Honestly looks like they deleted Orisa

Some of the mode is asymmetrical. Unlike capture point, payload mode especially on defense requires the team to be stand on guard. If they flank and spread too much they’ll lose the point. I hate double barrier meta, but this 1 tank and shield removal direction that they’re going for worries me so much.

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That is false.
Fortify was one of her most iconic abilities, especially since she was the 2nd hero to be able to negate/prevent debuffs (1st being Zarya) & being completely immune to knockback.

The most un-iconic of her abilities is the stationary barrier.
Literally nothing is amazing about a barrier that’s stationary, that even monkey has one.

And this is a good thing.
2 of the abilities that are gone, have been fused into 1 ability, her new ultimate.
And that stationary barrier has been switched out for a new secondary weapon, that has the ability to defend, attack at range + stun & knockback, and increase mobility.

That makes her way more viable, not only as a solo tank, but even more useful than her current version in general.

To be fair, everyone thought her current ultimate was & is boring, too.
So, this new one isn’t any worse or better compared to the current ultimate, in how “amazing” it is.
They’re both useful in their own way. Current ult buffs teammates. New ult debuffs enemies.

Yet for 4 years they never once deleted a single barrier from any of the current barrier tanks, despite how many in the community stated deleting Sig’s shield would solve 70-80% of the tank issues.

The devs can say whatever they want.

Their actions have failed to match any lip service they have given for the past 6 years in regards to “balance”.


Even though it comes at the cost of potentioally putting it on a new hero

  1. there’s no reason to believe they’d ever do that anyways. Orisa, being a robot centaur with a gun for an arm, is going to fit this kit better than most other hero concepts possible could

  2. Her old kit sucked in OW1 and was going to suck even worse in OW2. It was either leave her as a perpetual bottomfeeder character forever, or give her a new kit.

Okoye from Black Panther with a cybernetic arm and a cloak-shield from that rhino tribe of the same film.

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heat mechanic

This is never a good thing…


NICEEEEE. Would love to see something like that.

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Good positioning in Overwatch

What happens if new Orisa seems to be unfun? Does she get deleted again?

Rip Orisa and her core hero identity. I see OW2 risks losing heroes completely for the sake of 5v5 and refusal to nerf Brig and Bap :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I’m confused.
Why would these characters - particularly Junkrat - need to be buffed because of less shielding.

Because they countered shields well before, but now there will be fewer of them? They can still counter tanks decently well.

Because these heroes don’t really need tanks. Junk can spam around corners easier than literally anyone else in the game. Symm and Torb don’t even need to be in the same area to deal damage, and now Torb’s turret and ult in particular will be even stronger at zoning without an additional tank to pull it.

A more offensive Orisa sounds like fun, but her head and hitbox is so damn massive that I doubt she’ll do much besides be a distraction for a couple seconds before dying.


Yeah, nothing 's new.

there really is no, they deleted its just a new hero, thats how im looking at it

Yeah why not? This is already a precedent.

I do believe that this is in fact the stated reason, even if not stated directly to us.
Orisa’s entire kit was based around helping other people. It’s why I personally found her so boring to play.

Damage? From range, from safety.
Shield? From range, from safety.
Peel? Very little, but from range, from safety.
CC/Utility? From range, from safety.
Ultimate? From range, from safety, PASSIVE.

Every other Tank is pro-active in some way, but Orisa really struggles with that, because she’s not designed to need to be.

Having played over 20 hours of Orisa in Grandmaster, I honestly think reworking the hero was the best thing they could’ve done for her, even if I’m sad to see so many iconic abilities go. I know quite a few people were attached to her kit and who she is, but to appeal to those few players simply isn’t feasible if the idea is to open Tank up to as many players as possible.

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Several reasons, most junks farm ults by spamming 2 tanks. With 1 less Tank, he will have way less values.

With less distractions (2 tanks removed from the board,) fights will be less chaotic, and less favorable for junkrats.

Spread out fights will favor precision over spamming. Flyers will counter Junks even harder.

I appreciate it. Seems every hero I decide to main is deemed “unfit for play.” Except Lucio. Lucio never changes. :crossed_fingers:t4:

At this point, I only hope PvE talents bring back some old memories.


I think it would be the opposite. The new one seems more fit, agile and dangerous.

I am a little excited since I planned to main her in PvE and… now maybe in PvP too?