I dont like it. Im one of those guys who looks at the career of other player before the match starts. So i have an overview what my team is able to play and also what the enemie maybe play. That relieves me to choose my hero.
I also like to see if that instant Hanzo pick player is a good Hanzo or just one of those 1000 bad 1.6 K/D Hanzos.
I also like to see if the matchmaking gives me 3 Mercy mains in my team.
I also like to know that i can trust this attack Symmetra because she haves over 40 hours Symm this season and is a Symm main with 70% winrate. i like to now shes not just throwing or a trolling.
Other example. I have a Friend and hes a Mercy main but he can play also some other hereos. If we pay togheter and i see one of our teammates is a Mercy main then i told my friend to switch because im shure the guy with 47 hours Mercy and 30 min other heroes will be not good with another hero
So better for us to let him play this hero.
Yesterday i played a game with a 4 stack, im normally a Hanzo player but we needed a Tank and one of those 4 stack guys already picked Hanzo, so i was going Zarya. After the first round one of those guys wrotes me… Youre not really a Zarya main? And i answered him, not really im a Hanzo player.
After that he was going Zarya and i was going Hanzo and we shaved the enemy team
So the point is… if this profil hiding woldnt be a thing, he would go for Zarya since beginning because he would see im a Hanzo player and we could do mutch better since beginning. After the game he wrotes me again, better your not hiding your profile 
and many other things that are wrong with this feature.
I dont see a pro in this system only contras and Ow feels not the same with this feature.
What do you think about this feature?
And excuse my english 
I like hiding my profile so I don’t have to deal with people calling out my rank or whatever, but they probably shouldn’t have made private as default.
Seeing how the other player profile will not matter to you as you play, I have no problem with anyone wanting to block it. Focus on the game, and less on what ever they have on there.
You provided the solution by the end of your post. Use your mic to ask teammates what they play
Some players will have 400hrs on, say, Hanzo, but would like to ease into playing tank. They practice in QP, but their time on that tank is still nowhere near 400hrs, even if they’re a beast with said tank.
This is why you ask and mention the heroes you’d prefer playing. You don’t need a profile for that.
The problem is on xbox where i play, not that many player are in chat or talk, especially if there are in a group 
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i prefer that they did so people cant isolate those w private profiles and treat them like crap
Are people actually STILL complaining about this?
arent you around the same rank as your teammates tho
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That’s true, I can’t speak to the experience on consoles. On PC it’s basically a non issue
Well people still can do that if they really wanted to.
This is why they also implemented LFG so you can queue up for a specific role, or make your own team.
they sort of can but it’s a lot different when you have most of your teammates with a hidden profile
if it wasn’t the default, it’d be easier to pick out the one person who went out to set it that way themselves, so the quicker assumption people will make is that they just didn’t bother changing it to public
What purpose does this serve? What action do you plan to take on this information? In my experience, most people use it as an excuse to start complaining about the matchmaker, or flaming other players. Both of those reduce the morale of your team, make the experience less enjoyable for your team mates, and increase your chances of losing. If people could just keep their mouth shut, maybe public profiles wouldn’t have been taken away.
But we can’t, we won’t, and they are never coming back. It’s time to move on. Just go use LFG if it matters that much to you.
Well it got me to stop playing the game. I have rather limited time and only care about proper and balanced games. Before the changes I was able to get a rough estimation from profiles about how the game is going to go and by this I was able to dodge games that were clearly unfavored. Dodging these games saved a lot of time and made proper and balanced games much more common.
After the change I gave the whole thing a try and it’s a complete mess. I saw under a dozen players without hidden profiles and most of the games were just steamrolls. Every time I just thought how I could’ve easily dodged these games and had more fun (or at least be less frustrated). In fact I was frustrated enough not to even give the LFG feature try because I just alt+f4’d at the end of third steamroll in a row.
Let’s just hope that next time they pull off something absurd like this that they’ll at least compensate it somehow. Adjusting queue times to be a bit longer so that teams would be more balanced would’ve made this whole patch at least ok. This way the game’s not even worth playing solo until the next event begins.
They added this so people can’t be harassed for their profile. Having a hidden profile means you can play without having to display that winrate. If you desperately need to see a profile, they did implement a LFG system that lets you group with people that fill certain roles.
Why is your profile not public if you think it was a bad move to put private profiles in the game?
Kittens and Hanzo mains will hide their profiles.
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I dont even know profiles are standard on hiden, before the guy told me this 
i keep my profile hidden cus i dont want anyone to feel intimidated by my 87% accuracy on mccree