"Hide and rez wasn't a thing"

I’ve seen this so many times. Mercy probably isn’t in a good spot now, she’s unfun to play etc. Bringing back mass rez wouldn’t fix her current state, everyone would hate her really badly. What triggers me are the onessaying “Uh… hide and mass rez wasn’t a thing” . It doesn’t make sensesense at all. HIDE AND REZ was a thing because IT’S THE BEST THING TO DO. Do u use grav when there’s only one enemy? No. Do u use transcendence when only one teammate is low? No. Do u use rez when only one teammate is dead? No. Not hiding and using rez on 1 teammate on an already lost fight (5v6) is just dumb, and I highly doubt it was a thing.


Well that’s her current Rez and she’s still arguably “okay” solely because of it, despite the rest of her kit being garbage


I really find it so messed up that a hanzo/genji/Dva can team wipe solo, why can’t mercy bring her team back then? It’s the same thing in reverse.


Do you honestly think I’m going to stand right there in the middle of my team as the enemy chunks ults at us? Nope! I’m gonna take cover where I’m hidden from their LOS but can still get out some healing.



I didn’t notice every time Hanzo/Genji/D.va press Q the entire enemy team dies 1000% no matter what.

Dam I have been playing the wrong game.


Back to topic, mass ress will never return because damaged the game to much specially in 2 CP maps and on the last point on defense.


It wasn’t an across-the-board thing. But it was absolutely a thing.

Popular Mercy streamers would frequently do it. It wasn’t an unviable tactic that a lot of people participated in. When I played Mercy, I’d be told to go hide with my resurrect.



Depends on the situation

Tempo rez > hide and rez


It depends.

If the enemy is double hitscan deathball there was no reason to hide, because smart positioning would let you get off a solid 3-4 man rez, and you could keep healing.

If the enemy is running full dive (which back in the day was zen-lucio dive), you needed to hide or you’re guaranteed to be the first hero focused down. Discord + Winston + D.Va + Tracer makes for a dead Mercy, no matter how well you position.

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Hide and res is a thing now.
Was thing.
It still exists. Wasn’t the point of the rework to get rid of it tho?

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I was talking about the old resurrect

I got the wrong thing to reply to ;-;

There’s a difference between standing behind cover (or a barrier) for 1.75 seconds, and sitting in spawn on hanamura B for several minutes. As a 400+ hour mercy player, I much prefer the new hiding to the old hiding.


If mercy get caught by grav that mean = 0 rez

If zen get caught by grav that mean = transcendence

So yes mercy required to not participate in the battle to avoid wiping ult so she can rez her teammate after which also required to leave her teammate and find a good hideout which devs didn’t like how main support leave his teammate and go for hiding so they reworked her.


People who say this have no idea what hide and rez actually was. You didn’t hide while you rezzed, you hid before you rezzed. You then waited for your team to die on the point in overtime, glided in, and 5-rezzed your team back to full health for an easy win. Not the same as taking cover during a cast time, that’s what you’re supposed to be doing.


A Mercy with good positioning never gets caught in a grav unless the Zarya flat out solo gravs her as soon as she gets the chance (and still she could GA out of it back then)

Taking cover should not be confused with hiding. A lot of Mercy players still engaged in teamfights, but it’s necessary to take cover when the enemy team uses 4 ultimates and you’re the number one priority target.

Just watch Eevee’s old Mercy match. She never hid, always engaged in fights and only took cover when needed. The problem with old rez is that it was very rewarding to just hide and rez, and it was even more rewarding when they gave her the invulnerability buff.

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So many people don’t understand what the problem with hide a rez was.

She was changed because when she got her ult, she would then hide. It was not to protect herself like the current E does.

No she told people to group up on point and do all die. This here was the problem, the fact Mecry wanted her team to die, the fact she told her team to die so should could use mass rez. The devs said this went against what a healer was meant to do. Which is to keep them alive.

It was also annoying because on last point on capture points. There was no way to kill her, she was safe hiding in spawn.

Please, please watch the dev update on it. Where Jeff very specifically tells you the reason why it was removed. Its not hiding that’s the problem, it was deliberately leaving her team to die that was

This is very different from her E, as she is trying to avoid the enime. Mass rez she was hiding from her own team.


No it’s not the same thing and I wish people would stop making that comparison…

every ultimate in the game only has the potential to do something even when executed perfectly…Maybe you kill many enemies maybe you keep people alive…Maybe you take or maybe you Lose an objective

Mass resurrection even when executed poorly still guaranteed an outcome which was to eliminate anything that had been done in the previous 20 to 30 seconds really…there was no grey area…it either failed or it did its max potential

It’s the only ult that has ever been like this… and it’s the only ult That could counter everything else literally…combinations even…everything


[quote="Nova-13526, post:5, topic:222801
D.va press Q the entire enemy team dies 1000% no matter what.

I can confirm that any time I hit Q, the whole enemy team dies every time


Sure “Hide and Rez” was a thing…

But guess who never seen it in any games they played because they didn’t play comp?

:musical_note::musical_note: F’N ME! :musical_note::musical_note:

Trust me I was more shocked when I heard it was a things because…was it really that hard to counter? You’re in a 5v6 without a main healer…did you really waste your 3-4 offensive ults just to take out a team without big heals?

Then again that’s me and that’s how I always thought of it. I mean the few times I went against an enemy team in Arcade/Custom and they used Mass Rez, never seemed to bother us since we always tried to save at least one offensive ult per fight.

Then again…there was nothing to gain in arcade/custom/bots for “Big Rez” was there?


U just proved my point? Lol

I was referring to the old rez whenwhen i said that

Read the beginning of the thread