Honest the last interview tilted me hard

“It was the right thing to go to Role queue/5v5”

Really? because the perception I’ve seen from the community is extremely mixed and really nothing shows these things made OW that much better. Now I could give role queue the benefit of the doubt because essentially the issues it created were never worked on in OW1 to any meaningful level. As they made no effort to add more tanks or protise tank heroes. Priority pass, was a ban-aid they wasn’t balanced properly, you got too many and people stopped using the passes because it protised finding game > match quality.

Honestly, what really is the difference between a game full of dps or people that are just being forced to played tank all the time… not much.

The only thing that was good about Open queue is if you played support/tank people would actually praise you for enabling them to have fun and play a good game. Now, you just get gaslit for lost games.

I will say OW2 has done well with 5v5 better than 6v6 role queue and you want to know why? because they actually do thing to try and balance the game passives, nerfing OP heroes in a few weeks ect. In OW1 6 months of moth meta, mercy or lose crap. Brig being OP in for ever, GOATS. Goats could of been sorted with a passive, brig could of been disable from comp.

Then double barrier… they held the Orisa rework back till OW2… I can’t even.

“We want to bring the community together”

  • Deleted Looking for group
  • Nothing on Clans
  • Removal of cards at the end of the game
  • Paywalling PvE

Honestly… if they do NOTHING they would of done better than they did in the last few years.

“Here a ton of reason why we can’t do 6v6”

People are playing 6v6 right now in a custom games and the only thing it needs is matchmaking. I don’t care if the Wii player base can’t run the game.

I look forward to being able to play 6v6 for 2 days in QP hacked after mountains of people have been asking for it for years.

I get to a certain extent I’m not the target audience for the game anymore because it really does feel like they said “yea… we kinda let the old player base down to a point it’s 100x easier to focus on trying to milk newer players.” but holy crap I wish they’d just say this because the the dev interview just sounds like Genji trying to explain how they did the right thing when we all know they got outplayed by a torb turret.


Their ego is still up to the sky.


The main funny part about it is basically everything they listed for the reasons why 6v6 role queue had “problems” weren’t actual problems. Or it was problems they created themselves.

The stagnant stale gameplay was from THEM creating double shield and THEM adding brig bap into thegame. It was from THEIR refusal to make proper balance changes and it was from THEM letting double shield run the game the entire 3 years that role queue existed in 6v6.

Tank synergies being too strong was from THEIR lack of balancing. It was THEIR hero design. THEY didn’t even attempt to nerf dive before just saying “ah screw it” and tossing brig into the game.


This is why dealing with players is always frustrating because they are not willing to compromise. The Switch player base likely doesn’t care about you either.

Blizzard has to consider many things that most players are don’t even bother trying to solve being arm chair generals.

There will be some losers in every exchange and so far I’ve been quite happy with Blizzard’s balancing despite being thrown for a loop on many of them over the years.


Also remember that he said that going to 6v6 wouldn’t be “fair” to the 5v5 playerbase and how he doesn’t want to alienate them or upset them.
…except that’s exactly what he did to all the OW1 players. He changed the game to 5v5 without asking or caring what they all thought about it.

Everything this guy says is corporate bs and honeyed lies.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a puppet that only comes to life to do dev talks and then promptly goes inanimate again after.


At the end of the day it is a problem created by them, and them alone.
OW1 had no issues (or at least less issues) running the game on underpowered hardware. Who’s dumb idea was to “upgrade” the engine while also supporting less players per match? And do you know what the most pathetic part is? They have canceled the one thing that the upgrade was intended for - the pve. And that was a year before OW2 even launched. They had all the time on the world to solve this.


Aaron Keller doesn’t know much about OW as a game.

I remember a KarQ video where several people, including Keller, were asked about game-related topics.
The result was Keller performing the worst among everyone.

So you should expect that all of his interviews are full of PR bs. Vague answers with no real substance and a big, fake smile on the face.


It’s even funnier to me because visually the game looks almost identical to OW1. Whatever “upgrades” they did have basically translated into something that’s barely visible to the end the user (If at all) while apparently having significant enough performance downgrades to make running 6v6 again unviable on weak platforms like The Switch. It just feels like they bloated the engine for literally nothing.


lol pve was always meant to be payed for

the main part with changing mercy’s abilities around was because they had no idea what to. they didn’t expect this to be an issue and have it be so vocal by crybaby dps. there wasn’t enough time to really think about what to do for heroes they’ve already given a stamp of approval on. not saying they shouldn’tve changed it bc res use as an aoe instead of los was an issue. Also, overwatch had just came out and more and more people were playing the game, they were probably focused on the momentum instead of changing whole kits. each change they made was a bandaid that they hoped would be enough to sate mercy players and those who played other heroes.

