 SR)
So for example you first pick hanzo, on which you have a hero SR of 2400
Then you try to select widow where you have a hero SR of 1250. You will get the message this hero is to low level
So you select mccree who is 1998 SR.
After that you select lucio who 3001 SR and get the message he is to high(to high to select together with mccree)
This way you build up your hero pool.
(With this a troller/tilted person etc can not select a hero he is bad at (or think he is good enough with, but isnt) So a junkrat main of a hero SR of 4390 can not switch to a widow he has only a hero SR of 2200 with and destroys the game for the rest)

Then the matchmaker groups you with 5 other players who have only heroes within your min-max range. (without like 2 players who can only play hero X) And it tries to have at least to have a balanced team with a main, off tank/healer and 2 different dps. But only for like 1 minute. If not he just will group you with 5 other players.
But the opponent will always have the same hero pool.

So if the other team has a very good widow (or rein or other hero that can only be countered with mirroring it) . You will always have at least one player that can too play that hero on the same level.
If the enemy has a reaper and you got no counters. It will mean you also have a reaper and the enemy has no counter heroes.

Jeff said that if they do role queue, they will use individual SR.

I would like that idea

I really like this idea. One set of placements for every character and separate hero SR for every character.


player first selects role

underneath role, they are allowed to select any number of heroes as long as they are within 300-400 MMR of each other.

This guarantees that people are playing stuff at around the skill level of the game they are in. However, in exchange it would mean that there would be one-tricks on champions that they are trying to boost the MMR of to get into the range of their other characters.

But I don’t think this is a huge problem as there are plenty of one-tricks now anyway. In exchange, we would have the best matchmaking overwatch has ever seen.

that said, I don’t know if blizzard would ever implement it like this because they seem to want the game to be about counters. I don’t really mind dealing with pharmercy as winston + reaper + sym or lucio + junkrat + reaper, but most of the player base would find an occasional match like that unbearable. So I think it is more likely they would aim for a role based system than one with hero based SR

How incredibly tedious. Also this would force a person to play only one hero the entire match, and that’s just bad when there are such blatant hard counters in the game.

And Jeff has specifically said they don’t like the idea of doing that.


yeah this sounds pretty good

I have a different idea that’s very minimalistic towards the matchmaker

We start with individual hero SR and you just can’t pick a hero if their SR is too low.

It can’t be 500sr below the group average. And that’s it.

Your solution and mine could cause major problems though.

“Hey Mei, can you switch to Soldier to deal with the Pharrah?”

“Um…my Soldier isn’t high enough SR”

This sounds like a nightmare.

More players will come back than will leave if role q comes in so I’m all for it.

This account I’m on is Bronze level since I first started playing OW and when I try doing callouts or giving tips I get shutdown. “Hey Sombra don’t go and ult on point alone, we literally were returning from spawn and it was completely wasted” and I hear someone nagging “IT’S BRONZE! IT’S BRONZE! IT’S BRONZE!” until I shut up. Or I’ll say “Hey Moria, focus heal orb til I’m back (as I’m respawning from a death)” and I’ve gotten told “Omg, shut up, I have gold healing, I don’t need your advice” while I’m playing Ana to assist with sleeps and my nano on DPS/Rein.

Most people Gold and below don’t want to work as a team, they treat it like QP with a bonus at getting points for a gold weapon.

working on a team, and listening to you, is not necessarily the same thing

I fixed it for you…

This is a fun game :slight_smile:

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Lol, seriously tho i quit this game awhile ago because people dont know how to make a decent team comp. A 222 would bring me back and im sure im not the only one.

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