Higher skillcap mercy?

I think that if you want to increase Mercy’s skill floor you need to get rid of the target healing beam because even though it is a pretty unique and innovative way of healing, it’s simply too easy to apply

As far as I know there hasn’t been a mechanic like this one on any other game either, (medic from tf2 had something similar I think? I think yeah) healing is always a pulse or a wave or a skill on cooldown

Everything else already has a high enough skill floor I’d say

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actually, her skill floor does not concern me too much. what i sugested would primarily affect her ceiling ng i think.

Do you have any idea how wrong this bold phrase is?

no. please inform me!

That’s only 300 healing every 8.5 seconds.

That’s a overall healing of 35 hps

Pretty big hit to what she can do now.


your right. i wanted to think about higher burst healing with a limit, but i see that that limit is too harshhow about it restors at 50 hsp?

I think the point still stands, her beam is just too easy and for a hero’s main weapon to be this straight forward… well… yeah

That’s what I’m saying lol, her kit is already pretty strategical based, some say it was even more before, so the only thing that lacks actual strategy is her beam

With Valkyrie and Resurrect on E, she became less strategic and her skill ceiling and skill floor has decreased significantly since the rework. Also, read this if you want to read a more expansive explanation:

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I’d take it, 'cause her skillcap and floor are basically the same right now. o-o

The rework raised her skill floor already there isn’t too much you can do with her without making her a new character

ok, il look later dont currently have time. keep in mind im not saying she takes no skill. its just that keeping in mind a combination of her mostly undesired current state, and the communities toxic perseption aparently (not. mine) i attempted to come up with something, and id like to review peoples thoughts. keep in mind i know that this needs tweaks even if the general design is sound.

Honestly speaking-

If I wanted to raise mercy’s skill floor, I’d approach her in a way that maintains her functions as is, but leaves opportunities to reward precision to one degree or another.

Imagine is mercy’s beam for example “ramped up” like summmetras beam- but instead of ramping up over time,

It ramped up depending on how curved the beam was.

Give it 3 primary zones.

Zone one, the weakest, is when the beam is tethered, but the target is basically on the far sides of the players screen, or off of it.

Zone 2 would be within a relatively moderate circle of the center of the screen- imagine an area about as big as the circle soldier 76 uses to aim tac visor

Zone 3, would be when mercy’s cross hairs are relatively on the target- and the beam is pretty straight. Imagine the proximity needed to use moiras grasp.

You could rank it from 50, to 55, to 60.

By no means a “nerf” from her current state- with it being a boost in a lot of situations.

A huge perk to mercy is her allowable situational awareness. She can pick a target, then swivel freely and monitor everything

This would trade trade that off a bit- for a reward. With a bigger reward the better you can track your target. Using your tracking to augment your healing, and keeling mental tabs on things around you instead of explicit LoS and visual.

the only thing that lacks actual strategy is her beam

If you play alot of mercy you know you have to make the choice of who to heal and it can be really hard sometimes.
Save as many lives as possible is not as easy as you think it is.
Compare grandmaster players with even diamond ones you can not miss it.

what about moira, you just pee everywhere and spam 360 and you heal 5 peoples :confused: no skills there for heal aim, same with lucio, just an aura around him, zen, you click on someone and the orb does the job. The prob isn’t even the heal in general, but the rez

I agree but application is what I’m talking about, yes there is decision making (more with 50hps) but if you wanna heal someone all you need to take in consideration is if someone else needs it more or not, with every other healer you need to fulfill a requirement on top of choosing who to heal, so in that regard her healing beam is the least mechanical intensive part of her kit and as such if you were to try and increase her skill floor/ceiling you should focus on that part, no?

i disagree i think this single target lock on healing is fine. i just think the healing should be high burst. i think it is partially where the stigma comes from… thd fact that its hold to limitlessly heal. brigette can use her pack and suddenly turn some fights atound suuuper fast. turning a squishy v squishy into something else even if brigete doesnt koin in. that kind of burst can be a great thing and for mercy to do it more consistantly i would llike personally

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Yeah I see what you mean I also want some sort of burst healing for mercy

For me though the best course of action would be to add it onto valk since her main strength is to be a sustained healer, so her being both at the same time all the time is just a bit too much

Mercy is a one star hero, putting her in the same category as Briggette.
No way Blizzard is going to increase her skill Cap!!

Heals for 300 after 5 secs- thats a nerf as it takes an additional 4s for health to increase as opposed to current 1s auto-heal . The rest of the design you suggested is just way to complicate for blizzard to code and not worth it AGAIN for a 1 * hero. Its good food for thought but no way blizz would consider any sort of measures like this

too complicated to code? most of this is already there with diferent settings. the only diference is heal rates and recharch rates and recharge delays. would it really be that difficult?