Hopefully 222 role queue uses individual hero SR

here’s just an idea, although I’m against role queue.

Individual hero SR shall be calculated. Does this mean placements for all heroes? IDK

so before queuing up you pick 8 heroes or less, that you’d like to play.

then it tabulates your total SR for those heroes.

I have no clue how they’re gonna do role queue lol

Hopefully they don’t. Forcing a 2-2-2 standard will be the final blow to this game.


And why is that? From what I’ve seen, a lot of people don’t like goats, and complain in ranked whenever they get x too many tank/support/DPS mains.


too bad

Seagull said this may be done behind the scenes anyway.

the matchmaker could already have a little weight towards total time played on heroes. Making sure there aren’t too many “Mercy Hours” across all 6 players.

This would be a great soft role type idea.

I absolutely hate GOATS.

I would hate my ability to flex being taken away even more. I would hate people joining queue for roles they don’t main because they don’t want to wait 10+ minutes to find a match even more. I would hate the creative side of composition building crumbling because an actual solution is just too difficult to implement even more.

Why not just include a hero ban rotation before the game starts? Each team has 15 seconds to vote to remove a hero from the selection criteria. Don’t want to play GOATS? Ban GOATS key heroes. Don’t want to play dive? Ban dive key heroes. This also solves the issues of heroes with low skill floors being used to boost SR. Reapers and Pharahs are gonna be seeing a lot of bench time in Bronze-Gold because people can’t handle them in those brackets.

And that aside, a ban isn’t even the only other option, it’s just an idea that appeals to me. What has become evident as this game has progressed as that toxicity increased the more restrictions are imposed.


you’ve missed a design element they’ve mentioned. if someone pics Support only for short queue times, they will have a separate SR for support. so they will be in matches with poor tanks and poor DPS


So now we have have 3 arbitrary SR numbers to track? Do we have to complete 10 different placement matches per role? This is adding a whole lot of unnecessary confusion.

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oh wow, I think you’re missing the potential here.

let’s say you have to complete 30 placement matches on each role, but after that, no more seasonal placements.

Secondly if they had individual role SR and you queue up for tank, why should your performance on DPS and Support be factored in when they know you are going to play only Tank in that match?

Because people’s performance on other roles literally apply to almost every single Overwatch match. I may be a tank main, but it’s not uncommon that I have to supplement damage or support for a round or even just a little bit.

What’s gonna happen now? Well you’re a tank main and your healers are potato, so just take this L. That won’t increase toxicity at all. Instead of people swapping damage to try and carry, they’re just gonna hard throw.

that’s not how role sr works, you’re going to be placed with people who have the same SR for the roles that they are playing on

didn’t you hear what jeff said? if they do role queue, they’re going to do role SR. this will improve the match maker

Like most people, you need to lay off the drugs.

You get rid of placement matches (except your very first time in comp with that specific account), and just play. Start off at a default of 2500 and go from there. That’s how I’d do it.

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Yeah, I got that and what I said still applies. A lot of times, you get matched with people you just don’t synergize well with. They might be a well enough healer. They might be “3000 healer SR” but there’s rarely a genuine connection between players which is why switching is so common, not because someone is genuinely bad at a role.

it’s better than not doing anything at all

but more to your point; this is why I’m in favor of showing overall win/loss rate for all your teammates. Maybe even have the matchmaker consider this too.

I’d rather be teamed up with someone who is 100sr below me in which we’ve won 5 and lost 2 together than someone who is 100sr above me and we’re 2 and 5 together.

  1. It’s actually not better than not doing anything at all. This will only make things worse.

  2. I actually didn’t suggest doing nothing at all, and think something should be done. But that ain’t it, chief.

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don’t patronize me

This is so true. There are things that maybe can be done, but just “here we go bois hold my beer here goes 2-2-2 forced” can end up much worse than what we have now.

I still personally believe that just limiting teams to two tanks max is the way to go. It allows for the most variations of comps, and different heroes within a given comp. But that suggestion doesn’t seem to have any traction atm.

I presume the biggest counter to limiting max tanks to 2 is that it still doesn’t help with 5dps 1 support team, and other comp non-starters like that. Yea, that’s still gonna be a problem, but its actually a problem of psychology or behavior tbh. Anyone that looks at the hero lobby and sees 5 dps and 1 healer knows that they are most likely going to lose the upcoming match. And if they don’t make adjustments for that, they deserve the loss tbh.

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If 5 DPS comps is what people WANT to play, and that’s what’s fun, I think they need to focus on making other roles desirable to play. The only reason Tanks and Healers are attractive to most people is for their strength in game. DPS is just strictly more fun to the majority.

Forcing compositions is just a way of surrendering due to a lack of problem-solving.

I completely agree. I’m first to admit, i’m not a developer or game analyst like Jayne or whatnot. I’m not an expert.

And yea, its frustrating when you see your team wants that 5dps 1support comp, and you know its weak and most likely an upcoming loss.

Who knows? Maybe one day they introduce and AI version of tanks or something on a new map. So now, we follow some superhero into battle and they form the position and battle some artificial fight, while we are all dps and have to get kills on the enemy team (also all dps.)

Of course, then the aggressively-lazy non-aimers will scream and cry that their precious Mercy isn’t needed and omg what do i do now that I have to select 76 or Junkrat… IDK

There are options out there, and the devs are professionals. I just hope they don’t jump into a ‘quick-fix’ and leave us with no solution, and only more problems in the tangled web of hero selection.

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I think the reward of doing your job as a DPS just stands out more. I think they need to make keeping people alive a little more appealing. I think that’s why Moira, Zen, and Lucio are more fun, kinda like D.va, Hammond, and Winston are more fun tanks.