H*lldivers 2 vs Overwatch

It’s the best Starship Troopers game you’ll ever play.

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Isnt an actual Starmship Troopers game as well?

There is but it wasn’t great.


I would play the CRAP out of a Starship Troopers mmo. Like an actual one with a storyline lol.

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I was gone for an hour and I caught up on all the post in this thread. And damn it I love the direction. Nom nom nom.

So…lemme get this straight. The community that deems itself “woke” is allowed to redefine any word they want because ‘that’s how language works’ (which is false). But people who redefine “woke” aren’t allowed to?

It says a lot about a community when somebody has issues with them being too nice lmao

I didnt get anything about this neither but yes regardless whatever It was.

Dont mind me im just hungry… Of attention.

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I believe the answer is fairly simple as to why players like to hate on OW.

Like you said, it goes along with knowing what the game could be and being disappointed that it’s not that thing.
At the core, the game is amazing. It’s a fun concept. It doesn’t fall under the normal FPS style games where every character is more or less the same. OW gives unique characters to play that are very different from the other characters.

So what is it that we want the game to be and why is it disappointing that it’s not that thing?

I’d say look at what some of the biggest complaints are that always make the rounds.
The things I see the most often are:

-Games feel like either stomping or getting stomped
-Balancing issues

So why do these problems exist? Unfortunately it has to do with the difference of what the players want and what Blizzard wants.
Players want a fun and fair game.
Blizzard wants money.

I believe Blizzard tries to marry these two things, but the problem is that they will always hold money as the higher priority even if it means sacrificing player fun and fair games.

Why is that games are often stomp or be stomped? This is pretty easy to answer, the only reason this happens is that match making is too broad. Even if you have an entire team that is all in the same rank against another team all in that same rank, there is still difference in skill… though it should be pretty evenly matched.
The problem gets exacerbated when the spread of ranks is broader in the same lobby.
Let’s take the rank with the most player base percentage, Gold.
Someone in Gold can get into games where they have Bronze-Gold in their game.
The very next game they play can be Gold-Diamond.
This is not only a consistency issue from game to game, but it’s probably the biggest cause to having a game where you stomp the enemy team and then go into the next game and get stomped.
In one game, a gold player is easily killing bronze players and it may even feel easy (stomping), the next game, the gold player is out skilled by diamond players. Things that worked against Bronze players are actually still mistakes when playing against a higher skilled player in Diamond. Now the Gold player is getting stomped.
Especially if you are hard stuck in some rank… that’s how much better a higher rank is than you. You can’t get beyond your rank, but they aren’t hard stuck at your same rank and were able to push passed your rank, sometimes even multiple ranks… yet, they are still in your game lobbies.

So from a player’s standpoint, it would be far better to have more narrow match making. Instead of having a spread of 2 ranks in either direction in your games, players would benefit from having only the same rank as themselves in a game.
But, from Blizzard’s standpoint, this is a problem because it means higher queue times. Though this is a problem for players too, as they don’t want higher queue times, I think most players would admit that they’d rather wait 6 minutes in queue if it meant that the quality of their games was more consistent and evenly matched.

Would you rather wait 6 minutes and have good games each time or wait 1-2 minutes and have wildly different matches from game to game?
I’d personally rather only get 3 games in an hour, but have them all feel evenly matched than to have 4-5 games in an hour, but only 2 of those games feel well matched and the other 3 being poorly matched.

Blizzard doesn’t want higher queue times because it makes some players stop playing cause they don’t want to have to wait, so they go play other games. Players leaving the game means less money in Blizzard’s pockets. They’d rather you constantly playing a game, even if it’s a poorly matched game more than half the time.

