Homophobia in OW Community

First of all stop the “what clearly is”, “obvious attempt”. It’s getting annoying to veryone and doesnt gain support. Second of all your mad about what people say to you/about you, muting shouldve been your first action


you have more time on Ana and Mercy, people expect you to play those

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Not in quick play lol.

Why, thank you for your thoughts on my word selection. :slight_smile:

Also, I do make use of the mute, report and block functions in game. Thanks for your thoughts. I do hope you have a lovely day. :slight_smile:

Its QP, people are naturally toxic and often in the “kys” mood. Also, widow is generally a throw pick in QP bc most people are bad with her

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also brokenflames, theres a clear difference in wanting to enjoy and play a game but you cant because someone on your team is just insulting you constantly. Every other game is a gamble on if im going to get a toxic person to just degrade the entire team and make this game feel terrible.
this isn’t an obvious attempt to get attention this is just a PSA to be a decent human being to eachother regardless of sexual orientation.


You can enjoy the and not face the toxicity by turning off all comms. Yes this means no comms but thats the price to pay for personal fun. Also, if you get degraded that much, find a six stack that accepts you.


Another thing, just because someone isn’t great with a hero doesn’t give me teammates the right to harass them for practicing or wanting to play a hero they want to get better with and dont have much hours on.
“its just qp why does it matter if im toxic” is the stupidest and laziest excuse of them all.

  • Again people shouldnt have to turn off communications to not hear people who think its okay to be toxic not sure what you dont get about it

Again, thank you for your thoughtful commentary and unique solutions to this situation. It’s ever so helpful to hear the same thing over and over again.

I just simply wanted to ask for tolerance and if you’re not the one throwing around the insults that perhaps this thread wasn’t targeted at you? :slight_smile: And if you’re a helpful, supportive teammate, thank you for making the game a little more enjoyable.


Six stack in every gamemode and you wont get that

I agree with what you are saying. No one should be attacking you. It certainly reportable if they do.

But, I am curious about something. How do they even know you are gay? It seems like an odd thing to talk about during a game. How does it come up?

“Hey, can someone go tank? Tracer is in the back line. Focus Winston! Hey guys, I’m gay. I need healing.”


Simple. I talk. I literally sound gay. It’s not like I need to throw it out there.

Goose do u play on pc?? if so hmu we should play

Sure do! what’s your tag?

Mccreemed#1472 <3333

No offence, but posting a rant on the OW forums won’t do you much good. The most you can do is just mute + report as soon as it happens to you. Also, I know where you’re coming from.


Added! :slight_smile: Hope to see you on soon!

If people tolerate the fact that you are gay will you feel better? I’m guessing your gonna say yes.
Then when people are homophobic towards you, try not to instigate an argument/further communication with them. Let them say what they want and hopefully they’ll get over it and focus on the game.

Sorry for the hate you get.

They probably shouldn’t jump to conclusions either though. It’s really none of their business. And it’s completely irrelevant. Your personal life doesn’t affect how good you are at a video game, but by them attacking teammates like you it will certainly cause toxicity and lose the game.


Adding more conflict to an already passionate agrument creates a worse experience