Holy cow Doomfist is viable now

Please no Bastion is countered hard already we don’t need another oneshot.


Once the prior commitment of the Torb rework is done Bastion and Sombra should be first in line for attention

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You can still do a standard jump over his Rocket Punch. Happened to me this morning after patch and I got a clip of it. Reinhardt jumped and I passed underneath him and it got me killed

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Good if this indeed the case, but i would not celebrate yet, Blizzard has a track record of fixing one problem and creating another.


Even though it’s taken a long time, slowly buffing Doomfist has ensured that he doesn’t spiral out of control. These are only small buffs but those extra shields are extremely helpful and the Meteorstrike buff means that both it’s offensive and defensive uses are much higher. Much easier to kill that Zen or Ana now.

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I mean, any more damage on meteor strike and it’ll be a guaranteed kill. Right now, it’s maybe 80-90% chance on slow and squishy targets with basically no counterplay from the squishy.

As for shields, a GM/Master’s level doomfist is basically an unstoppable assassin. He dives from half-way across the map and stunlock+combo kills you and you have 0–ZERO–ability to counterplay it by yourself for most backline squishies. You get the one headshot opportunity (which does not kill the doomfist unless you are Widow and even then odds are you can’t make it a full-charge headshot). The only thing that keeps the doomfist in check is that he gets the 1 guaranteed kill and then dies. And even then, good ones can still sometimes dive in solo and still get out of the backline. Any more HP to his shields and it’ll be ridiculous.

Any further buffs to doomfist must only be buffs for low skill players.



Gonna miss never really seeing him played, r.i.p. my fun factor


well, almost every dps is garbage in current meta against barriers and armor, might aswell become meta for doomfist.

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No need to buff Meteor Strikes damage what it needs is increase down speed and width (not the killzone but the outer edges width).


Completely agree. Balance should only be for gm. It maybe elitist but atleast it’s right.

Yeah, from my perspective I have a pretty rough time as a diamond Widow. But those rare days where I just human aimbot everything in sight… it isn’t pretty. Not that I feel bad for the enemies, but I definitely understand why my diamond level Widow is where it has to be the rest of the time.

He was already viable before, especially in the deathball meta, he’s really not that bad since he can push tanks around.

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no bug fixes to slam being interupted by uneven map surfaces :frowning:

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Oh, hey, it’s what I’ve been wanting forever. Great! Except the Meteor Strike buff. A surprise, to be sure! But a welcome one.

Doomfist has always been viable but yes these are good buffs.

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Yea, let’s balance for the one percent of people In gm instead of for the majority of the playerbase
No just no, sorry


Jay, we can now be slung around by Doomfist and stunned to oblivion by Brigitte, oh goody good, my favourite past-time in Overwatch is being stunned and unable to do anything.


Buffing Doomfist means he’ll be even more unbearable to play against in Diamond and above. It’ll be like buffing Tracer, Widowmaker and Genji because some lower ranked players find it too difficult to play them. It’s not a good idea.

I hope these buffs are the last buffs we’ll see for him. Maybe some bug fixes in the future but he’s already a very good hero in the hands of people who have actually practiced playing him. Doomfist mains are getting too greedy with the buffs they’re asking for…


Exactly, he didn’t truly need any buffs, just bug fixes, he’s incredible powerful With a skilled player but admittedly nothing but a feeder in an unskilled player


He still needs slightly lower CDs, IMO.