Hope you didnt want to get into the BETA

I agree with you, but that doesn’t matter to me or my opinion that it is not a decision I respect. I understand why they do things I just don’t have to think they are cool for doing it.

I do not handle the beta invites for the broader community. That’s managed through another team and is well beyond the scale any one individual person could/should manage.

The creators who are signing up for beta access will not receive access any sooner than the earliest one of of you could potentially receive access, on April 26th, 2022.


I mean most of the time closed betas have you submit spec files so they can ensure you can run it, and give a timeline

Funny how you just completely ignored the point here and said something else nobody even fathomed was an issue.

At least until now. Now I’m kind of suspicious.


When’d you get yours Andy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Have you not read OP’s post to me? Because I just asked them what their issue was.

I do not believe I have read OPs post to you. I’m not even sure what that means. Are you not able to read it yourself? Do you not understand the implications and want me to explain it?

andy my only question is
why are you spending your tuesday night here?

I cannot believe the number of corporate apologists in this thread. You like being treated like a second class consumer? You enjoy it and applaud blizzard for treating others preferentially? The tone in this thread is of people screeching about SHAREHOLDER VALUE whenever it comes out that a company just laid off half their workforce or whatever. Guh.


around 10 months ago when I started at Blizzard


…bruh we are just pointing out that op is blowing up an issue
we aren’t apologize for anything
we are just pointing out that anyone can sign up right now


You’re not understanding why cc have some type of signup, and are annoyed by it as a consumer.

It sounds like you don’t want cc to have special signups, in case one gets in, claiming a spot you might think you deserved instead.

And the thread is just pointing out that some people are getting preferential treatment. And some people are making a declaration that they don’t agree with that. It didn’t need to be an argument, but I’m more than confident in my opinion so it’s no sweat off my back.

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can I just ask something?
why not invite people who will be showing the game off to people?
its not like they are stopping us from doing it, they are inviting like…100 people out of who knows how many “normal” players to be in the betas

Ah yes, because nothing says humanity like:



I perfectly understand why they give some people preferential treatment. I just don’t agree with it. I’m not “annoyed” I just don’t agree. It’s a really simple stance to take. Someone tells me a thing and then I don’t agree. I am not going to do anything about it beyond talk on the internet which is effortless. Especially since I can type very fast.

You are correct that I don’t want them to have special treatment. The reason is that is it less fair. I don’t care about getting a spot. I don’t even like Overwatch and wouldn’t care if it got deleted from existence tomorrow.

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It’s time to have this studio close down.

100% evidence for player discrimination.

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OP is saying a moderately dumb thing but people are going full throttle CAN’T BLAME BLIZZARD FOR CATERING TO CONTENT CREATORS in the comments which is just gross. I never commented on OP. I care about it, only slightly. My concern and commentary is aimed at the preceding thread.

Like I hate hate hate celebrity culture and content creators are just offshoots of that. Bowing and scraping for these sacks of blood and meat is antithetical to everything I am. They don’t deserve anything more or less than you. Sitting down and acknowledging them as your better makes me puke in my mouth a little. Bruh.


Tell me: what difference would it make if cc get access as well as players, at the same time? Like I don’t get the problem.

Is it really special treatment if a handful of cc get access, as well as random Joes like us?

Cc are players as well. If I get access, and you don’t, is it special treatment? I don’t get it.

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I don’t think you are grasping what is being discussed here. The issue is not about people getting to play it earlier. I don’t know why Andy even said that as it was never a concern until he just mentioned it.

It’s about the selection process which was just admitted to having people getting special treatment. That’s not even up for debate.

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