"Hide and Rez" - The Double Standard

Omg it drops this evening? I’m so excited <3


I never said it was Overpowered. Same as Mercy’s Ultimate which was so underpowered, the only way to actually impact it was to make Mercy outright invulnerable while using it.

Are you on the design team? What it is or isn’t meant to do is up to the developers and if it is used in a way they don’t like, it will be changed, a la Mercy.

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Except it does, it’s countered by Ana throwing her grenade, so not exactly a difficult counter either.
Mass Rez had no counter other than knowing exactly where Mercy was and shooting the very small very quick target before she tapped Q.

One ability used by a hero that is hardly played now, isnt a counter. Plus, you could always bait the nade before and Mass Rez used to be counterable but it was a trash ult because your main healer would always die getting it off. The only way it worked was with invulnerability. Look at the patch notes. Before she couldnt move while casting (needless to say she would die using it). Then she would still die while moving so they reduced the time it takes to come back to 2.25 seconds down from 3.

Overall, Mercy with “Mass Rez” was a trash tier pick with Mei having a higher pickrate at Diamond+. Only now post rework do we see how tempo rezzing is far superior to mass rezzing.


Lucio taking cover and not healing is way worse than Mercy taking cover and not healing. If Lucio has his ult before he takes cover, he’s leaving his team to die even though he actually has the ability to help them outlive an ult storm, unlike Mercy, whose ult was useless with people alive.

So Lucio taking cover is a lot worse than Mercy doing so. If he does, it’s a guaranteed loss of a team fight. If Mercy does, she’s able to swoop back in and give her team a second chance at that team fight. Which, fyi, could still be lost easily.


Tbh, comboing ults has no counter in 2CP scenarios, as you take the point before the enemy team has returned. Then, you only have to spend some time until the next combo and that’s it. Mass rez countered that. Yes, ult economy countered mass rez, and that was great because that forced the enemy team to play smart and not just brainless.

Anyway, now you can counter mass rez just with Hammond, so I don’t know what the problem would be with mass rez. Weak? Okay, bring Mercy a real E ability, not something unbalanceable and toxic for absolutely everyone. Hide and rez? Okay, in addition to the now existent easy counter, add some tweaks. Counterplay? Already explained. Too op? Doubt so, but in that case, I’m sure it can be tweaked infinitely easier than current design, which has received a ridiculous amount of nerfs, far more than any other character in the game, and still doesn’t work because her design is straigh bad, as it was in the past.

So it’s bad design being careful enough for not being graved while doing my job as a support and not facing an exploding mech with my face? Amazing. Look, if you hate an ability, okay, no problem, but that never required all the worst Mercy’s designs coming back and wrecking the entire game, you know? I hate many abilities in the game like reflect and the 3x blinck, bomb, back combo, and I already hated scatter, but no, I don’t think that the solution is crying a river until Blizz decides to make a huge mistake harming their own game.

Wrong! As an ultimate, it never encouraged people to make mistakes. It allowed her to save and outplayed team just by using her game sense, and usually punishing a stupid player who was clueless about focusing targets when the Mercy was just two steps aside from her team. As an E ability, it’s already an undo button for stupid mistakes, and that’s why almost everyone are complaining about it, Mercy players included, because NOW it’s bad design.

Sorry, but you are completely denial about the fact that mass rez was just an exploit. Even Taimu and Seagull admitted it. They said that “her problem was not a matter of her kit, but of her broken SR system” and that it “only was a bunch of Mercys hiding”. I’m sorry, but a bunch of Mercys are not even the half of them. Seagull was admitting that hide and rez was a thing only for a very tiny minority of players, while the huge majority played tempo rezzes between 2-3 men.

Nope, she hasn’t to revive 5 men, and according to my game experience (since before Ana’s release) huge rezzes were extremely uncommon, way more than huge kills, despite of the supposed better counterplay to them.

Oh, and now, Mercy has not a reason for engaging, she can be far away doing her job from behind a wall, unless she needs to hide for undoing a stupid mistake.

