Hog and Ball Torture should not be welcomed in OW community

Basically, title.
In case you didn’t know hog and ball is at worst not a great tank duo. Pls stop doing that, it’s soft throwing.


It’s only great when the entire team is committed to diving the enemy and only that.

because hog is dive, am I right?


But I do it with my friend a lot and we win pretty often, so no, i won’t stop doing it : D


If I’m solo queueing, I’m not playing shield for you to miss a ton of shots and lose to random stuff when I can just kill them all myself. If my other tank decides to go hog, that’s their problem.

I do what helps me climb, not what helps you feel better. You want a certain tank duo? Queue tank with a friend. Or find 2 tanks. But I’m not playing a hero that relies on YOU to do your job properly, not in solo queue. I’ve also won with ball/hog a surprising amount of times, so it’s definitely possible: it’s not GOOD, but if it works, I don’t care.


If you think you need barriers to win then your positioning sucks.


not barriers, but not 2 tanks who can’t really def their team AT ALL.


A tanks primary job is to make space, not defend their team. Go flankers if you get a comp like this, or mei/reaper: heroes who can survive and push in without a shield better than someone like mcree.


The tank pairing still sucks due to near zero synergy, but getting blown up is still user error.


But I’m a support. I have ball somewhere in enemyes backline and hog trying to flank. I’m facing at least 1 frontline tank with their team behind them.

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Dear diary,

Today I went to the forums to project my will on others. They all laughed at me. Now I must listen to Likin Park songs while loathing the community.


Go Lucio and speed in with ball, or mercy and follow ball, or Brig for better survivability.

Not really. If your tanks suck at giving you space while the enemy has all the space they need then what is your option. Stay in spawn? Ball and Hog is still better than D.Va Zarya or Hog Zarya.

Remember when Mei wasn’t a throw pick and kept Hog Ball from being everywhere?

Hog and Ball torture I-

The duo isn’t that bad. Slam makes hooking targets easier for Hog, but it’s still one of the worst combos.

But hey, if I was forced as a Tank main to play Reinhardt for 10+ seasons I wouldn’t want to play him anymore either.

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There are some specific places where this combo is good. not alot- but they exist.
like lijang towers.
you pick hammond for point and hog to take care of any cc user there.

But yeah, overall horrible combination.
one push in- one stay at place waiting for enemies to come and really really low protection for your team…

IDK mb you all right and Hog and Ball Torture is viable, but in my case those who play this strat are usually terrible tanks. They can’t coordinate with each other and their team. Their playstyle is something 2 leagues below and IDK how, but this apply for silver and bronze too.

wrong. Hog is big puffy fluffy ball and Ball is literal super duper fast ball…they are made for each other and they are super cute…

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The times where satan shutted down and killed every tank in the game with holding M1? Yeah… good that THIS is gone.

Then you wouldn’t have enjoyed Dive back then. It was all about diving, distracting, killing people with coordinated dives.

Hog and Ball are the 2 most fun tanks and whener i touch that cursed role I won’t play any other hero other than those 2.