High School D.Va it is then

It might’ve been fine if KingDva only wants the school girl part, but he kept mentioning that “15 year old” of school girl Dva which made it problematic.

Are you this desperate to be wrong? Let me enlighten you.

This comment was not prompted. You are claiming your “education” on this topic means you are more qualified than me even though we both know your education is woefully inadequate with only a bachelor’s degree. You imply that I am literally ignorant because I didn’t get a throwaway degree like you. That’s laughable.

Only then did I prompt you.

GG kid and goodbye, for real this time.

The condescension is strong :joy:

No. I said that in response to this where you made a ridiculous assumption about why I am annoyed. So I told you why I was annoyed.

At which point you questioned if I had any actual qualifications. It was only then that I reveal that I in fact did.

The first response was a dismissal of ad hominem, and the second was me directly answering your question. At no point did I bring up that I had a BA as a way to substantiate my argument.

Again, Intellectually dishonest to suggest otherwise.

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Nods in Widow