What’s funny is that strong competitors are coming out, which will remove a large percentage of their player base. Rivals took away most top 500 streamers for nearly two weeks. Most weren’t even part of the streamer program. What are they going to do on full release? Let’s see where that hubris will get them.


The game doesn’t need to be on every console. Fun fact some game systems just aren’t designed for certain types of gameplay. Good on them for trying but the Switch sucks in every way possible as a hardware and even softward device. Its a glorified upgraded DS. Companies these days are only focused on inifinte growth instead of stable growth so yeah it’s still their fault. They should have just cut their losses and focused on PS4, Xbox and PC since those are dedicated FPS consoles.


They just don’t deserve even their current playerbase.
Even Microsoft doesn’t seems to think this game is worth anything, with the spotlight being on CoD, Diablo and WoW.


Pretty sure there’s only one - the Marvel game. Everything else will probably crash and burn.


I assume they are aware of this but had no chance. The reasons are actually already described in the latest blog.

  • With 6v6 we would still have 10min queues at all times for the most popular role, which is a disaster for a new game. They couldn’t find a solution in time.
  • During testing it became obvious that 12 players are not doable for target hardware in time. So 10 solved it without further optimization required.

As always, these kinds of shortcuts come back to haunt everyone

I think his waffling language is an attempt to not alienate or upset 5v5 players when they bring 6v6 back. I like Aaron a lot. But I wish he’d be more direct about it. They wouldn’t be entertaining 6v6 without a good reason. And while the reason he gave, “this is a live service and players want 6v6” is legit, it also begs the question. Why? If 5v5 is doing fine it doesn’t need changed. But they don’t really say anything other than “players want 6v6”. Which, while true, doesn’t line up with literally EVERYTHING about OW2 where they completely ignored what players were asking for.

Also, as for competitors, don’t forget Deadlock. And it leaked today Half-Life 3 exists, been working on it since Alyx and is pretty much done. so I bet they launch together and rule the world for a while. Just like the original Orange Box. I don’t see Marvels or deadlock taking over, but stealing a LOT of players, absolutely.

The engine was supposed to support more features, but due the rush to OW2 PVP release they prioritized to send it as incomplete version with a ton of bugs and memory leaks. Which is why the game engine had several problems for at least an year.

Period of the day, more assets and features, more vector complexity and so on. They even toyed with the idea of weather effects, which would work on the new engine.

The engine has potential, but was incomplete. If ever will be complete anyways. The issue with Switch would be tied to limited RAM/VRAM on it. So, for that would need for them to program the engine better and cut most of the memory leaks.

Considering that OW2 would be a standalone client for some time using the new engine. Then, merging OW1 and OW2 after some time. Is clear that the engine wasn’t ready and for that as cut measure they sped up the process to launch it at barebones. If you see, the first Beta was atually running on OW1 client, the second was somewhat using the newer one, more like a quimera. While the launch was plagued with a ton of problems for about an year or more.

They had messy physics to the point of Knockdown effects causing client side issues. That alone shouldn’t had even be shipped, took more than an year to fix it.

What is this knockdown issue? If you took 2 knockdowns in a row and the second one hit you within certain timeframe on the animation of the first one you would be plagued for the rest of the match with the inability to proper jump and you would walk as if were sliding on the ground and crouched at same time. While everybody in the match would see you just fine. There was only 2 ways to revert the player to OG state: first making the same thing again and the second leaving the match. Even dying didn’t fixed, the issue was so dire that only the affected player would see it.

That was one of several issues, like some hidden ground in the game and surfaces that you shouldn’t stay on them but you could, creating irregular paths that shouldn’t even exist. Kiriko teleport to point 0,0 on maps and that said point being out of bounds.

To name a few, but several others happened.

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This reminds me that OW2 was supposed to have dynamic time of day but that also never happened. The map variations use prerendered lighting.


What interview are you talking about? Why do you just assume we all know what you are speaking about? The dev blog update? Or some reddit thing? Or what

I can’t respond without knowing specifically to what you are referring.

You do that all of time. Don’t be shy.

pretty sure he is talking about the dev stream with the CCs.

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