Honest the last interview tilted me hard

I’m trying to do better. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah…dats a bit on the nose


Well it would be cool if there was a link or something, so instead of listening to him rant on about something that I have no idea what it is, I could respond after seeing it.

For a lot of people, a friend of mine included, those hardware “upgrades” made the game stop functioning completely on their pcs. And look at all we lost just to get worse optimization.


Yeah. It would be excusable if the game at least looked a lot better but it doesn’t do even that so where did all this performance loss went into?


You don’t want new Orisa with two tanks. You think you do, but trust me you don’t. Double barrier would be more enjoyable.

You didn’t even mention the most community deleting aspect that they keep reinforcing. The report system. It doesn’t work as intended and is so easily abused that it has single handedly stopped a majority of players from even entering VC (and text chat as well).


Yeah this is how it is, sadly.

I could feel the downgrade the moment we got the engine in 2022, but looked past it to try and be positive and have fun with the brief feeling of novelty that came with the game actually having a meaningful update for the first time in years.

Current Orisa plus ball or hog (especially this terrible version) would be some extreme form of CBT.

Let’s be real, though…we don’t want current Orisa full stop and no way anybody thinks that in 6v6 it would be reasonable for roadhog to keep the vape resource aspect of his kit.


Their actions already have. Dealing with OW1 paris map staying up forever making playerbase suffer, then OW2 giving like no currency for emotes or skins and selling OW1 skins at a premium. OW1 players were ghosted and treated like trash.
They even took our public rank icons mid-match, our public player level borders that we could see in card system and stuff, etc.
Who cares about SR when it’s hidden crap? The game has no end of match long chat time or public in-game ranked shinies to be proud of.
When OW2 came out, I immediately knew OW1 players were cast aside. I even made a post on it at the time.

Even the hero mastery is half-@ssed with miserable rewards.

Do not talk about such things. This talk will get the post removed, and subsequent posts will get you banned.

Treading on dangerous ground.

They don’t care. They are ego maniacs and gaslighting abusive people. That’s all it is. They know that they’re a laughing joke amongst everyone in the entire gaming community at large. Anyone with one brain cell can see that. You can look at any post anywhere and see people clowning on 5v5 and RQ almost all the time, because the majority like I’ve tried explaining to people before, doesn’t care about anything.

All they want to do is log in and hit play. That’s it. When you add RQs and change format for 0 reason to 5v5, you’re just going to annoy the actual majority of the game.

:sob: cry some more waaaa

Very much agree on every single point.

And the one aspect, “muh queue times” that is basically the only thing they refer to when trying to explain how 5v5 does anything better than 6v6 did, even that is approached from a dishonest place.

We can’t compare OW1 queue to OW2 queue. Here’s why:

OW1 2022 had been dead in the waters for almost 3 years. Double shield lasted for a year on its own, let alone goats before it and hog zarya. All this didn’t come from 6v6. It came from the literal lack of a dev team, cus they were off working on OW2 pve (lmao). Thank bobby for not affording a functional dev team for both games since 2019-2022.

Secondly, OW1 had fewer tank options, objectively. We didn’t have JQ, we didn’t have Ram, we didn’t have Tank DF, we didn’t have Mauga. So the simple fact that the tank roster back then was 40% smaller, is an absolute detriment to how many player options tank players would enjoy compared to dps and even support. DPS have always had more than double the selectable roster of hero picks, no wonder so many more players flock to that role. Besides people naturally leaning towards damage type heroes by default, giving them over 2x the options in that role really is an immense icing on the cake to help further drive down the queue bottleneck into the gutter.

Lastly, tank players in OW1 had to deal with the upfront brute impact of the massive CC creep that the former dev team allowed to escalate beyond sanity. Every hero had CC of some sort, and hard CC at that. Sombra, Cree, dps Doom, Brig (oh god 3x CC in one hero), Orisa halt, Sleep, Hook, Rock, you name it. CC used to actually be a niche hero aspect, but every DLC hero kept adding more and more CC to the game and the CC kept getting buffed. At the end you couldn’t turn a corner without getting CC’d to hell even with 2 tanks, which was no fault of 6v6. 6v6 never demanded heavy CC. But the dev team were clueless about it and just kept piling on top. Of course that will force many tank players out, because they have to deal with a disproportionate amount of the CC cus they’re the only ones tanky enough to actually face it and live (sometimes). Meanwhile DPS and Supports could hide behind the tanks and so many players would much rather enjoy that experience, over getting perma stunlocked on the frontline every game.

We already eliminated half of the heavy CC in the game when moving to OW2. We already dealt with Double Shield. We dealt with DPS doom. Sombra is the only one who’s still floating about as an inherently unhealthy element for the game, but I won’t open that can of worms here.

Regardless, You can’t compare OW1 queue to OW2 queue, because they are two entirely different games even tho people like to meme on the “OW 1.5”. The foundation may be the same, but the game plays very differently now compared to back then, and the incentive to queue each role is also vastly different now due to all the hero changes that have been made + f2p bringing in so many new players who have not been scarred from stuff like goats and double shield and no content or meaningful balance patches for years etc.


It tilted a lot of players. They were not being honest ans were being smug about their “successful work.”

I said it once and will say it again - you didn’t appreciate happiness you had with moth, when literally any combination of remaining players was functional.

In a way, community deserved this.

Didn’t they not also teased weather effects like heavy storm and fog.

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Yes, but those were already possible on the OW1 engine. The archives had that so they were promoting something that was already in the game.

You mean effects, that have zero effect on gameplay? It’s not like fog would hide you or your enemies, or storm will cause pitch black darkness interrupted by lightning.

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they could have implemented that into quickplay, it would have been pretty cool…

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But they are cool, Cleopatra. Sunny days are boring! I want rain and fog…

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