Hey, this isn’t an acceptable answer(PS4 voice chat)

For those who don’t know, there’s a bug on PS4 that causes everyone to sound like screeching robot ghosts.

Except everyone sounds like robot demons still. Quieter robot demons, sure. But robot demons none the less.
In short, I don’t think this is acceptable, because in a game about communication, this takes away the communication.
Top billing on the known issues list isn’t really good enough. I’m sorry.
Just fix this. Because I know this is an overused meme of a response, but it basically does make the game pretty unplayable.
This should be a hot fix.


This is the fun of console. Blizz have to submit patches for approval. A hotfix is non-existent, as it’s got to go through sony (in this case) first.

They’ve given a temporary solution because all anyone can do is wait.

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I mean what bothers me is that this was a bug I found two seconds into logging in. Like, I’m not even asking for a lot of playtesting here, just enough to be sure the game is actually functional.

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So is this only on PS4? I wouldn’t know since I only use party chat on Xbox One

20 charactersssss

First day certification passes exist. Blizzard can easily fix this within 24 hours.

Apparently neither the Blizzard nor Sony approval process include any playtesting whatsoever.

Like, not a minute of play.

It’s a pain in the butt, but party chat still works fine. I usually can find 4-5 friends to create a comp group and LFG for the other 1-2 open slots. Once someone jumps in, I switch to game chat and explain to them briefly that game chat is not working properly; then send them an invite to party chat.