Finally, as I said, you want counters for mass rez? Pick Hammond. Want some more? Tweak it. Will this make her underpowered? Okay, bring her a real E ability. Anyway, valk is a mistake from the past, same as stationary rez and could say current trash healing. None of them should have returned to the game.

Now coming to the present. Let’s suppose mass rez is Mercy’s ult, exactly as it was. Pick Hammond. Mine the corpses. Mass rez countered. The game has changed. Mass rez has obvious counters now.


Reaper does that because he has to, no Reaper main wants that, it’s just his ult is garbage. We’d love for it to be less hide and more seek, but you have no other choice as Reaper, and most times you’re not even rewarded for it.

Again, we wish Reaper was even as close to viable as Mercy is.

This video is basically “Mercy Megathread Echo Chamber, The Video”.
It’s the same arguments that makes no sense, but in video format.

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It’s not wrong, even in the video you posted it states how Reaper has to wait for an opportunity to use his ult and weatch for cooldowns, since it can be easily shut down. She also states how Junkrat needs to hide, but he can use it on point and detonate it on himself if used right, besides that there is counterplay in that you can shoot the tier or kill him while he’s ulting. With mass rez there’s no counterplay and it’s impact is huge, you don’t have to wait for cooldowns, you don’t have to do anything more than what you’ve been doing, just rush in and place one ult with zero counters other than another ult.

It also devalues ult combos because why even use a Zarya ult+ another ult if Mercy can just un do it with one, and then you need ANOTHER one to un-do what she did. That’s 3 ults wasted to Mercy’s 1.

The amount of misconceptions in this video…

People dislike Mercy because she is an easy hero to play but has a huge impact on the game. There are plenty of DPS ults that people find ridiculous such as Junkrat tire which she mentioned several times in the video. The difference between DPS ults that can kill the entire team is that there is usually risk involved. How much risk is there flying in and pressing Q? How often did your team actually kill the Mercy flying in before she got her res off? Even Junkrat (who I don’t like and think should have his ult nerfed) has risk because he loses control of his own character and someone could go kill him.

You cannot use the argument “just kill Mercy first” because it’s not that simple. Did you ever seen pro overwatch during the “hide and res” meta? The best players in the game could hardly do it and you expect an uncoordinated team in ranked to do it.

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Dumb point. Killing yourself is not a good thing and further gives reason to rework Junkrat’s ultimate.

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It’s not, and his ult doesn’t kill himself. It’s still an okay ultimate that’s underpowered, but it still has counterplay.

That giant list also isn’t counterplay, you have to waste another ult to counter hers, the counter to her ultimate is to waste one of yours. So if you’ve used one on an ult that actually requires you do be proactive, like 76’s visor, or Genji’s ult, or Hog’s, she runs in and mass rezzes, that’s not counterplay, that’s straight up reversing a good play, and that’s wasting 2 ults. With Mercy 1.0 she was invulnerable while she did it. Your list means nothing.

Still encourages dying which you’ve already pointed out but let’s just cover that up with the, “it’s underpowered” argument.

they are counters. Maybe try to read better?

No it doesn’t, but keep thinking that.

If the only counter to an ultimate is “lol jus waste ur ultimate bro XD” then it’s not counterplay. People like you are why I’m glad Mercy will never get her mass rez back.

When was this said :thinking: (-by the devs if you’re wondering. Not you).

There, enjoy.

Ummm but it’s fine when Zen does it?


lmao, bringing back mass resurrect with changes is not a revert. If you still think this, Here’s a solution.
Go Back To School.

(jk don’t take last part seriously)

Zen can’t un-do a bunch of ults by just flying in with his ult, and you can still out damage people in his ult. You can also knock him back to kill people in his sphere, or even kill him during his ult if the level is permitting.

It’s not even close to the same thing.

Zen presses Q and negates damage taken by healing a huge amount and means you waste ults…how is it not the same thing

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