then move him to DPS role with 300 HP, and i’m totally fine with it.
the actual statement is that Hog is NOT a tank. he doesn’t do anything a tank should do. his playstyle has become : I GO FLANKING AND FIND SOME PICKS. which is NOT the playstyle of a TANK
he is a tank he makes space because of his hook.
Besides he is a unique hero in the tank role it would be a ton worse without hog
Rip hamster mains
But seriously tanking doesn’t have to just be hold shield all day. Being able to bodyblock is a very important thing hog players need to learn to do
I agree that Hook is a good ability for a tank. what is not normal is that he literally one shots any squishies with his combo.
I don’t know if you know about the game Paladins. there’s a similar tank in the game with hook ability. the difference is he cannot one shot squishies thus, nobody plays him as a flanker.
but HOG can flank and make low risk high reward move. which is not what a tank should do.
This is the most lazy, non-solution for a problem. That’s like saying “If you don’t like x thing about a country, move elsewhere!”
Nothing will ever be accomplished if people give up and move.
If you get a hook the character is already dead in most situations. You should also be more aware of where the hog player is he is one of the loudest characters.
This doesn’t need changing though. Hog shouldn’t be reworked
Yes. I didn’t so I dropped my useless country and moved to another. It works, happier than I ever have been. Same goes for the character. Reworks are bad. Generally speaking in every instance they are bad no exceptions, especially when people whine and get the unique things reworked about a character to make them more generic. If you don’t like unique kits then don’t play Overwatch, it’s as simple as that and Roadhog is a very unique tank and is in no need of a rework by any stretch of the imagination.
I say this as somebody who has spent about zero hours and zero minutes playing Roadhog. I don’t think I’ve even gotten him in mystery deathmatch.
But in this scenario, you’re unhappy with the whole country and not one part of it. In Overwatch, people are unhappy with one part (Roadhog) instead of the whole game.
Uprooting your life (or your main game) for one small part is idiocy.
They are unhappy about Overwatch. Rework sym remove turrets, rework mercy remove rez, rework bap remove field, rework this rework that. Everything that isn’t just the most generic healbot, shield bot or gunbot is complained about and demanded to be reworked. Roadhog needs no such thing. Who bought this game thinking they would be playing a generic shooter over a hero shooter full of unique heroes and kits. I think they should sue for false advertising.
But not everyone agrees on all of these things. One person will want a mercy rework, but another only wants a Symmetra rework.
You can’t generalise all people on the forums, that’s a bigoted move.
HUH??? people now plays him to flank which is not the role of a tank. This what you are suppose to do with roadhog to get value.people were doing this even b4 the buff.what tf are you talking about???
now that he is semi-viable and a bit useful you guys want him nerfed…just to cry (when he gets nerfed) when you get one on the team because he is underpowered and useless.
He is fine, you should respect off tanks space and damage potential
maybe instead of complaining post here
Body is too similar to what you recently posted
well, she has to aim at a dot sized head to “one shot” and charge her scope while standing still. and she has 200 hp with a buggy escape ability on a 12 second cooldown.
Hog: just walk inside the enemy team look at someone’s general direction to land hook on someone and 1 shot, take a breather and get out with full hp. and he has 600 hp btw
In most cases he doesnt even need a hook to 1 shot.