Balancing issues.
It’s more or less the same as above.
Blizzard wants money, players want fairness.
When Blizzard releases a new character, they are thinking about way more things than balance of the character and gameplay. I’m sure they have an entire team of people that discuss how they can make the most money on Battle passes and skins.
If your main goal was to make as much money each time you release a new character, what is the easiest way to do that. You control who gets the new character upon release by slapping a price tag on it. Sure, one can still acquire the character by grinding the free battle pass, but there is a way around this to increase sales on that character… you make the character OP when they come out.
A new character that looks fun to play, has new abilities and is so over tuned that if you don’t play that character, you lose games.
How does a player combat this issue… they cave in, spend the money and get the character themselves.
It almost always follows the exact same pattern:
New character is released.
After the majority of the sales for battle pass is done (near the end of what most players would finish the free battle pass), then all the sudden Blizzard comes out and gives the usual speech of "we see that [new character] is performing a little too well, so we are making some adjustments so they are not over powered (LifeWeaver might be the only exception to this).
JQ, Mauga, Ramattra, Sojourn, Kiriko, and Illari all came out pretty OP. Some more than others, but none the less, were all very powerful on release. This is on purpose. Even though it messes with balancing and game play, it’s what helps Blizzard with sales on the Battle Pass.

So in short, what players want and what Blizzard wants are conflicting and it most likely won’t ever change because Blizzard will always prioritize money over game play. The only time they won’t is if the game play is so bad that the player base completely drops, which means no more money.
So they always have to have the game play just at the spot where players don’t leave, but they don’t care to make it any better than that.

I agree mostly(I didnt read it all, sorry…), but I feel like part of the reason ow is considered to be so bad is because like you kinda said, blizzard doesnt listen to its players.

All these heros you mention came out broken, and when we asked for nerfs/buffs, either they got overnerfed, or overbuffed, or they didnt get changed really at all (kiriko).

I think part of the reason Heckdivers2 is so good, is because its always different.

Overwatch is essentially the same game everytime I play it, because blizzard refuses to listen to its players and try to balance the game they want. This patch is clear proof of that, as much as I like this patch, nobody wanted it. This is not what anyone asked for, and it shows in the fact that a vast majority of players hate it.

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I don’t think Overwatch is bad, I do find it fun

Why the forums think Overwatch is awful and isn’t fun idk, it seems like they’ll never be happy tbh

And this is always the most funny thing to me, cause if they balanced the game, more people would spend money on it, the two are intertwined, but big companies (not just blizzard), dont know that.

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Fresh, fun, chaotic game more fun than stale game


Blizzard does nothing but listen to its players. OW2 launched basically “lets take all the player feedback and put it into the game”. If we were to list all of major complaint points in OW1 Blizzard basically designed OW2 to address every single one of them.

Then again if you think Helldivers is different then you really must be playing a different game. Every single game felt identical because even the worlds felt identical. If you are not playing with people you know it is a miserable experience and if you are then any experience is a good experience because that is what playing with friends is.

Yeah, sorry. It’s a longer read than I initially intended lol.

Im sorry to hear that, I play alone most of the time and love the game, It always feels different because it is. If you spent too much time on one world, you can go to another, if your sick of one enemy, go kill the other. Even playing with randoms is fun, and that is NEVER fun.

The stratagems and weapons are awesome, but just the vibe you get is great.

Sorry you dont like it tho, maybe you just need to give it more time.

Thats just not true, they listened to a specific type of player, and they got rid of 2cp… and one tank. Those were the highlights of changes.

And when ow2 came out, there were a thousand complaints, and many of those complaints STILL havent been addressed years later. People wanted to pot out of gamemodes, hero bans in comp, game balancing and so on.

Blizzard doesnt listen to anyone, 2cp is the only example I can think of in where they did listen. They added this patch, a patch that legit nobody wanted. Nobody wanted 50 more hp, 20% healing reduction and huge hitboxes. I like this patch and even I know that nobody wanted it.

Nah dont apologize, I just dont have time rn, its mb

I’d disagree with your claim that Blizzard did nothing but listen to it’s players for OW2.

When Blizzard very first announced that it was going from 6v6 to 5v5, not only was this not asked for by the majority of players, but the first announcement was criticized so hard. I’d have to go find the original tweet when it was sent out, but it was nothing but complaints and even streamers were sharing it and talking about how much they disliked the idea.

Granted, it may have worked out in the end, but the decision wasn’t based on what the player community was asking for.

OW2 as a launch was terrible. Besides the expected server issues (which I think are reasonable when a game launches), it had some brutal issues.
Half the maps that were going to be ported over from OW1, weren’t playable, some of which took 6 months to implement into the game.
Not all characters were available to play at launch, more were taken out of comp due to bugs and issues and again, it took months to get them all back in the game.
A large amount of accounts didn’t get all their skins ported over.
A large amount of accounts couldn’t even rank up due to a bug. Even high ranked players winning game after game were still stuck in Bronze.
And the one thing that was promised and asked for more than anything else, PVE was not only not available at launch, but completely abandoned… and then they decided to tell everyone that they weren’t actually going to have PVE 8 months after the game launched… and that they knew this before OW2 even launched.

Blizzard didn’t listen to the players when they made OW2.
OW2 was made to implement a game store to make money and to try and drive players back to their game by announcing that it was a sequel and had some changes to it.
The only thing I can think of that they listened to was to remove most of the CC (which has been slowly been getting put back into the game) and to remove double shield.
All of these changes that players actually wanted, could have all been done in OW1.

You still didn’t answer the question of what “woke culture” is and why the ancients(?) would warm us about it? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Oh idk, maybe the rigged one sided matches you get the next day after a huge win streak on the previous day? What about the cancelled PVE that was promised. Lets not even talk about the cheater problem and the fact that the game might have the worst rage hacker detection system in the industry. Oh and the god awful pay to win monetization that is shoved down our throats. Did I forget the broken rank system? The one that can place GM players in silver lobbies for hundreds of games if they party with any bronze-silver player when doing their placement matches? Hmmm nope, still can’t tell why overwatch 2 is bad in comparison to HD2.

I completely agree.

Was talking to a buddy about this and said “I’m not even big on buying skins and battle passes, but if Blizzard wasn’t so hung up on pleasing their shareholders over their players, I would throw money at these things just to support the game. At least buy a skin and a battle pass each season. Instead, I haven’t bought a single thing since OW2 launched cause I don’t like how Blizzard operates and I don’t think they actually care about their game or their players… at least not as much as they care about hitting billions of dollars in profits.”

I get they are a company and want to make money… but there is a balance and they can clearly make a ton of money and still care about their players. Hell, OW1 made a billion dollars a year after launch… because they made a fun and interesting game. People were willing to spend the money for the entertainment. Now Blizzard just tries to use every corporate suit, mobile game tactic to get money from their players.

Did the majority of the players want reduced Queue Times?

Did the majority of the playerbase not enjoy playing Tanks?

Well I can awnser the first part, the second is up to interpretation

Woke is defined as “enlighted” or “subject to knowledge”

Culture is defined as “what a community agrees on”

Those are iffy definitions, but they are the best I couldget on short notice.

So woke culture is essentially a synonym for an “enlighted community”. The only problem is not everyone believes that this community is actually enlighted, many believe that their vision is fogged.

With the gaming industry, woke culture is when a game puts a “woke” political idea into their game, suicide squad is a good example, many people were mad because wonder woman was the only memeber of the justice league to live, people then exclaimed that this was simply because she was a woman, and that batman should have been the one to live.

This has been seen in other games, and though sometimes its just because a sexist/racist/homophobic person hates a game and tries to find something "woke"in it to call it out, other times though there is undeniablity that a game is trying to be “woke”.

Like in suicide squad, I believe theres a info article you can read about the amazons/wonder woman in the game, and it explains how the amazons are perfect and have gotten rid of toxic traits like “toxic masculinity”, that word is actuall used in this info article.

I remember watching a video that some guy made (forgive me I dont remember the name), about how the amazons reproduced, seeing as they are all women. Well they would go onto nearby fishing ships packed with men, seduce them, and then kill them all once they has been impregnated. and if any boys were born they would kill them too.

The amazons were monsters(not all of them ofc), but suicide squad made it out to seem that they were angels. That is what woke culture is in video games.

Idk if that helped, hopefully it did

Im a strong believer in never buying something unless it changes the game. I have played ow1 and 2 for years, and the only thing I ever bought was the pve.

Same in fortnite and now h*lldivers 2, I havent bought anything.

I much perfer a game that is buy it and get it, I hate this f2p style.

ButI understand some people like to spend money on games, and if only blizzard had a brain, they could not only make so much more money, but could also give more enjoyment for their players.