Hog and Ball Torture should not be welcomed in OW community

Dive tanks still can def their team.

Despite the many arguments here:

I agree Hog and Ball is the worst duo,
and although tanks have a job at making space… I would also like a tank on my team who can properly and reliably peel for me either with a shield, bubble or defence matrix.

If hog had his 1-3-2 cloud then I wouldn’t mind.

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It depends, in Ilios a decent Road+Ball can basically win by themselves.

Umm not really? Sometimes Winston can put a bubble to protect his team from some ultimates but he usually only distracts the enemy team by diving the enemy squishies.

D.va might eat some important cooldowns… For how long? 1,5 sec?

And Ball doesn’t protect at all.

Dva/Zarya is the worst tank duo by far. At least hog/ball can survive by themselves and don’t actively make the others abilities worse.

I’ll respectfully disagree with that.
Zarya has amazing survivability, d.va less so. But their incredible combination of relatively high damage and amazing peeling is nothing to disregard. This usually means i’m never threatened much as a support and can pump some great support in.

As for making each other worse I also disagree. Zarya bubble’s on d.va is practically free charge and their co-peel is awesome. Two very powerful ultimates as well.

I understand why they may feel the weakest to you, but I’d take them over Hog and Ball torture any day


I don’t think it’s as bad as people think. Problem is it’s a Deathmatch comp. You basically are saying to your team that they are on there own and focusing on frags only.

And if the enemy team is coordinated and/or swaps to a sombra to hard counter your ball, you’ve lost your only engagement tool.

It is the absolute worst tank combo but I always give it a chance. But 90% of the time it becomes apparent in the first 2 minutes that it has to change. I play most healers and try to accomodate them but it’s very hard and not worth it most the time

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It really is, because

Don’t. Just don’t.

Why is the responsibility on the tanks to play what you want? If they aren’t shielding you, play something that doesn’t need it

This is a team game after all. You can’t expect the tanks to always do what you want


Where did I ever said anything about shields?

Nowhere. I guess I should ask, what’s the problem with Ball/Hog as a tank combo? I assumed it was because of lack of shields/direct protection

The problem is enemyes can just ignore them and kill their team without them being able to do anything about it.

Why do you think enemies can just ignore them & kill their team? They’re among the most disruptive tanks

Because enemyes can play actual Dive instead of this HBT parody.

dat title

I play ball. Hog should switch he hasn’t got synergy with any tank

Well, hogorisa is still a thing.

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I’d rather leave the game than play her :joy:

This is not your diary, buddy.