Honest the last interview tilted me hard

They are cool, only when they hide something. Would turn Overwatch into Silent Hill or horror movie.

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I didn’t know never saw weather effects in OW 1.

That would have been cool and drastically change the meta for some maps.
And let some heroes have a way to shine without changing the overall balance of the game.

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OW2 really was disgusting from its inception. Holding things like Orisa rework back, just to add to it.

All they had to do was not delete OW1 then they could have done whatever they wanted with OW2. But they had to artificially prop themselves up because they have 0 confidence and 0 vision (I do think they have some talent, but no actual leader with a vision).

All the difficulties they’ve faced are entirely their own creation, and were called out within the communities months/years before they ‘realized’ it on their own since we actually play the game.

I didn’t even need to mention making a pvp game focus on pve…then failing hard at it.

If developers actually wanted, they could create multiple “environment modifiers”, that could alter maps in various ways, or even add initially neutral entities, that team can take control of.

For example, some kind of security robot, that is initially shut down. Whatever team reaches it’s control panel first can activate it and set it loose on enemy team. Obviously if other team manages to reach control panel afterwards, they can change robot’s FF recognition.

Or how about some futuristic mounted weapon, that all heroes can use?

I’m pretty sure tryhards will thicken enemy red outlines to see them in fog and rain.

So no worries can we just have coolness for once.

Can’t thicken red lines, if those would be simply disabled.

You can with playing around some setting in sure like resolution scaling.

That just would make weather pointless, when it supposed to be part of environment.

And most people don’t monitor crap creators

You will get that impression if all you do is look a the forums.

But you forget what the Asian market wants.

You forgot how small the population of players is on the forums, and even small the ones that are actively against 5v5.

You forget that queue times are pretty much totally on availability of tank players. And if the split is around 15-20% tank players (about 40% each for DPS and support) then the correct logical split is 1-2-2.

I think chinese players just wanted a working sever…

There was a post here giving a rundown of everything…

Which doesn’t matter because it’s a separate post. These kinds of posts without context are useless data

That actually bugs me the most. This was one of the most fun and cool features. Not only were people looking for friends to group for Comp, but you actually could meet chill people to just have fun with, who proved that this community is not 100% toxic.

Some of my best friends in OW I met either through this feature or in Beta OW2 lobbies.
They’ve taken away the potential for this game to be a team experience.

You could simply ask for context like a normal person.

Above are several such questions and 0 answers

Not to mention that they blamed 6v6 and OW1 failures on the player base rather than acknowledging the fact that they abandoned the game for 2 years…


I just want to have a lively atmosphere

I’m not asking weather for tactical advantage

If weather can safely be ignored, nobody will pay attention to it after first 10 games at best.

Fine we will have birds fly away when it rains and if people step on their droppings they will slip and fall :joy: