Hitscan is out of control

Seriously. Nerf Hitscan across the board. It’s oppressive how much hitscan is dominating every game. The only counter as a dps is usually just to play better hitscan.




His shield melts against heroes like Soldier and Ashe.


Agreed hitscan shut down down a lot of the cast.


Just pick dva, I hate her.
if she is good she eats half my bullets and my helix


I hate playing her and also when I play hitscan she’s free ult farm.

Also I can’t pick her when I’m… y’know… queued as DPS.


it depends on the dva player. even if i get a lot of ult charge off her she ruins my plays a lot. Simply matrixing her teammates at the right time can turn a game around. That’s how u counter soldier or ashe. Jumping infront of people getting shoot or hooked by hog for that reason.

Gotta love a good dva player on my team, but against me? Id actually rather get hooked than my bullets constantly not going through.


This is a game want to be competitive, is normal for hitscan to be “oppresive”.

There are some of this heroes have too much easy survivability, the experimental patch is a good idea, but overall they are in right spot, there are even some hitscan need buff.

Shields instead need to continue to be nerfed or even better overhauled, if this game want to be competitive, specially reinhardt.

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There are more ways to be competitive than point and click adventure with Hitscan.

The thing that makes this game interesting is that it’s not just hitscan.

The balance team is taking that away.

It’s just going to become a crappier version of Call of Duty, which is itself a pretty awful game.


Cod isn’t a competitive game, not worth to be talked of him.

Hitscan is the choice for a competitive game.

Sure in overwatch there are others things, but they are mostly casual things to make the game more easy or are things easy to use.

The balance team from 2-2-2 to recoil have done mostly changes to make the game more based on skill, this was the road they needed to pursue from the launch but failed.

There are some exception, not true competitive, but at least need more skill than same things in game.

Like for example in the shields tanks.

We have rein and winston with a easy big no skill one click protection.

Than we have orisa and sigma with a little/medium shield, not moving, need to pointed in the direction of damage more precisely and even on delay.

If Blizzard wanted to do a casual game with a competitive mode they can do it, they have done for years, but they seems to have choiced to make the gameplay too competitive.

They must find a way to insert shields, healing and projectiles hero in a way are more competitive possible.

Hitscan too need some nerf like in survivability when too easy, Widow is a good example, but the damage and rate of fire is in the right spot.

Personally i prefere to see recoil where is possible, to make more heroes aim skill based(tank, dps or healers) but i can understand not all players can adapt to it.

Every season it feels like, every few months there is a meta. Wasn’t soldier pretty weak before his recent patch? I mean the guy hasn’t been viable in forever. Let the guy have his moment. Like always though, and nerf him again. Just give it time.

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If Blizzard really want to make overwatch a competitive game i doubt this time will do any rilevant nerf.

Specially because Soldier is pretty much irrilevant in most of the ranks and even in GM is sixth dps in winrate.

Recoil is a pretty strange choice, for a game was casual oriented for years, other change like 2-2-2, nerf to shields, nerf to cc or easy to use heroes, what they said in august in the AMA.

All this things seems to delineate a precise direction for Blizzard this time.

We must only wait and see if they want to go all the way and make overwatch a good competitive game or keep it casual oriented.

Alternatively, buff D.Va Defense Matrix to 12 meters so she can make hitscan cry from further away. Hitscan were never dominant across the board when D.Va was viable.


Walls and ceilings have infinite hp.
Although I don’t deny hitscan is a little strong simply due to its instant nature.

Arent Soldier and Widow the only good Histcans rn? Soldier isnt even the best Dps

Can someone give me a run down what the story is behind “projectile is trash, let’s start hate on hitscan”?

I really don’t get it and I don’t find any data supporting this


Are we talking about ashe, mcree, soldier and widow or are heroes like ana, bastion and reaper included


I’d rather be against a hitscan (except widow) than against a good Pharah or a Junk spamming the choke or, god forbid, a symm with her spam turrets and also m2 spamming the choke, or a Mei, or… the list goes on. There are more problems with this game than hitscan. If you nerf them so they can’t do anything then it will become even more cheesy than it is already.


Nah, its not even close to what it used to be.

Someone said game balance is in most healthy state ever. I agree.

I presume the story is: Barriers and healing got nerfed and the people who got way too used to the overly safe playstyles those provided are now pissed that hitscans are playable and the game plays more like an FPS.

And I guess another thing is probably people not wanting to admit that Mercy plays a huge role in enabling hitscans,so they’d rather cry for hitscan nerfs.