Hog needs a rework

his recent buff made him unplayable for all the dps and supports. he just needs to land 1 combo and the fight is over.
people now plays him to flank which is not the role of a tank. i literally saw a hog going 1v3, picks up a kill and just walks back like nothing happened and the whole backline can do nothing as he just stays alive with his breath.

i think that hog deserves to be reworked to be more teamplay rather than just being a flanker : damage nerf? give him a shield instead of heal/damage reduction?


You have no idea how it feels to play Rein against Hogā€¦ it made me actually give up Rein.

But nah Hog needs a revert if he needs a nerf. If heā€™s weak then just give him the 1-3-2 buff


Can you people stop reworking every unique hero till the game is nothing but a bland boring version of itself. GO PLAY SOME OTHER GAME. Stop making unique heroes generic


good, rein was meta for far too long, needs to be gutted like the rest of the tanks

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how many times i shouted ā€˜THEREā€™S A HOG IN OUR SPAWNā€™ and while we try to 3v1 him he still gets out with 1 kill.

Umā€¦ you know the last year and a half has been 90% double shield or orisa right?

Reinhardt was meta for like 2-3 months, everything else was Orisa/Sig/Hog

He doesnā€™t need to be gutted; heā€™s already very weak in high ranks


the thing is even in double shield meta, you can do something in the backline such as positioning and stuffs. but now when iā€™m playing ana, ennemy hog can literally spawn camp me. while i shout many times ā€˜Thereā€™s a hog spawn camping meā€™, we literally have to be 4 on him to kill him.
i just had a game where hanzo and mccree tries to protect me and kill the hog, but he just lands his combo, find a kill on mccree while i cant even out heal the comboā€™s damage, and then he walks back to his team.

iā€™m not saying that hog in the meta is a problem. problem is he doesnt fulfill his role as a Tank but more like a flanker now.

i wouldnā€™t mind hog in the game if he fulfills his role as a tank : peel the backline, create space, tanks the damage incomming. but Hog is like the total opposite of a tank now : he goes flanking, he goes kill enemy backline, offers no peeling to the team, doesnt create any space, no teamfight utilities.


Really should have went with 3-2-1 hog. The actual last thing hog ever needed was more damage. Now weā€™re in this dps heavy meta where the most viable tanks are dps tanks. Barriers got nerfed without burst power creep getting nerfed too so everything just feels awful.

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Agree. Hog is not a tank now. he goes flanking every game.

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This resonates with Street Fighter 5 more than you know.

You basically hit the tuning fork on that one. Itā€™s the same key.

Jeez stop trying to drag people down with you.


New ability for hog: He sticks out his belly which acts likes a shield and has 500 hp.

You also go into 3rd person, kinda like Rein/Brig.


Ana is hogā€™s biggest counter in the game. yeah you need a teammate to actually secure the kill on him but with both sleep and anti he should be doomed. you in particular shouldnā€™t be the one being killed in spawn in these scenarios since you have sleep to protect yourself with

it sounds like hog is farming your team because your team is disorganized, and not playing well together. this of course isnā€™t your fault its one of the symptoms of role queue and is out of your control.

Supports shouldnā€™t be doing this. Tanks shouldnā€™t be doing that. dps need to do this. Itā€™s like every god damn thing that sets something apart from the very basic thing weā€™ve come to expect is ā€œin need of a reworkā€. Itā€™s not, as long as something is statistically balanced or can be balanced with number changes it should be dealt with that way or left alone.

yeah i see what you mean. but even if i land my sleep dart on him before he hooks me, even with 2 DPS trying to kill him, he still can hook someone while he wakes up and kill someone before he dies.

Revert the changes, give him a passive called ā€œbody guardā€ that activates when an enemy is 15 meters or less from hog, then every team member around you gets 20% damage reduction.

Then he"ll be a good tank.
Remember hog is a punisher for big and close targets, meaning heroes like Doomfist,Hammond & junkrat should fear him.
I believe that adding damage resistance would be helpful considering most of these heroes play around with high damage combos, letting them play close but not too close. so something a bit offensive and a bit deffensive.

Widow just needs ONE-SHOT (not even a combo) to shut down any non-tank hero from the other side of the mapā€¦ Should we nerf her too?

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thing is Widow is not a tank. Sheā€™s designed to be a DPS. not Hog.

Hog is fun he shouldnā€™t be reworked


learn how to counter the easiest ability in the game and you will be fine

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