Hiding profile was a bad move

I rather not be forced to play mercy every single game just cause i have hundreds of hours on her, i can play more then just mercy.


I like private profiles.
I feel as if profiles should still allow that mouseover in the Party screen.

IF you gave the LFG feature a try the games were probably gonna be way more balanced as people would only be playing the right roles for your team meaning 100% more balance the only thing you’d have to worry about is difference in game sense and skill not comp.

I like to point out that some people, for what ever reason feel they can’t play a hero anymore after they change. Take D.va, when some of her changes came through people quit trying. That time of say, 100hours on D.va, could be back from the first few month of the game release, and not the version we play now. This is one of the main reason I feel, profile are worthless for telling us, what they may, or may not play.
This is also the same as I play a ton of arcade, No limit or CTF, and such, and got very good with Moria as I learn her, yet that time does not translate into your profile also.

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I rarely do comp and when I quickplay the game feels the need to pair me with or against master level players.

putting profile to private isnt gonna stop master players coming into your games also its qp no ones gonna go at you for your rank

What one plays and is able to play are very different things. You’d be far better off asking your team and really communicating to understand them then trying to search through everyone’s stats 1 by 1. Doing that could just put you in a situation where say you see a player does healer by far the most, but that’s because they flex or fill at the expense of what they prefer playing. Then you just have the wrong idea about what they can do.

No matter what you may think up, there is no actual reason you need to see people’s profile info. It’s a simple truth.

No, but I have been mocked on several occasions by master level players for being a lowly plat scrub.

Edit: In quickplay

Hello maggi, im magy

Our names are too similar

Private profiles are a good change, they just shouldn’t be private by default. It messes up stat collection, team building, and the new LFG system.

Not going to lie, people like you are definitely why I am considering hiding my profile. If I instalock Hanzo as my most played hero, I have a feeling I know what I am doing, fam. Regardless of whether or not you see that “I am not landing shots.” That is what they all say as I carry them to victory while they are busy watching me in their death cams for half the match. Been there, done that. :slight_smile:

As for the Mercy example, well, that is why this feature exists. So congratulations for forcing change for the better you jackanape. :wink:

You cannot see the pro of this system because you are the pro. :wink:

yuck didn’t like lfg so far

People lied about what they’re good at even with public profiles.

“I’m a junkrat god, trust me it’s a good pick”
checks profile… 30% wr in current comp season, and 40% in qp
calls out player. Now they swap.

I mean, it really would be nice to actually be able to trust people, but there unfortunately have been too many who have abused that trust already.

it’s way better to talk to your team and build a comp together then assume this is the com everyone what to play while others adept to your pick.

Another positive effect, people wouln’t get triggered before the game because of 3 Mercy mains or one tricks :wink:

You now have the tools to weed out these people should you choose. Create a group and state public profiles only.

In my experience, the only people who want public profiles are bullies, braggarts, and the anti-social. If you truly only care about forming a good team, you would creating a group ahead of time. A much easier task now with the LFG system.


According to my profile, my most played hero is Pharah.

Since I’ve been playing the game since beta, this is not really reflective of my current roster. I still play Pharah from time to time, but I have been spending way more time with other heroes these days.

So, by looking at my profile you would assume that she is my best hero. Which is not really accurate.

Making profiles private was a necessary and tangible improvement to the game.


Okay say it with me

Oh you can’t be a dictator anymore? Must suck not being able to tell your team mates what you want them to play.

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I truly, deeply, feel for you. Flaming is hard nowadays. You have to actually spend time playing with people to find out whether they’re competent at something or not, instead of going in with an utterly biased opinion and trying to force your opinion of what they should do upon them.

Why is playing a Symm if you only got a 50% winrate trolling or throwing? :open_mouth:

Honestly, just from what you wrote there: You’re exactly the reason this got changed. You’re the type of player I’d prefer to just be blocked from the game, but since the game needs players to thrive, preventing you from getting bile-fodder as easily is the next best thing, can still always hope for you to go nuclear in chat and get banned over that.

Sorry, but I couldn’t be happier this got changed with comments such as yours being around. :+1: Blizzard, awesome change!